574 zoekresultaten voor “dark energy” in de Publieke website
Weighing the Dark: Cosmological Applications of Gravitational Lensing
Promotor: K. Kuijken, Co-Promotor: H. Hoekstra
Probing Gravity at Cosmic Scales
The theoretical explanation of cosmic acceleration is nowadays one of the biggest puzzles in cosmology.
Enlightening the Primordial Dark Ages
This thesis is dedicated to the exploration of the primordial dark ages: unknown physics during the earliest stages of the Universe’s expansion that have not yet been directly probed by observations. Cosmic inflation is a burst of exponential expansion of space after the “Big Bang”.
Galactic substructures as tracers of dark matter and stellar evolution
One of the most important puzzles in modern astrophysics is the nature of dark matter.
Exploring the Edge
At the largest scales, two ingredients dictate the distribution of matter in the Universe. The first is dark matter, acting as an invisible scaffolding held together by gravitational forces.
Hunting dark matter with X-rays
Promotor: A. Achúcarro Co-promotor: A. Boyarsky
The galaxy–dark matter connection: a KiDS study
In this thesis, the research focuses on the properties of dark matter and dark matter haloes and how they connect with the galaxies we can observe in the Universe.
Probing the properties of dark matter particles with astrophysical observations
It is an established fact that the Standard Model has to be extended to explain the so-called Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) phenomena: dark matter, matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe and neutrino flavour oscillations.
On the Emergence of the Energy Transition
The energy system is at the heart of two of the greatest challenges of the 21st century: decreasing CO2 emissions to meet the ambitions of the Paris agreement while fulfilling the growing energy demand associated with the economic aspirations of a growing world population.
Aspects of cosmic acceleration
The focus of the dissertation
Lights in a sea of darkness: constraining the nature and properties of dark matter using the stellar kinematics in the centres of ultra-faint dwarf
Dark matter is one of the biggest mysteries of the Universe. Its properties cannot be explained with the known laws of physics and elementary particles.
Dark ice chemistry in interstellar clouds
This thesis is largely an experimental study on the formation of solid-state simple and complex organic molecules in the H2O-rich and CO-rich ice phases of dense interstellar clouds and dark cores.
Probing the darkness: the link between baryons and dark matter
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Schaye, Co-promotor: Marcello Cacciato
Studying dark matter using weak gravitational lensing : from galaxies to the cosmic web
Of all the mass in our Universe, 80% is thought to consist of a hypothetical and invisible substance called dark matter (DM).
Unveiling dark structures with accurate weak lensing
Improvements of weak gravitational lensing shape measurements are presented and some used for data analysis.
Analysis of Energy Systems
The Institute of Environmental Sciences has carried out and participates in several projects that deal with the analysis of energy systems.
Coherent dynamics in solar energy transduction
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
De donkere kant van het universum ophelderen
Het moet er zijn, alleen kunnen we het niet zien: de raadselachtige donkere materie en donkere energie in het heelal. Henk Hoekstra is een van de vele kosmologen die dolgraag, willen weten waar deze substanties precies uit bestaan. Hij kreeg er een Europese onderzoekssubsidie van 1,3 miljoen euro vo…
Gravitational waves through the cosmic web
The first direct detection of gravitational waves opened the possibility of mapping the Universe via this new and independent messenger.
Withstanding the cold: energy feedback in simulations of galaxies that include a cold interstellar medium
Understanding how galaxies form, interact, and evolve comes largely from comparing theory predictions with observational data. Numerical simulations of galaxies provide the most accurate approach to testing the theory, as they follow the non-linear evolution of gas and dark matter in great detail and…
Material constraints of selected energy pathways
Examining if large scale application of new energy pathways can be constrained by materials and emissions.
Temporalities of energy justice: Changing justice conceptions in Dutch energy policy between 1974 and 2022
Dit artikel beschrijft dat het gebruik van het concept van energierechtvaardigheid nieuw is, hoewel interpretaties al lang deel uitmaken van het energiebeleid.
Criminaliteit voorspellen in forumnetwerken op het dark web
In dit project gebruiken we sociale netwerkanalyse om het gedrag van gebruikers op online fora en bijbehorende marktplaatsen in de tijd te analyseren.
The material side of the energy transition: analyzing flows and stocks of critical and other metals
The expanding population and economic activity are driving up global energy consumption. Simultaneously, there is an urgent need to transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources to mitigate the climate crisis, primarily caused by fossil fuel combustion.
Towards circular and energy-efficient management of building stock
Material circularity and energy efficiency are highly relevant and intertwined issues for the transition towards a carbon-neutral and circular built environment. In the Netherlands, the building sector has been rendered a priority towards a circular and low-carbon society.
Biomimetic Copper Complexes for Energy Conversion Reactions
Probing molecular layers with low-energy electrons
Molecular materials have been a subject of interest in fundamental research and applications for decades, and have been studied as bulk crystals, (thin) films and as individual molecules, due to the large variety in their properties. This dissertation explores pentacene crystals near the two-dimensional…
Latency, Energy, and Schedulability of Real-Time Embedded Systems
Systems are called real-time systems, if the correctness of the system does not only depend on the correctness of the system output but also on whether the output is delivered on time.
ERC Advanced Grant voor onderzoek naar donkere materie
Donkere materie. Onzichtbaar spul wat volgens berekeningen zo’n 85% van de materie in het heelal omvat. Met een ERC Advanced Grant van 2.5 miljoen euro gaat Hoogleraar Observationele Kosmologie Henk Hoekstra nog preciezer in kaart brengen waar deze donkere materie zich bevindt.
Silicon pore optics for high-energy optical systems
This thesis examines silicon pore optics (SPO), a technology that exploits silicon wafers from the semiconductor industry to create extremely high quality X-ray optics, by studying its manufacturing process, applications, and prospects.
The role of the tumor suppressor Lkb1 in energy homeostasis
The work in this thesis describes the fundamental role of Lkb1 as a conductor of metabolism-related processes in zebrafish larvae.
Low energy electron transmission through layered materials and chiral organic films
In this Ph.D. thesis we study the interaction of low energy electrons with thin materials, namely layered materials (graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide) and organic films. At these low energies the quantum mechanical wavelength of the electron wave function is in the order of a…
Into the Darkness: Forging a Stable Path Through the Gravitational Landscape
In this thesis we study the landscape of gravitational models which modify GR by introducing an additional scalar degree of freedom (d.o.f.) to source Cosmic Acceleration.
Environmental assessment and guidance for the future offshore wind energy development
This thesis aims to address offshore wind energy (OWE)-related environmental impacts.
Low-Energy Electron Microscopy on Two-Dimensional Systems: Growth, Potentiometry and Band Structure Mapping
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.M. van Ruitenbeek, Prof.dr. R.M. Tromp
Superlattices in van der Waals materials: A Low-Energy Electron Microscopy study
n this PhD thesis, the recombination of different atomic lattices in stacked 2D materials such as twisted bilayer graphene is studied. Using the different possibilities of Low-Energy Electron Microscopy (LEEM), the domain forming between the two atomic layers with small differences is studied.
Transport coefficients and low energy excitations of a strongly interacting holographic fluid
In this thesis, classes of strongly interacting quantum field theories, have been studied.
Life Cycle Assessment-Based Guidance for development of New Energy Technologies
The development of new environmentally sound technologies is seen as a key route towards achieving sustainability.
Automated machine learning for dynamic energy management using time-series data
Time-series forecasting through modelling sequences of temporally dependent observations has many industrial and scientific applications. While machine learning models have been widely used to create time-series forecasting models, creating efficient and performant time-series forecasting models is…
The energy and material related impacts of the transition towards low-carbon heating: a case study of the Netherlands
This dissertation investigates the energy and material related impacts of the transition towards a low-carbon heating system in the Netherlands, in the context of its 2050 climate and circular economy policy goals.
Surface Reactivity of Activated CO2 Selective use of energy in splitting CO2
up changed: Assessing the value of social conflict on onshore wind energy in transforming institutions in the Netherlands
In dit artikel onderzochten Annemiek de Looze en Eefje Cuppen empirisch of en hoe sociaal conflict leidt tot institutionele verandering.
‘Standing Room Only’ at eLaw’s CPDP Panel on 'Dark Patterns and Data-Driven Manipulation'
With the conference circuit slowly reopening after Covid forced almost all academic interactions online, thousands of conference attendees descended on Brussels for Europe’s largest technology conference. eLaw’s annual sponsorship of one of the many CPDP conference panels brought a diverse range of…
machine learning algorithm for prediction and generation of High-Energy Physics data
De huidige en toekomstige quantumcomputers vormen dezelfde uitdaging als de laser in zijn begindagen. In theorie werd voorspeld dat de laser een bron van zeer speciaal, zeer krachtig licht zou zijn. Maar in die tijd waren er geen duidelijke toepassingen voor. Critici van het idee noemden het een probleem…
Prof.dr. Gert Jan Kramer benoemd tot hoogleraar Sustainable Energy
Prof.dr. Gert Jan Kramer is bij de Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen in deeltijd benoemd tot hoogleraar Sustainable Energy. Kramer is en blijft daarnaast manager Energy Futures bij Shell. Tot zijn aantreden in Leiden was Kramer hoogleraar bij de TU Eindhoven.
Leidse astronomen leggen het universum uit in onderwijsvideo's
Een elastische doek over een kom die de ruimte voorstelt, een knikker die op het oppervlak een kuiltje veroorzaakt en zo de ruimte vervormt. Eenvoudige klasexperimenten zoals deze zijn te zien in nieuwe educatieve video's van AstroEDU. In de video's leggen de Leidse astronomen Maria Cristina Fortuna…
Beyond random and forbidden interactions : how optimizing energy gain results in morphological matching among subalpine Asteraceae and their
Plants and their pollinators form complex interaction networks. Within these networks, species differ widely in the number of species they interact with.
Energy Survival Guide van prof. Jo Hermans
De Energie survival gids van prof. Jo Hermans is nu ook in het Engels beschikbaar en bovendien is het boek volledig geüpdated. De Energy Survival Guide is een compacte en betrouwbare bron van informatie voor iedereen die op zoek is naar adviezen over de toekomst van de wereldwijde energievoorziening…
The connection between mass and light in galaxy clusters
Promotor: Koen Kuijken Co-promotor: Henk Hoekstra
Data-analyse van kinderpornofora op het dark web om te strijden tegen misbruik
Veruit de meeste gebruikers van netwerken van seksueel kindermisbruik, oftewel kinderpornofora, op het dark web communiceren daar niet actief, maar downloaden wel illegaal materiaal. Ze plegen daarmee strafbare feiten. Toch blijven ze vaak buiten zicht van politie en justitie. Promovendus Madeleine…