508 zoekresultaten voor “theory” in de Publieke website
Probability theory
Het onderzoeksprogramma Probability Theory richt zich op kansrekening en op operationeel onderzoek.
Compressed Σ-Protocol Theory
In analogy to mathematical proofs, the goal of a proof system is for a prover to convince a verifier of the correctness of a claim.
- Aflevering 44: Theory of Mind
Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory
Het onderzoek binnen het Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory programma varieert van fundamentele wiskundige theorie tot algoritmes en toepassingen.
Mersenne primes and class field theory
Promotor: H.W. Lenstra, Jr., Co-promotor: B. de Smit
Modular curves, Arakelov theory, algorithmic applications
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, Co-promotor: R.S. de Jong
Kummer theory for commutative algebraic groups
This dissertation is a collection of four research articles devoted to the study of Kummer theory for commutative algebraic groups.
Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory (MSc)
In de masterspecialisatie Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory verbreed je je kennis van de zuivere wiskunde met onderwerpen als getaltheorie, algebraïsche meetkunde, algebraïsche topologie en cryptologie.
Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory (MA)
De masteropleiding Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory van de Universiteit Leiden richt zich op de studie van literatuur vanuit een vergelijkend en theoretisch perspectief, en onderzoekt de literatuur van een breed spectrum van talen en culturen uit de hele wereld.
On cluster algebras and topological string theory
My PhD research is devoted to studies of the conjectural cluster-algebraic symmetry in the theory of topological string, which is the simplest, however already non-trivial sector in the theory of string.
Political Theory: Legitimacy and Justice (MSc)
In deze masterspecialisatie houd je je bezig met twee kernthema’s in de politieke filosofie: legitimiteit en rechtvaardigheid. Je verdiept je in theoriën, methoden en complexe casus en maakt de stap van opinie naar analyse.
Online Course Terrorism & Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory & Practice
This six-weeks online course delves into the research behind terrorism as it unpacks the assumptions and impacts of both terrorism and counterterrorism.
Many Babies 2: "Theory of mind"
In deze studie onderzoeken we of 2-3-jarigen in staat zijn te anticiperen op het gedrag van een personage door rekening te houden met wat dit personage wel of niet weet over de situatie. Het kind zit op schoot en krijgt animaties te zien met twee personages, waarbij de ene zich verstopt en de andere…
Deciphering fermionic matter: from holography to field theory
Promotor: K.E. Schalm, Co-promotor: S.S. Lee
Advances in computational methods for Quantum Field Theory calculations
In this work we describe three methods to improve the performance of Quantum Field Theory calculations.
The Importance of Conspiracy Theory in Extremist Ideology and Propaganda
Op 16 april 2020 verdedigde Andrew Fink zijn proefschrift 'The Importance of Conspiracy Theory in Extremist Ideology and Propaganda'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. A. Ellian.
Statistical physics and information theory for systems with local constraints
Systems with local constraints is a new finding in recent researches on complex systems. The heterogeneous spatial interactions and the temporal dependencies among those numerous units make it difficult to describe by traditional statistical physics.
Boundary extensions of symmetric spaces in equivariant KK-theory
In this thesis we construct an extension associated with the Furstenberg compactification of symmetric space of noncompact type. From this extension we get a cycle in equivariant KK-theory representing the extension. The construction of the extension and the corresponding cycle is a generalization of…
Novel approaches for direct exoplanet imaging: theory, simulations and experiments
The next generation of high-contrast imaging instruments on space-based observatories requires sophisticated wavefront sensing and control in addition to a high-performance coronagraph.
Femke Bakker, Hawks and Doves: Democratic Peace Theory Revisited
Femke Bakker, Hawks and Doves: Democratic Peace Theory Revisited
Applied String Theory: Explaining Quantum Matter with Black Holes
Hoe kunnen we de mysteries van quantummaterie verklaren?
Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies: Comparing Theory and Practice
Professor Edwin Bakker, directeur van het Centrum voor Terrorisme & Contraterrorisme heeft zijn nieuwe boek getiteld 'Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies: Comparing Theory and Practice' bij Leiden University Press uitgebracht.
On the random-matrix theory of Majorana fermions in topological superconductors
The thesis mainly contributes to the characterization of Majorana fermions as they appear in the Condensed Matter context.
Non-linear astrochemical kinetics: theory and applications
This Thesis shows discoveries in non-linear astrochemical kinetics as well as a deeper analysis of dark clouds chemistry.
Geometric quadratic Chabauty and other topics in number theory
This thesis is is made of three parts. The first part describes a generalization of the Chabauty's method, that can be used to determine the rational points of a curve such that s+g>r+1, where g is the genusof the curve, r is the rank of the Mordell-Weil group of the jacobian of the curve and s is…
Nieuw Boek: Theory and Practice of Public Sector Reform
Het boek biedt verschillende theoretische perspectieven om het proces van publieke sector hervormingen te onderzoeken. Daarnaast geeft het een overzicht van de belangrijkste trends in publieke sector hervormingen in Europa en de Verenigde Staten.
Theory-enriched practical knowledge in mathematics teacher education
Het onderzoek gaat over de vraag op welke wijze en op welk niveau studenten van de opleiding voor leraar basisonderwijs theorie en praktijk kunnen integreren en hoe de inrichting van hun leeromgeving, toegespitst op het vak rekenen-wiskunde en didactiek, daaraan kan bijdragen.
Cognitive enhancement: Toward the integration of theory and practice
Cognitive enhancement is het gebruik van elke methode of techniek met als doel het verbeteren van cognitieve prestaties.
Gauge theory and nematic order : the rich landscape of orientational phase transition
Promotor: J. Zaanen
Exploring Justice in Extreme Cases: Criminal Law Theory and International Criminal Law
Op 12 mei 2020 verdedigde Darryl Robinson zijn proefschrift 'Exploring Justice in Extreme Cases: Criminal Law Theory and International Criminal Law'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. C. Stahn.
Into the ether or the state? Legibility theory and the cryptocurrency markets
In dit artikel presenteren Kellerman en Seddon een nieuw conceptueel kader waarin het concept van marktleesbaarheid centraal staat.
Safe anytime-valid inference: from theory to implementation in psychiatry research
Classical statistical methods, such as p-values, are difficult for researchers to apply correctly. They for example do not allow drawing conclusions from a study early, or for extending a study with extra research groups that want to make their data available later.
Focal-plane wavefront sensors for direct exoplanet imaging: Theory, simulations and on-sky demonstrations
One of the key limitations of the direct imaging of exoplanets at small angular separations are quasi-static speckles that originate from evolving non-common path aberrations (NCPA) to which the primary adaptive optics system is inherently blind. The main focus of this thesis is the development and…
On the nature of the right to resist: a rights-based theory of the ius resistendi in liberal democracies
Op 7 september verdedigde Francesc Claret Traid het proefschrift 'On the nature of the right to resist: a rights-based theory of the ius resistendi in liberal democracies'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door Afshin Ellian en Gelijn Molier.
Spinoza's Theory of Religion: The Importance of Religion in Spinoza's Thought and Its Implications for State and Society
Op 23 oktober 2019 verdedigde Yoram Stein zijn proefschrift 'Spinoza's Theory of Religion: The Importance of Religion in Spinoza's Thought and Its Implications for State and Society'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. P.B. Cliteur en prof.dr. A.A.M. Kinneging.
Investment Treaty Tribunals: The Partial Revival of the Localisation Theory
Op 19 december 2019 verdedigde Reza Eftekhar zijn proefschrift 'The Role of the Domestic Law of the Host State in Determining the ratione materiae Jurisdiction of Investment Treaty Tribunals: The Partial Revival of the Localisation Theory'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. E.…
Decompositions in algebra
We show that Kirchhoff ’s law of conservation holds for non-commutative graph flows if and only if the graph is planar. We generalize the theory of (Euclidean) lattices to infinite dimension and consider the ring of algebraic integers as such a lattice.
Nuclear Quantum Effects in Solid Water
Ice, the solid state of water, plays an important role on our planet as well as the entire universe.Despite the fact that an individual water molecule has a very simple structure, its chemical bonding in the solid phase can be surprisingly complex.
Explicit Computation of the Height of a Gross-Schoen Cycle
Arithmetic geometry concerns the number-theoretic properties of geometric objects defined by polynomials. Mathematicians are interested in the rational solutions to these geometric objects.
Vincenzo Vitelli benoemd tot hoogleraar Theory of Condensed Matter
Vincenzo Vitelli is per 1 juni 215 benoemd tot hoogleraar Theory of Condensed Matter.
Division points in arithmetic
This thesis consists of three chapters, the first two of which concern division points of elements of the multiplicative group of a number field.
Enumerative arithmetic
This thesis consists of three chapters. Each chapter is on a different subject. However, all three chapters address issues that arise in counting arithmetically interesting objects.
Freedom of additional signals on genes: on the combination of DNA mechanics, genetics and translation speed
DNA carries various forms of information. Out of these forms of information the most well-known is classical genetic information.
Metastability for low-temperature Kawasaki dynamics with two types of particles
Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander, Co-promotor: F.R. Nardi
Motivic invariants of character stacks
This thesis studies the geometry of representation varieties and character stacks. These are spaces parametrizing the representations of a finitely generated group, typically the fundamental group of a compact manifold, into an algebraic group G.
Transport coefficients and low energy excitations of a strongly interacting holographic fluid
In this thesis, classes of strongly interacting quantum field theories, have been studied.
Jelle But, Demy Jongkind en Wim Voermans publiceren in The Theory and Practice of Legislation
In het nieuwste nummer van het blad ‘The Theory and Practice of Legislation’ staat een bijdrage van Jelle But, Demy Jongkind en Wim Voermans.
Boeklancering: Edwin Bakker - Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies: Comparing Theory and Practice
Professor Edwin Bakker, directeur van het Centrum voor Terrorisme & Contraterrorisme heeft zijn nieuwe boek getiteld 'Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies: Comparing Theory and Practice' bij Leiden University Press uitgebracht.
Spectral signatures of breaking of ensemble equivalence
This thesis explores Breaking of Ensemble Equivalence (BEE) in random graph models by examining the spectral properties of adjacency matrices. The goal is to identify spectral characteristics that differentiate random graph ensembles, enhancing the understanding of complex network structures and beh…
In Between Digital War and Peace
In this article, Jasmijn Boeken, explores in which ways the defining characteristics of the different zones can be found in the digital sphere.