817 zoekresultaten voor “her been down te” in de Publieke website
Eline Been
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
e.been@lic.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4472
Jim Been
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.been@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8569
Douwe Beentjes
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
d.g.beentjes@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Breaking & Entering: PAH photodissociation and top-down chemistry
Laboratory, observation and modeling work on the dissociation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in interstellar environments and the formation of new molecular species through the fragmentation process.
Turtles all the way down: multiscale simulations connecting star and planet formation
The formation of stars and planets happens over multiple scales, which can interact. In particular, planet formation happens in the dense, complex environment of star forming regions.
Pushing the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres down to temperate rocky planets in the era of JWST
One of the key discoveries in exoplanet research over the past decade is the abundance of small planets in our Milky Way. Despite their high numbers, our understanding of their atmospheres remains limited, and it is unknown if they possess atmospheres at all.
Was er sprake van dwangarbeid binnen jeugdinstelling De Goede Herder?
Deze week start de civiele rechtszaak tegen de Congregatie van Onze Lieve Vrouw van Liefde van de Goede Herder. In totaal negentien vrouwen, in de leeftijd van 62 tot 91 jaar, willen samen met de stichting voor vrouwenrechten Clara Wichmann via de rechter de erkenning afdwingen dat bij de Goede Herder…
Prijs voor 'Breaking down barriers' project van Afrika-Studiecentrum en Liliane Fonds
Het Liliane Fonds en het Afrika-Studiecentrum van de Universiteit Leiden hebben de Impact Challenge Award 2019 gewonnen voor het project 'Breaking down barriers to exclusion. Building capacity for lobby and advocacy for children with disabilities'. De Impact Challenge Award is een nationale onderscheiding…
Drie sterren in de Volkskrant voor uitvoering Her Tartüff van Jed Wentz en Olga Pasjtsjenko
Op 27 mei was de stomme film Her Tartüff te zien in Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ met de muziekscore samengesteld door Jed Wentz en Olga Pasjtsjenko op piano.
Mythes en de ontwikkeling van heilige stad Benares
Hoe kan de geschiedenis worden achterhaald uit een ongedateerde mythologische tekst van een onbekend auteur? Op deze vraag zal prof.dr. Peter Bisschop aanstaande vrijdag ingaan tijdens zijn oratie getiteld
Investigations of Radiation Pressure: Optical side-band cooling of a trampoline resonator and the effect of superconductivity on the Casimir
This thesis consists of two subjects, that are both a consequence of radiation pressure.
‘The ILLP has been helpful for every human relation I have’
What is leadership? Can it be taught, and if so, how? The International Leiden Leadership Programme (ILLP) helps students find their own style, say ILLP graduate Marko Simovski and his former coach Annah Neve in an interview: 'It’s about you, discovering you.'
Jim Been wint Netspar Best Ph.D. Thesis Award 2015
Jim Been, Universitair Docent bij de Afdeling Economie, heeft 28 januari jongstleden de Netspar Ph.D. Thesis Award in ontvangst mogen nemen voor zijn proefschrift getiteld “Pensions, Retirement, and the Financial Position of the Elderly”.
Pesticides Atlas overhauled in line with European Framework Directive on Water
The Dutch atlas with pesticides concentrations in surface waters have been overhauled. This new, free accessible, website is in line with the European Framework Directive on Water (In Dutch: KRW).
Ethics on the radar: exploring the relevance of ethics support in counterterrorism
What is the current relevance of the ethics of counterterrorism and what is the added value of ethics support within the practice of counterterrorism?
Algorithm selection and configuration for Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum methods for industrial applications
Quantum hardware comes with a different computing paradigm and new ways to tackle applications. Much effort has to be put into understanding how to leverage this technology to give real-world advantages in areas of interest for industries such as combinatorial optimization or machine learning.
When data compression and statistics disagree: two frequentist challenges for the minimum description length principle
Promotor: P.D. Grünwald
Dynamics of coupled quantum systems
Thermodynamics is one of the founding scientific pillars that has helped us better understand heat engines, biology, ecosystems, and even black holes. While it fundamentally describes large systems by examining the bulk behavior of their constituents, it is anchored in the statistical equivalence of…
The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South - INVISIHIST
The main aim of this project is to reveal and unravel the invisible histories of the UN, transcending the dominant Western perspective to recover the historical agency of Global South actors. The research will investigate how the UN has both facilitated and limited their role in shaping global order…
Amerikaans buitenlands beleid en liberalisme
The NWO-funded Vidi project “American foreign policy and liberalism” challenges the idea that the United States has created and sustained a “liberal international order” since World War II. It instead explores the ways in which illiberal ideologies – such as those underpinning racial hierarchy at home…
CDA Limburg kiezers bij de waterschapsverkiezingen op het verkeerde been?
In Nederland doet het CDA onder eigen naam mee bij de aankomende waterschapsverkiezingen,maar in Limburg dient de partij al vijftien jaar geen kieslijsten in en worden de belangen behartigd door negen lokale partijen. Dit om zoveel mogelijk invloed uit te kunnen oefenen bij regionale problemen, zoals…
China’s industrial carbon emissions: Historical drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy targets
Has the industrial sector in China effectively been decarbonizing in recent years, across different regions and subsectors, and is it plausible that it will reduce its CO2 emissions in conformity with national and internationally pledged emission goals?
Hervorming van Sociale Regelgeving
Wat zijn de gevolgen van maatschappelijke trends zoals vergrijzing, individualisering en internationalisering voor regelgeving en instituties op het terrein van sociale zekerheid, pensioenen en de arbeidsmarkt?
Spinning worlds
Promotor: I. A. G. Snellen, Co-promotor: M. A. Kenworthy
Unfolding the principles of genome folding and dynamics in bacteria
Remus Dame
Footprint family: Concepts, classification, integration, and benchmarking against planetary boundaries
How to bring together different footprints into an integrated family and what are the synergies? What are the roles of inventory analysis and characterization in measuring individual footprints and how these affect a footprint family? How to benchmark environmental footprints against related planetary…
Van Vollenhoven Instituut
Het Van Vollenhoven Instituut voor Recht, Bestuur en Samenleving (VVI) is onderdeel van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid.
Unraveling the surface formation of regular and deuterated water in space: a combined laboratory and computational study
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.V.J. Linnartz
Flows of six heavy metals
Can we provide the Dutch government with an integrative framework, wherein the various policies can be placed and the need for further measures can be identified?
Ontwerpen van onderwijs (BKO-module)
Alkynes in Covalent Enzyme Inhibitors: Down the Kinetic Rabbit Hole
Tips & tricks for organising peer feedback
The effects of burying beetle social behaviours on interspecific interactions
This ecological community has long been known to affect host biology, and their diverse roles have been further clarified in recent years following numerous studies of animal:microbiota interactions in diverse systems.
Neutrinos From the Milky Way
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. de Jong
Patiëntbetrokkenheid tijdens crisisbesluitvorming
In dit artikel wordt er gekeken naar hoe patiëntbetrokkenheid tijdens de coronacrisis werd vormgegeven in een academisch ziekenhuis en binnen een regionaal zorgnetwerk.
Beyond Photon Pairs
Promotor: E.R. Eliel, Co-Promotor: M.J.A. de Dood
Interaction with sound for participatory systems and data sonification
This thesis deals with the use of sound in interactions in the context of participatory systems and data sonification. We investigate an interactive environment where participants perceive information of the data through sound elements.
"Manifestatie van Mandaten: Navigeren door Ambiguïteit in Speciale Politieke Missies van de VN"
Hoe worden top-down richtlijnen vertaald en geïmplementeerd op missieniveau in VN-vredesoperaties?
Strategies for the improvement of genome editing in Arabidopsis thaliana
Increasing the efficiency of gene targeting (GT) as a genome editing tool in plants has been an important goal in plant biotechnology.
Sinds 2009 behaalden 84 kandidaten hun doctoraat in Creative en Performing Arts. Op deze pagina een overzicht van ACPA's alumni.
Synthetic peptides, nucleic acids and molecular probes to study ADP-Ribosylation
This thesis presents the first synthetic peptides ADP-ribosylated on serine, threonine, tyrosine, arginine and cysteine.
The Chara plasma membrane system : an ancestral model for plasma membrane transport in plant cells
Multicellular giant algae Chara species have been widely used in physiological studies for decades.
Transport coefficients and low energy excitations of a strongly interacting holographic fluid
In this thesis, classes of strongly interacting quantum field theories, have been studied.
Inferno Worlds
A remarkable population of short period transiting rocky exoplanets with equilibrium temperatures on the order of 2,000 K has recently been discovered.
Synthesis and applications of cell wall glycopolimer fragments from Staphilococci and Enterococci
Carbohydrates are present on the surface of bacteria making them suitable antigen candidates for vaccine development. This thesis deals with the synthesis of two carbohydrate-based components; the capsular polisaccharide of S. aureus type 5 and teichoic acids from staphilococci and enterococci speci…
Phenotypic screening with 3D cell-based assays
Traditional drug discovery approaches have been hampered by (in vitro) cell-culture models that poorly represent the situation in the human body.
Adaptive Streaming Applications: Analysis and Implementation Models
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Deprettere
Molecular engineering of plant development using Agrobacterium-mediated protein translocation
Supervisor: P.J.J. Hooykaas Co-Supervisor: R. Offringa
Bacterial glycomimetics: synthesis and applications
This work has described synthetic strategies towards well-defined structures resembling capsular polysaccharide (CPS) fragments, CPS mimics, teichoic acid (TA) fragments as well as a third-generation ring-closing tandem metathesis (RCM) linker to better exploit the potential of automated synthesis.
- Thesis Lab: "The Source Course" (3 ECTS)