3,892 zoekresultaten voor “culturele of the middel east” in de Publieke website
Borders in Dispute: The Construction of State and Nation in International Diplomacy
How are borders drawn? More specifically, how do diplomatic actors manage the implications of changes in state sovereignty for international borders?
Culturele stereotypen in het bestuur van de Europese Unie: onderzoek naar de invloed van stereotypering ontvangt ERC Starting Grant
EUROTYPES is een onderzoeksproject van politicoloog Adina Akbik, waarvoor ze onlangs een startsubsidie van de European Research Council ontving. Haar doel is het onderzoeken van de impact van culturele stereotypen in Europese beleidshandhaving, op diverse niveaus. Wat EUROTYPES zo vernieuwend maakt,…
Related Party Transactions and Corporate Groups: When Eastern Europe Meets the West
Op 1 april 2020 verdedigde Ivan Romashchenko zijn proefschrift 'Related Party Transactions and Corporate Groups: When Eastern Europe Meets the West'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.mr. S.M. Bartman en prof. A. Radwan (Kaunas, Litouwen).
Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Static Surface Model for Molecule- Surface Reactions
Several techniques are explored for going beyond the born-oppenheimer static surface model for molecule-surface reactions.
Moving towards Coexistence and Cooperation: The Spratly Islands and International Law
Op 19 mei 2020 verdedigde Xuechan Ma haar proefschrift 'Moving towards Coexistence and Cooperation: The Spratly Islands and International Law'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. N.J. Schrijver.
Wil je een volledige academische opleiding? Dan ga je na je bachelor door met een masteropleiding. Met een masterdiploma op zak heb je meer kans op een baan op academisch niveau. Na afronding krijg je de titel Master of Arts (MA).
Reparations for International Crimes and the development of a Civil Dimension of International Criminal Justice
Miriam Cohen verdedigde haar proefschrift genaamd “Reparations for International Crimes and the development of a Civil Dimension of International Criminal Justice” op 28 juni 2017. Ze schreef haar proefschrift onder supervisie van prof.dr. L.J. van den Herik en prof. dr. C. Stahn.
Elsa Charlety
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
e.c.charlety@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3852
Esther van de Camp
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
e.van.de.camp@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Katrien Klep
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
k.f.m.klep@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1325
James McGrail
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.m.mcgrail@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Sander Hölsgens
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.r.j.j.holsgens@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Willem van Wijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
w.l.van.wijk@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3451
Bruno Braak
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
b.j.braak@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Enforced performance of commercial sales contracts in the Netherlands, Singapore and China
Op 23 januari 2020 verdedigde Paula Kemp haar proefschrift 'Enforced performance of commercial sales contracts in the Netherlands, Singapore and China'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.mr.dr. H.B. Krans en prof.mr.dr. M.H. Wissink (RU Groningen).
Christa Tobler, Jacques Beglinger en Veronika Yefremova over 'Ukraine – The Road to EU Accession'
Christa Tobler en Jacques Beglinger (gastdocent aan de Leidse rechtenfaculteit) hebben in samenwerking met Veronika Yefremova een aantal inleidende grafieken ontwikkeld over de juridische relatie tussen Oekraïne en de EU.
Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) is het internationale honours college van de Universiteit Leiden.
Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) is het internationale honours college van de Universiteit Leiden. Het LUC The Hague biedt gemotiveerde en getalenteerde studenten van over de hele wereld een innovatieve Liberal Arts & Sciences bacheloropleiding.
- Special Lecture: Making Sense of the Universe
Some Assembly Required: The Structural Evolution and Mass Assembly of Galaxies at z
This thesis investigates the structural evolution and assembly of galaxies since the first few billions years after the big bang.
Structural biochemistry of the pentraxins
Adapting to Improve: The Odyssey of the Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium
Population size fails to explain the evolution of complex culture
The logic seems inescapable indeed. The bigger the population, the higher the probability it contains an Einstein. Hence, bigger populations are more likely to develop complex culture.
Uncovering the Secrets of the Universe with Observational Cosmology
The Robinson congruence in electrodynamics and general relativity
Promotor: Prof.dr. D. Bouwmeester
Freezing conditions in warm disks: snowlines and their effect on the chemical structure of planet-forming disks
This thesis focusses on the temperature structure in protoplanetary disks. The relation between structures seen in the dust and gas-phase molecules is investigated.
- Course: Introduction to the Archaeology of the Book
Speaking the same language: de invoering van de Anglo-Amerikaanse trust in het Nederlandse recht
Op 5 oktober verdedigde Katherine Filesia het proefschrift 'Speaking the same language: de invoering van de Anglo-Amerikaanse trust in het Nederlandse recht'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door Pim Huijgen en Frans Sonneveldt.
Foreign intelligence in the digital age. Navigating a state of 'unpeace'.
Het The Hague Program for Cyber Norms, een onderzoeksprogramma van het Institute of Security and Global Affairs, heeft zijn eerste beleidsnota gepubliceerd. Hierin onderzoeken Dennis Broeders, Sergei Boeke en Ilina Georgieva de rol van inlichtingendiensten in cyberspace en de (on)mogelijkheden van adequate…
What Determines Perceptions of Bias toward the International Criminal Court? Evidence from Kenya
What Determines Perceptions of Bias toward the International Criminal Court? Evidence from Kenya. In dit artikel, gepubliceerd in op de website SAGE Journals in het Journal of Conflict Resolution, onderzoeken de auteurs Geoff Dancy, Yvonne Marie Dutton, Tessa Alleblas, Eamon Aloyo de houding ten opzichte…
Managing a sustainable career in the contemporary world of work: Personal choices and contextual challenges
Op 9 juni 2020 verdedigde Maral Darouei haar proefschrift 'Managing a sustainable career in the contemporary world of work: Personal choices and contextual challenges'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. J.I. van der Rest.
Exploration of the endocannabinoid system using metabolomics
China’s industrial carbon emissions: Historical drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy targets
Has the industrial sector in China effectively been decarbonizing in recent years, across different regions and subsectors, and is it plausible that it will reduce its CO2 emissions in conformity with national and internationally pledged emission goals?
Indigenous Institution for Sustainable Community-Based Development in the Sunda Region of West Java, Indonesia
This study attempts to understand how indigenous community institutions pose an important role in sustainable community-based development, including the integration between local culture and development.
Towards a Historical Contextualisation of the Ancient Egyptian Perspectives of the Inner Body, Sickness, and Healing
North Sea noise in the Anthropocene: an impact study of human-made impulsive sounds on free-ranging cod
Sound is everywhere in the marine environment and hearing is therefore a very important for stimuli for fish. They use sound for orientation and communication, during migration, aggregation and spawning, but also for detection of prey and predators.
China’s industrial carbon emissions: Historical drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy
This thesis studied in depth the energy use and CO2 emissions of the industrial sector in China.
High-throughput simulation studies of angiogenesis - Reverse engineering the role of tip cells and pericytes in vascular development
Promotor: Prof.dr. R.M.H. Merks
land conflicts for corporations: Legal Strategy and its influence on the Rule of Law in Indonesia
Op 23 juni 2020 verdedigde Santy Kouwagam haar proefschrift 'How lawyers win land conflicts for corporations: Legal Strategy and its influence on the Rule of Law in Indonesia'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. A.W. Bedner en prof.dr. C.E. von Benda-Beckmann.
The influence of an improved school library and individual feedback on reading motivation
distress, democratic values, and ethnic backlash in Africa: investigating the persistence of youth political attitudes.
Hoe beinvloedt economisch verval de democratische waarden en verhoudingen tussen groepen in Africa?
Discrimination and Privacy in the Information Society; Data Mining and Profiling in Large Databases
Laatste technologische ontwikkelingen op het gebied van datamining en profilering.
Early educational interventions with computer programmes: the influence of genetic and neurobiological factors
On the efficacy of digitized storybooks for young learners with attention problems
Prehistoric loanwords in Armenian: Hurro-Urartian, Kartvelian, and the unclassified substrate
Op 7 november promoveert Rasmus Thorsø Nielsen. Het Leiden University Centre for Linguistics feliciteert Rasmus!
The added value of multimedia to repeated story book reading in preschool age
Challenges of New Media for the Development of Early Literacy Skills in Children at Risk
Indo-Slavic lexical isoglosses and the prehistoric dispersal of Indo- Iranian
Op 2 juli promoveert Axel Palmér. Het Leiden University Centre for Linguistics feliciteert Axel!
Development and application of cryo-EM tools to study the ultrastructure of microbes in changing environments
Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a powerful technique used to visualize the inside of cells and to study specific protein complexes. Within this thesis, I describe the use of various cryo-EM techniques to gain insight into the structural changes of the human pathogen, Vibrio cholerae, as it…
Luuk van Middelaar: onderschatting is de beste vriend van dit virus
In NRC beschrijft hoogleraar Luuk van Middelaar hoe de Nederlandse samenleving omgaat met het coronavirus.
Jimpitan in Wonosobo, Central Java: an indigenous institution in the context of sustainable socio-economic development in Indonesia
In times of hardships or crisis, local people know how to deal with it using their resourcefulness. Although efforts are sometimes made by the government to help them, they are fully aware that community support is at least equally important.