1,646 zoekresultaten voor “have social” in de Publieke website
Spin-momentum locking in oxide interfaces and in Weyl semimetals
Electrons in a crystal lattice have properties that may differ from those of a free electron in vacuum.
Ab initio molecular dynamics calculations on reactions of molecules with metal surfaces
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.J. Kroes
Modulation of the immune system for treatment of atherosclerosis
Cardiovascular diseases are the primary cause of death in the world with atherosclerosis as primary underlying cause.
The evolution of shell form in tropical terrestrial microsnails
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Schilthuizen
Using mouse models to uncover genes driving tumorigenesis and therapy resistance in human breast cancer
To improve cancer treatments, personalized medicine approaches have aimed to identify exactly which mutations are driving tumor development in a given patient and specifically target these mutations using precision therapies.
The chlorine chain study
A substance flow analysis, covering about 99 % of the flows of chlorinated substances in the Netherlands.
The electrochemical reduction of dioxygen and hydrogen peroxide by molecular copper catalysts
The electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is an essential half-reaction for the utilization of hydrogen as a sustainable fuel, via the conversion of hydrogen to electrons and protons facilitated by the ORR. In the most common fuel cells, the ORR is requires high loadings of non-abundant platinum…
Hierarchical Systems
The thesis addresses the long-term dynamical evolution of hierarchical multiple systems.
Topics in the arithmetic of del Pezzo and K3 surfaces
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, L. van Geemen (Università degli studi di Milano), Co-Supervisor: Ronald M. van Luijk
Early death of massive galaxies in the distant universe
Promotor: M. Franx, Co-Promotor: I.F. Labbé
Human-wildlife Interactions in the Western Terai of Nepal
Large carnivores and humans, along with their livestock, have co-existed for thousands of years. However, human population growth and an increase in economic activities are modifying the landscape for large carnivores and their prey.
Understanding functional dynamics and conformational stability of beta-glycosidases
Due to their central physiological roles in living organisms, retaining beta-glycosidases have been the subject of tremendous research efforts to examine their structure/function relation using numerous biophysical and biochemical approaches.
The structure of a working catalyst: from flat surfaces to nanoparticles
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.W.M. Frenken
Sound Investigation: Effects of noise on marine animals across trophic levels
Anthropogenic noise has been shown to affect marine animals in various ways, this may have fitness consequences at individual and population level. This thesis aims to increase insight into the quantification of sound-induced behavioural responses that are relevant to fitness, and into factors that…
Cyclophellitol analogues for profiling of exo- and endo-glycosidases
To this day, all cyclophellitol-based inhibitors and ABPs have been close analogues of their natural substrate counterparts. As a result, these probes showed high selectivity towards their target glycosidases.
CE-MS for metabolomics: advancing performance and detection sensitivity
The major and ultimate aim of metabolomics is to obtain an answer to a specific biological or clinical question.
Cleared for take-off, Game-based learning to prepare airline pilots for critical situations
Over the last decades, aviation safety has improved strongly. As a downside, airline pilots do not have as many opportunities to develop through experience the competencies that they need in critical situations.
Development of GHG calculator for bio-electricity and heat.
Development of a Kidney-on-a-Chip Model for Compound Screening and Transport Studies
Pharmaceutical companies, governments and the general public have become increasingly aware that animal models used in drug testing lack vital aspects to serve as an accurate representation of human biology. As models of the human body should become more physiologically relevant, animal models no longer…
Enlightening the Primordial Dark Ages
This thesis is dedicated to the exploration of the primordial dark ages: unknown physics during the earliest stages of the Universe’s expansion that have not yet been directly probed by observations. Cosmic inflation is a burst of exponential expansion of space after the “Big Bang”.
Engineering of antigen-saving dissolving microneedles for intradermal vaccine delivery
The intradermal administration route is attractive for vaccine delivery, because of the highly populated antigen-presenting cells in the skin. However, the skin’s main physical barrier, the stratum corneum, prevents vaccines from entering the skin.
Dynamics of the Oort Cloud and Formation of Interstellar Comets Santiago Torres Rodriguez
The solar system was formed approximately 4.56 billion years ago. Despite the numerous theories that have been developed over the years, the formation and evolution of the solar system still remain unclear.
Simulating the birth environment of circumstellar discs
Circumstellar discs are the reservoirs of gas and dust that surround young stars and have the potential to become planetary systems.
Learning-based Representations of High-dimensional CAE Models for Automotive Design Optimization
In design optimization problems, engineers typically handcraft design representations based on personal expertise, which leaves a fingerprint of the user experience in the optimization data. Thus, learning this notion of experience as transferrable design features has potential to improve the performance…
Accountable Artificial Intelligence: Holding Algorithms to Account
Artificial intelligence algorithms govern in subtle, yet fundamental ways, the way we live and are transforming our societies. The promise of efficient, low‐cost or ‘neutral’ solutions harnessing the potential of big data has led public bodies to adopt algorithmic systems in the provision of public…
Multi-omics studies of the control of growth and antibiotic production of Streptomyces
Actinobacteria are Gram-positive bacteria that have a complex multicellular life cycle and are well known for their ability to produce a wide range of bioactive natural products (NPs).
Synthetic Methodology Towards ADP-Ribosylation Related Molecular Tools
Phosphorylation affects all four major biomolecules – proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids – and plays a pivotal role in the most fundamental cellular functions.
Internship information
An important part of the SCS specialisation is the internship period. Students will get the opportunity to get to know the field and to apply what they have learned during the courses.
Unravelling East Africa’s Early Linguistic History (LHEAf)
This project investigates the rich linguistic history of the crucial language groups in East Africa and includes a search for words that indicate earlier lost languages. These outcomes, combined with recent archaeological and genetic research, will contribute to a new understanding of East Africa’s…
Multimedia Research and documentation of African Oral Genres
The project Multimedia Research and Documentation of African Oral Genres: Connecting Diasporas and Local Audiences (Director: D.Merolla) focuses on multimedia as technology that allows scholars to share documentation and scientific knowledge with the cultural owners of the collected oral genres.
Student for a day English Language and Culture
Student for a day African Studies
Student for a day Dutch Studies
Algorithms for analyzing and mining real-world graphs
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Co-Promotor: W.A. Kosters
Digital warfare in the Sahel: popular networks of war and Cultural Violence
This interdisciplinary study focuses on (trans)national ethnic and popular networks, combining historical-ethnographic and computational methods to understand the ‘workings’ of networked conflict interfering in the increasingly violent conflict in the Sahel (Africa) and beyond. The project focuses on…
Stefan Sagel in het AD over social media-gedrag dat kan leiden tot ontslag
Zin om even lekker online te gallen over Zwarte Piet of het Stint-ongeluk in Oss? Slaap er nog eens een nachtje over. Een werkgever hoeft niet alles te accepteren, ook niet in tijden van online verruwing. Het kan je je baan kosten, benadrukt Sagel.
PhD candidate, Secure and sustainable supply of raw materials for strategic value chains. (1.0 fte)
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden (CML)
Sociale en geesteswetenschappen meer betrekken bij het wereldwijde gezondheidsdebat in Afrika
LUNHA streeft naar een nieuwe definitie van wereldgezondheid door prioriteit te geven aan rechtvaardigheid, eerlijkheid en inclusie in Afrika. Door samen te werken met verschillende belanghebbenden wil LUNHA het onderzoek naar wereldwijde gezondheid een nieuwe vorm geven en een bredere betrokkenheid…
Een beetje agressie helpt kinderen in hun sociale ontwikkeling, ontdekte Simone Dobbelaar tijdens haar promotie
Is agressie altijd slecht? Uit promotieonderzoek van psycholoog Simone Dobbelaar blijkt van niet. Juist kinderen die af en toe fel van zich afbijten en opkomen voor leeftijdsgenootjes, voelen zich mentaal vaak beter.
Gendergerelateerde radicalisering en 'alledaagse praktijken'
In dit artikel analyseert Yannick Veilleux-Lepage, verbonden aan het Institute of Security and Global Affairs, samen met Alexandra Phelan en Ayse D. Lokmanoglu meerdere vrouwenfora van extreem-rechtse groeperingen en Islamitische Staat.
Publicatie artikel “Social support at work and at home: Dual-buffering effects in the work-family conflict process”
Dr. Helen Pluut heeft een artikel gepubliceerd in het gerenommeerde tijdschrift Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP) in samenwerking met Remus Ilies (National University of Singapore), Petru Curşeu (Open Universiteit en Babeş-Bolyai University) en Yukun Liu (University of Western…
Anoma van der Veere bij NOS over Japanse keizerlijke familie en social media: ‘Logische zet’
De Japanse keizerlijke familie heeft haar entree gemaakt op Instagram. Gastonderzoeker en correspondent bij de NOS Anoma van der Veere duidt de ontwikkeling.
Jonge sociale wetenschappers netwerken erop los tijdens de Young Academic Lunch
De Young Academy Leiden wil jonge academici met elkaar verbinden. Zo eenvoudig is het immers niet in de praktijk om peers te ontmoeten buiten je vakgebied. Met inspirerende én gezellige facultaire lunches streeft de organisatie naar connectie tussen jonge wetenschappers. De meest recente, op de Faculteit…
Mentale gezondheid op de werkvloer: jonge sociale wetenschappers vinden elkaar tijdens YAL faculteitslunch
De Young Academy Leiden streeft naar het verbinden van jonge academici en het versterken van hun positie binnen de universiteit. Mentale gezondheid is hierbij uiteraard een onderwerp dat niet kan ontbreken. Daarom was dat het thema van een weer succesvolle Young Faculty Lunch, deze keer op de Faculteit…
Cities, migration and global interdependence 1350-2000
The research programme Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1350-2000 (CMGI) focuses on urbanisation, migration, and economic development in a comparative and global context.
tijdens het wereldcongres International Society for Labour Law and Social Security Law (ISLSSL) in Turijn
Hanneke Bennaars en Yvonne Erkens bezochten afgelopen week het wereldcongres van de International Society for Labor Law and Social Security Law (ISLSSL) dat van 4 tot en met 7 september 2018 in Turijn werd gehouden. Het thema van het congress was “Transformations of Work: Challenges for the National…
Essentiality of conserved amino acid residues in β-lactamase
Evolution acts via mutations in amino acid sequences. Substitution of essential amino acids leads to a nonfunctional protein. l.
Learning class-imbalanced problems from the perspective of data intrinsic characteristics
The class-imbalance problem is a challenging classification task and is frequently encountered in real-world applications. Various techniques have been developed to improve the imbalanced classification performance theoretically and practically.
Causing a stir: Radiative and mechanical feedback in starburst galaxies
Promotores: Prof.dr. F.P. Israel, Prof.dr. P.P. van der Werf
SFA of Chlorine in Europe: A MacTempo Case-Study
An overview is given of the flows of chlorine and chlorinated hydrocarbons through the Europian Union.