1,342 zoekresultaten voor “room work in rol environmental” in de Publieke website
The role of water in hydrogen electrocatalysis
Promotor: M.T.M. Koper, Co-promotor: L. Juurlink
Coiled-coils on lipid membranes: a new perspective on membrane fusion
Promotor: J.G.E.M. Fraaije, Co-Promotor: A. Kros
Unveiling the third dimension: vertical structure as a probe of planet formation conditions
Protoplanetary disks are the gas and dust environments where planetary systems form around young stars. Using observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) this thesis analyses the gaseous molecular reservoir, using multiple tracers to resolve the 3D structure of protoplanetary…
Deciphering fermionic matter: from holography to field theory
Promotor: K.E. Schalm, Co-promotor: S.S. Lee
Light Weighed: On the Statistics and Systematics of Weak Gravitational Lensing
In astronomy, the interpration of observations and measurements plays a crucial role: we rely purely and fundamentally on the information that reaches us as observers. And 80% of all matter in the universe is undetectable directly.
Pushing the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres down to temperate rocky planets in the era of JWST
One of the key discoveries in exoplanet research over the past decade is the abundance of small planets in our Milky Way. Despite their high numbers, our understanding of their atmospheres remains limited, and it is unknown if they possess atmospheres at all.
Het Europaeum
Het Europaeum is een netwerk van 17 vooraanstaande Europese universiteiten, met als doel om talentvolle studenten en docenten met elkaar in contract te brengen en door samenwerking en academische mobiliteit een 'Europees gevoel' te bevorderen.
A semisynthetic peptide-metalloporphyrin responsive matrix for artificial photosynthesis
This thesis is concerned with the constitution of chiral responsive matrix assemblies that may undergo light-driven conformational changes and self-select vibrations to develop vibronic states for driving semi-classical coherent transfer with nearly 100% yield in a lossless NCAP process.
Semisynthetic glycopeptide antibiotics
Vancomycin is a last-resort antibiotic for the treatment of many Gram-positive bacterial infections, while remaining inactive against Gram-negative strains.
- Aflevering 21: Ezra Pound
Unraveling the auxin mechanism in 2,4-D induced somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Promotor: P. J. J. Hooykaas, Co-promotor: R. Offringa
High-contrast imaging polarimetry of exoplanets and circumstellar disks
Understanding the formation and evolution of planetary systems is one of the most fundamental challenges in astronomy. To directly image and study young exoplanets and the circumstellar disks they form from, dedicated high-contrast imaging instruments are built.
Developmental effects of polystyrene nanoparticles in the chicken embryo
There is concern about the threat that nanoplastics (NPs) may pose to both wildlife and humans. This thesis explores the mechanisms of toxicity of polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-NPs) in chicken embryo.
Random walks and the contact process
Promotores: W. Th. F. den Hollander, M.O. Heydenreich
Quantum dot microcavity control of photon statistics
During my PhD research, I studied the photon statistics of light emitted by a microcavity that contains a single quantum dot (QD) on resonance.
Computational modeling of cellular dynamics in tumor cell migration
Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) and tumor cell migration play an important role in cancer progression, and an improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying these concepts is essential for developing new targeted approaches.
The parabolic Anderson model and long-range percolation
Promotor: Prof.dr. F. den Hollander, G.Maillard
Atomic Insights into Hydrodesulfurization
Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) is an ubiquitous part of oil refining that ensures that fuels are cleaned of impurities and environment release of pollutants such as SOx and NOx gasses are minimized.
Computational, biochemical, and NMR-driven structural studies on histone variant H2A.B
Nature uses a special class of histone proteins, histone variants, to modulate the properties of chromatin at defined genomic locations.
X-ray spectroscopy of merging galaxy clusters
This thesis focuses on the X-ray spectral analysis of merging galaxy clusters and the plasma code development for future high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy observations.
The stochastic geometry of non-Gaussian fields
Promotor: V. Vitelli, Co-promotor: J. Paulose
Click-to-release for immune cell activation
This work describes the use of click-to-release chemistry to get spatiotemporal control over immunocytokine activity. Until now, immunocytokines (cytokines coupled to a tumor-targeting-moiety) remained active throughout the body, being able to bind their respective receptors, causing mild to severe…
Approach to Markov Operators on Spaces of Measures by means of equicontinuity
The subject of this thesis, ‘Approach to Markov Operators on Spaces of Measures by Means of Equicontinuity’, combines an analytical and probabilistic approach to Markov operators.
Inferno Worlds
A remarkable population of short period transiting rocky exoplanets with equilibrium temperatures on the order of 2,000 K has recently been discovered.
Typical representations of GL_n(F)
Promotores: Bas Edixhoven, Guy Henniart
Wat werkt bij het voorkomen van sociale angst?
Programma's die de symptomen van sociale angst bij kinderen willen verminderen, omvatten doorgaans meerdere onderdelen, zoals blootstelling en mentale herstructurering. Het is onbekend of afzonderlijke onderdelen positieve effecten opleveren bij kinderen of dat een combinatie van onderdelen nodig is…
Photon detection at subwavelength scales
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Eliel, Co-Promotor: M.J.A. de Dood
Highly Accurate Simulations and Benchmarking of Molecule-Surface Reactions
Heterogeneous catalyzed processes are highly significant to the chemical industry. Dissociative chemisorption (DC) of molecules on surfaces is always considered as a step with a high degree of rate control for heterogeneous catalysis.
Algorithm selection and configuration for Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum methods for industrial applications
Quantum hardware comes with a different computing paradigm and new ways to tackle applications. Much effort has to be put into understanding how to leverage this technology to give real-world advantages in areas of interest for industries such as combinatorial optimization or machine learning.
The CM class number one problem for curves
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, A. Enge Co-Promotor: T.C. Streng
Morphogenesis and heterogeneity in liquid-grown streptomyces cultures
The filamentous bacteria Streptomyces are widespread inhabitants of terrestrial soils.
Substrate adaptability of β-lactamase
The research aims to explore the evolutionary adaptability of enzymes and the impact of temperature on protein evolution pathways, using M. tuberculosis β-lactamase BlaC as the object of study. Enzymes inherently embody a delicate balance between activity and stability, and the acquisition of new enzymatic…
Mitochondria in chemical-induced toxicity
Chemical-induced organ toxicity is a major concern in the development and use of chemicals, including drugs, pesticides, industrial chemicals and cosmetics. In the last decades, the onset and progression of chemical-induced organ toxicity has been linked amongst others to perturbation of mitochondri…
Quantum computation with Majorana zero modes in superconducting circuits
Promotor: Prof.dr. C.W.J. Beenakker
Galaxy formation traced by heavy element pollution
Galaxies form and evolve through close interaction with their surroundings. As a result, the heavy elements ('metals') that are synthesized in stars, are found both inside and outside galaxies.
The flux and flow of data: connecting large datasets with machine learning in a drug discovery envirionment
This thesis focuses on data found in the field of computational drug discovery. New insight can be obtained by applying machine learning in various ways and in a variety of domains. Two studies delved into the application of proteochemometrics (PCM), a machine learning technique that can be used to…
Real-time foresight: preparedness for dynamic innovation networks
Promotor: H.J. van den Herik, B.R. Katzy, Co-promotor: K. Sailer
Granular Flows: Fluidization and Anisotropy
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.L. van Hecke
Systematic, phylogenetic and pollination studies of Specklinia (Orchidaceae)
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. Smets. Co-promotores: B. Gravendeel, F. Pupulin
Strategies for braiding and ground state preparation in digital quantum hardware
With the help of quantum mechanics, digital quantum hardware may be able to tackle some of the problems that are too difficult for ordinary computers. But despite these expectations and the ongoing effort of the research community, reliable quantum computers are not yet realized in a lab setting.
Solvent tolerance mechanisms in Pseudomonas putida
Bacterial biocatalysis constitutes a sustainable alternative for high-value chemicals production by enabling the utilization of renewable feedstocks.
Politieke Wetenschap
Het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap blijft graag in contact met alumni. Van onze afstudeerders kunnen wij veel leren. En we helpen natuurlijk ook graag een handje om ‘onze’ politicologen in binnen- en buitenland met elkaar te verbinden.
Modular curves, Arakelov theory, algorithmic applications
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, Co-promotor: R.S. de Jong
Custom-made online language courses
Make use of this time to improve your language skills by signing up for custom-made online language classes.
Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
De Academy of Creative and Performing Arts is een samenwerkingsverband tussen de Leidse universiteit en de Hogeschool der Kunsten Den Haag'. (Deeltijd)studenten van de Leidse universiteit kunnen hier theoretisch en praktisch kunstvakonderwijs volgen, waarvan de studiepunten meetellen voor hun bachelor-…
Workshop The Art of Journaling
Kunst en vrije tijd, Kunst en vrije tijd
- Cursussen
Willemijn Aerdts over de rol van westerse inlichtingen in de oorlog in Oekraïne
De Oorlog in Oekraïne is ook een informatie-oorlog, en met name Britse en Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten spelen daarin een belangrijke rol. Zij delen dagelijks informatie over de Russische plannen en troepenbewegingen. Willemijn Aerdts, docent bij ISGA, vertelt erover op NPO Radio 1.
Valse genocide-beschuldingen, een aggressieve oorlog en de rol van het IGH
Oekraïne daagde met een innovatieve claim Rusland voor het Internationaal Gerechtshof (IGH). Oekraïne vroeg het Hof vast te stellen dat het geen genocide had gepleegd, en voorts om te bepalen dat een oorlog begonnen op basis van een valse genocide-claim onrechtmatig was. Larissa van den Herik, hoogleraar…
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