367 zoekresultaten voor “individual verschillende” in de Publieke website
Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID)
Waarom zijn niet alle kinderen even gevoelig voor variaties in hun sociale omgeving?
Individual teacher learning in a context of collaboration in teams
In dit proefschrift staat het leren van ervaren docenten in een context van samenwerking in interdisciplinaire teams centraal.
The influence of an improved school library and individual feedback on reading motivation
Voluntary return and the limits of individual responsibility in the EU Returns Directive
Op 10 februari 2022 verdedigde Christian Mommers het proefschrift 'Voluntary return and the limits of individual responsibility in the EU Returns Directive'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.dr. P.R. Rodrigues en prof.dr. P. Boeles.
Wat is het verschil in mensbeeld tussen Aristoteles en Thomas Hobbes, bezien vanuit de tegengestelde waarden van hiërarchie versus gelijkheid
Wij modernen beroemen ons erop dat wij het eindproduct zijn van een voortgang en wordingsproces die haar geboortestonde in het antieke Griekenland heeft gekend.
Developmental changes and individual differences in trust and reciprocity in adolescence
Vertrouwen en wederkerigheid zijn twee belangrijke sociale gedragingen die adolescenten helpen zich op een succesvolle manier door hun sociale wereld te begeven. In hun artikel in Journal of Research on Adolescence beschrijven Van de Groep, Meuwese, Zanolie, Güroğlu en Crone de ontwikkeling van vertrouwen…
The individual level effect of symbolic representation: An experimental study on teacher-student gender congruence and students’ perceived abilities
Onderzoek naar representatieve bureaucratie heeft vaak de positieve prestatie-effecten bevestigd van bureaucratieën die de demografische kenmerken van hun cliënten weerspiegelen. Er is echter weinig bekend over de onderliggende mechanismen op individueel niveau die tot deze resultaten leiden.
LUMC-onderwijsprijs voor Sandra van Dijk & Co met 'The Older Individual’
Het nog jonge onderwijsblok 'The Older Individual' is door de studenten verkozen tot beste onderwijsblok van de masterspecialisatie Vitality & Ageing in Leiden. De LUMC-onderwijsprijs is voor gezondheidspsycholoog Sandra van Dijk en haar collega's.
Orion's Dragon and Other Stories
Stellar feedback is a crucial ingredient in the evolution of galaxies.
Bolvormige mozaïeken van verschillende tegels
Wat zijn de defecten en mechanische eigenschappen van de mozaïeken van verschillende tegelvormen?
Hinke Endedijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
h.m.endedijk@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1435
Spatial populations with seed-bank
In populations with a seed-bank, individuals can temporarily become dormant and refrain from reproduction until they can become active again. The repository of all dormant individuals in the population is called the seed-bank. Seed-banks are observed in many taxa, including plants, bacteria and other…
Sociaaleconomische verschillen in gezondheidsgedrag en het nastreven van dagelijkse doelen
Kunnen sociaaleconomische verschillen in gezondheidsgedrag worden verklaard door concurrerende doelen en eisen in het dagelijks leven, zoals gezondheidszorgen die concurreren met financiële zorgen?
Does knowledge of environmental performance change farmer's behaviour?
Does knowledge of environmental performance change farmer's behaviour?
The quantification of growth hormone secretion : application of model-informed drug development in acromegaly
Growth hormone profiles are pulsatile and highly variable between individuals, limiting the implementation of mathemathical models to quantify an individual's secretion.
Single-molecule microscopy in zebrafish embryos
Single-Molecule Microscopy (SMM) techniques constitute a group of powerful imaging tools that enable researchers to study the dynamic behavior of individual molecules.
Optimizing antifungal treatment through pharmacometrics: dosing considerations to enhance outcome
Fungal infections pose a significant threat to individuals with compromised immune systems and despite advancements in diagnosis and treatment, they continue to jeopardize patient’s health.
Toxicity, bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of engineered nanoparticles in the aquatic environment
The findings in this thesis improve the understanding of 1) the relationship between exposure characteristics and toxicity of ENPs, 2) the joint toxic action of ENP mixtures and the comparison to metal salt mixtures, 3) how NOM affects the individual and joint toxicity of ENPs, 4) the extent of trophic…
spFRET studies of nucleosome dynamics modulated by histone modifications, histone variants and neighboring nucleosomes
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Schmidt, Co-Promotor: S.J.T. van Noort
Wilma Resing
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
resing@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Ineke van der Ham
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.j.m.van.der.ham@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6746
Effects of the early social environment on song and preference learning in zebra finches
Songbirds as vocal learners learn their songs and song preference from social tutors. Tutor choice for both song and preference learning are important to characterize for understanding individual learning performance and cultural transmission of song.
Engagement of citizens and public professionals in the co-production of public services
The idea of citizens and public professionals collaborating to provide public services has widely spread in several countries around the globe. Co-production is often presented as the go-to solution for challenges like a legitimacy crisis of both the government and the market, and financial concerns.…
Optical properties of DNA-hosted silver clusters
Promotor: D. Bouwmeester, Co-promotor: D. Kraft
Geometry and Topology in Active and Driven Systems
The key characteristic of active matter is the motion of an emergent collection (such as a flock of birds), which is driven by the consumption of energy by its active components (i.e. individual birds).
Visualization of Vitamin A Metabolism
Vitamin A or retinol is essential in embryonic development, the visual cycle and the immune system.
Machine learning-based NO2 estimation from seagoing ships using TROPOMI/S5P satellite data
The marine shipping industry is one of the strongest emitters of nitrogen oxides (NOx), a pollutant detrimental to ecology and human health. Over the last 20 years, the pollution produced by power plants, the industry sector, and cars has been decreasing.
Manipulating carbon nanotubes Towards the application as novel field emission sources
Promotores: T.H. Oosterkamp, N. de Jonge
Social Distance in International Relations
Dit project bestudeert sociale afstand - de mate van begrip tussen mensen - in relatie tot het buitenlands beleid van staten. Geeft sociale afstand vorm aan politieke vooroordelen, hulpverhalen en, uiteindelijk, de prioriteiten en beslissingen van het buitenlands beleid van een staat?
Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer in High-Risk Individuals
Empirical signatures of universality, hierarchy and clustering in culture
In this thesis,
Sound Investigation: Effects of noise on marine animals across trophic levels
Anthropogenic noise has been shown to affect marine animals in various ways, this may have fitness consequences at individual and population level. This thesis aims to increase insight into the quantification of sound-induced behavioural responses that are relevant to fitness, and into factors that…
On the Emergence of the Energy Transition
The energy system is at the heart of two of the greatest challenges of the 21st century: decreasing CO2 emissions to meet the ambitions of the Paris agreement while fulfilling the growing energy demand associated with the economic aspirations of a growing world population.
Pesticides and health – challenges and opportunities for exposure assessment
The aim is to develop methods to assess environmental and occupational exposure to (individual) pesticides, to be applied in epidemiological studies investigating pesticide exposure and human health. Furthermore, we aim to investigate the potential association between exposure to pesticides and Parkinson’s…
Language variation at home and abroad: the case of P'urhepecha in Mexico and its US diaspora
By documenting lexical and morpho-syntactic patterns among P’urhepecha speakers in Mexico and the US diaspora, this project will investigate the sources of language variation. The ensuing online dialect atlas will serve as an online resource for speakers, learners and researchers of the language.
Social support at work and at home: Dual-buffering effects in the work-family conflict process
Dr. Helen Pluut heeft een artikel gepubliceerd in het gerenommeerde tijdschrift Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP). Dit in samenwerking met Remus Ilies (National University of Singapore), Petru Curşeu (Open Universiteit en Babeş-Bolyai University) en Yukun Liu (University of…
professionele leergemeenschappen over differentiatie op basis van cognitieve verschillen tussen leerlingen
Welke relatie bestaat er tussen verschillende type PLGs en cognitieve differentiatie?
De Universiteit Leiden biedt een specifieke masteropleiding die kolonialisme en slavernij behandelt.
Statistical learning for complex data to enable precision medicine strategies
Explaining treatment response variability between and within patients can support treatment and dosing optimization, to improve treatment of individual patients.
Imperfections: using defects to program designer matter
Errors are everywhere, and mechanical failures are especially common: buckled grain silos and cracked support columns are, justly, seen as an issue to be avoided.
Adjuvanted nanoparticulate seasonal influenza vaccines
Promotor: W. Jiskoot, Co-promotor: A. Kros
Colorectal cancer screening for average- and high-risk individuals Beyond one-size-fits-all
Data Protection Law applied to AI: Unveiling the Legal Problems for Individuals
Realising the right to reproduce with assistance in South Africa
Op 10 november 2021 verdedigde Carmel van Niekerk-Jacobs het proefschrift 'Realising the right to reproduce with assistance in South Africa'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.dr. J.J. Sloth-Nielsen en prof.dr. T. Liefaard.
Parttime programma
Sinds 2021 is de master ook in deeltijd te volgen, een parttime opleiding van 2-3 dagen per week, waarvan één vaste, verplichte dag op vrijdag.
Single-electrolyte isotachophoresis: on-chip analyte focusing and separation
Promotor: Thomas Hankemeier, Co-promotores: Heiko van der Linden, Paul Vulto
Unfolding the regulation of stress response pathways upon liver injury
Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is one of the main reasons for drug attrition during pre-clinical and clinical phases of drug development as well as for drug withdrawal post-marketing.
Through the magnifying glass
Although nanoparticles are extensively used in various applications like consumer products and have most probably entered the environment, little is known about the effects of these particles on living organisms.
Luminescence and applications of lanthanoid coordination polymers
Promotor: E. Bouwman, Co-Promotor: S. Bonnet
Pharmacogenomics in drug development: implementation and application of PKPD model based approaches
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof, Co-Promotor: J. de Jongh