3,809 zoekresultaten voor “politiek in centrum and ester europese” in de Publieke website
Naar de kiezer luisteren, maar dan echt
Terwijl in politiek Den Haag de blik alweer naar binnen is gericht en alles lijkt te draaien om ‘wie met wie’, buigt een groep Leidse politicologen zich over de afgelopen Tweede Kamerverkiezingen. Wat bewoog de kiezers? Hoe keken zij vooruit naar 22 november 2023 en kijken zij straks terug op hun stem?…
Siddharth Divakaruni
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.v.divakaruni@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Meeloopdag - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Intelligence and National Security
Centrum voor Milieuwetenschap Leiden speurt naar DNA bedreigde Filipijnse krokodil
Door middel van DNA-restjes in het milieu de verspreiding van bedreigde dieren in kaart brengen: het Centrum voor Milieuwetenschap Leiden (CML) stuurde studenten naar de Filipijnen om een nieuwe opsporingsmethode te testen: environmental DNA. National Geographic schreef er een artikel over.
Secretariaat Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van Migranten (CGM) naar Leiden
Rick de Jong, secretaris van CGM, stelt zichzelf voor en legt uit wat het CGM doet.
Dual-Appointment PhD Candidate and Junior System Administrator, Software Optimization and Compiler
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Governance of Radicalism, Extremism, and Terrorism
Voorzitter Europese Commissie, Ursula von der Leyen, wil Poolse tuchtkamer met spoed op non-actief zetten
De omstreden Poolse tuchtkamer is een van de verschillende juridische hervormingen die de PiS, de Poolse nationalistische regeringspartij, sinds 2015 heeft doorgevoerd. De tuchtkamer maakt het mogelijk rechters boetes op te leggen, te laten degraderen of te ontslaan. Von der Leyen is van mening dat…
Innovative sample preparation and handling strategies for automated and high-throughput metabolomics
Metabolomics has the potential to play a pivotal role in understanding disease onset and progression, and ultimately personalized treatments. One of its major challenges is its large-scale implementation, which is necessary to deal with the high variability of the metabolome. In this work we have developed…
Language policy and planning
Op microniveau bij interactie tussen familie of vrienden, op mesoniveau bij scholen, winkels, religieuze groeperingen of bedrijven, en op macroniveau bij natiestaten en internationale organisaties: Language Policy and Planning (LPP) is overal!
Chinese Economy and Society
De stormachtige ontwikkelingen in China van de laatste jaren hebben geleid tot een grote belangstelling voor China. Er is vrijwel geen land, regio, sector of specialisatie waar China niet een rol in speelt.
Grote Europese subsidie voor onderzoek circulaire economie
Onder leiding van het Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability heeft een internationaal consortium een Europese subsidie binnengehaald voor onderzoek naar de circulaire economie, waarin alle grondstoffen worden hergebruikt.
De jacht naar Europese metalen voor energietransitie
In de overgang naar duurzame energie zijn er veel metalen nodig. Momenteel importeert Europa die vooral vanuit China en Rusland. We moeten ook kijken naar ontginning in Europa, zegt industrieel ecoloog René Kleijn in de NRC. Ook in Trouw en op NPO1 licht Kleijn de uitdagingen van de energiemarkt toe…
Boek over Integratie van Immigranten: "The Civic Citizens of Europe" door Moritz Jesse
Moritz Jesse, Universitair Hoofddocent Europees Recht aan het Europa Instituut, heeft zijn boek “The Civic Citizens of Europe: The Legal Potential for Immigrant Integration in the EU, Belgium, Germany, and the United Kingdom
Metabolic signatures in nutrition and health: short-term diet response, sexual dimorphism and hormone chronobiology
The power of personalized nutrition lies in being able to conduct clinical research on healthy people while capturing metabolic markers sensitive to the impact of environmental and metabolic stressors (e.g. diet, changing sex hormones and the menstrual cycle).
Surveying young stars with Gaia: Orion and the Solar neighbourhood
OB associations are loose groups of young, massive stars. They constitute the last stage of the massive starformation process, and the context in which new stars are formed.
Design and development of conformational inhibitors and activity-based probes for retaining glycosidases
Glycosidases are essential in fundamental biological processes and are responsible for the degradation of most (oligo)saccharides, glycolipids and glycoproteins.
Navigating the Unpredictable: Climate Chaos and the Future of Water
Lezing, Studium Generale
Inhibitors and activity-based probes for β-D-glucuronidases, heparanases and β-L-arabinofuranosidases
Glycosidases (GHs) are enzymes responsible for the degradation of carbohydrates and play many roles in human health and pathophysiology. Often, abnormal levels of glycosidase activity are markedly linked to human pathologies.
Functional xylem anatomy: intra and interspecific variation in stems of herbaceous and woody species
My PhD thesis investigates the ecological significance of resistance against drought-induced air bubble formation inside the water conduits of plants (embolism), and the plasticity and functional aspects of stem anatomical traits in woody and herbaceous species.
Sheltering 10 billion people in a warming and resource-scarce world: challenges and opportunities
Sheltering is an immediate human need and determines well-being andhealth.
Blog Anne Meuwese over de Europese AI-verordening
Gisteren presenteerde de Europese Commissie haar lang verwachte voorstel voor een AI-Verordening. Nadat de Commissie begin 2020 in haar Witboek over kunstmatige intelligentie ‘Een Europese benadering op basis van excellentie en vertrouwen’ al de contouren van die Europese wetgeving had geschetst, ligt…
- Culture and Society in Morocco
- Game Studies and Cultural Analysis
Plant occurrence in space and time: the importance of land use, habitat structure, and pollination mode
Plant diversity is essential for us and our planet as it sustains the stability of our ecosystems, provides vital materials and food to us and supports many ecosystem services.
Discovery and development of inhibitors selective for human constitutive proteasome and immunoproteasome active sites
This thesis describes the design and development of subunit‐selective inhibitors of particular catalytically active subunits of human constitutive proteasomes and immunoproteasomes.
Design, implementation and evaluation of transnational collaborative programmes in astronomy education and public outreach
Promotores: Prof.dr. G. Miley & Prof.dr. J.M. van den Broek
Impact of insect herbivory and microbial inoculants on the rhizosphere microbiome and volatilome
This thesis aims to investigate the effect of tripartite interaction between microbial inoculants, the plant, and herbivore insects on the rhizosphere microbiome and volatilome. We investigated the rhizosphere microbiome and volatilome of tomato plants exposed to insect herbivory and/or inoculated with…
First-pass and systemic metabolism of cytochrome P450 3A substrates in neonates, infants, and children
Growth and development affect the metabolism of drugs administered to neonates, infants, and children.
Vaccination and Targeted Therapy Using Liposomes; Opportunities for Treatment of Atherosclerosis and Cancer
This thesis focuses on using liposomes in two different treatment strategies; vaccination (or immunotherapy) and delivery of a small molecule, and in two different disease models; cancer and atherosclerosis.
Cyclophellitol and its derivatives: synthesis and application as beta-glycosidase inhibitors
Promotores: Prof.dr. H.S. Overkleeft, Prof.dr. G.A. van der Marel
Europese Rekenkamer toont aan: multinationals blijven belasting ontwijken
Multinationals blijven belasting ontwijken in Nederland en Europa. Dit loopt op tot jaarlijks 100 miljard euro. Volgens een rapport van de Europese Rekenkamer moet Brussel hier meer tegen doen. Jan Vleggeert, hoogleraar belastingrecht, sprak met de Volkskrant over dit rapport.
Adsorption and catalysis on Pt and Pd monolayer-modified Pt single crystal electrodes
The focus throughout this thesis will be on gathering fundamental studies of the detailed structure and composition of the electrode/electrolyte interface effect on the rate and mechanism of key electrocatalytic reactions.
Social network and radical innovation: evidence from the U.S. pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry
Innovation plays an essential role in firms' competitiveness and long-term success. It varies from different types, ranging from run-of-the-mill innovation that brings incremental changes to existing technologies to radical innovation that breaks from existing trajectories.
Willemijn Aerdts over de rol van westerse inlichtingen in de oorlog in Oekraïne
De Oorlog in Oekraïne is ook een informatie-oorlog, en met name Britse en Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten spelen daarin een belangrijke rol. Zij delen dagelijks informatie over de Russische plannen en troepenbewegingen. Willemijn Aerdts, docent bij ISGA, vertelt erover op NPO Radio 1.
- Health, Ageing and Society (MSc)
Interactions of nutrients and pesticides and their effects on aquatic macrofauna
Can we distinguish the effects of pesticides from other abiotic and biotic factors that occur in the field? And how do these factors interact with pesticides?
Noonan and LEOPARD syndrome in zebrafish: molecular mechanisms and cardiac development
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. den Hertog
Application of zebrafish and murine models in lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis research
Cardiovascular diseases are still a major concern for the global health.
Lipid signaling and inflammation: metabolomics for better diagnosis and treatment strategy
Lipid signaling is an essential biological event/process in a plethora of pathophysiological conditions. The underlying idea of this thesis is that many of the roles and the complex interplay of the individual signaling lipids in inflammatory processes and related conditions in health and disease is…
Selectivity and competition between the anodic evolution of oxygen and chlorine
Sustainable energy from wind and solar is most readily available near the sea.
The material side of the energy transition: analyzing flows and stocks of critical and other metals
The expanding population and economic activity are driving up global energy consumption. Simultaneously, there is an urgent need to transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources to mitigate the climate crisis, primarily caused by fossil fuel combustion.
Melvin gaat aan de slag in zijn gemeente: 'Solving global challenges starts at home'
Van collegebank tot raadszetel. In aanloop naar de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 14, 15 en 16 maart 2022 stellen we FGGA-studenten en alumni die in hun gemeente op de kandidatenlijst staan, aan je voor. Welke ambities hebben ze? Wat heeft hun studie aan hun politieke werk bijgedragen en waar zien ze…
Design, synthesis and application of sulfur-containing heterocycles for the inhibition of glycosidases and glycosyltransferases
This thesis describes the design and synthesis of novel small molecules based on sulfur-containing heterocycles for the inhibition of glycosidases and glycosyltransferases related to Fabry and Pompe disease.
- Advanced Computing and Systems (MSc)
Comparative biology of common and grey seals along the Dutch coast : stranding, disease, rehabilitation and conservation
Promotores: H.A. Udo De Haes, P.M. Brakefield
Biophysical feedbacks between seagrasses and hydrodynamics in relation to grazing, water quality and spatial heterogeneity
Consequences for sediment stability and seston trapping
Structural and functional analysis of proteins involved in natural product biosynthesis and morphological differentiation in Streptomyces
Streptomyces present a valuable platform for natural product discovery. Lugdunomycin is a novel angucycline-derived polyketide from Streptomyces sp QL37, with unprecedented skeleton and antimicrobial activity.
Electrical and magnetic properties of ferritin: electron transport phenomena and electron paramagnetic resonance
Ferritin is a spherical metalloprotein, capable of storing and releasing iron in a controllable way. It is composed of a protein shell of about 12 nm and within its cavity, iron is stored in a mineral form.
arginine methyltransferases as modulators of lipid metabolism and inflammation and the relevance for atherosclerosis
Acute cardiovascular clinical events such as myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke represent the major cause of death in Western societies. These pathologies are primarily resulting from atherosclerosis, a progressive condition characterized by the accumulation of lipids, immune cells, and fibrous…