802 zoekresultaten voor “steen problems” in de Publieke website
Filter-based reconstruction methods for tomography
Promotor: K.J. Batenburg
Spectral imaging and tomographic reconstruction methods for industrial applications
Radiography is an important technique to inspect objects, with applications in airports and hospitals. X-ray imaging is also essential in industry, for instance in food safety checks for the presence of foreign objects.
Zihao Yuan
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
z.yuan@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Smoothly breaking unitarity : studying spontaneous collapse using two entangled, tuneable, coherent amplifiers
The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics states that a measurement collapses a wavefunction onto an eigenstate of the corresponding measurement operator.
Vincent Niochet
Faculteit Archeologie
v.niochet@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Self-Adjusting Surrogate-Assisted Optimization Techniques for Expensive Constrained Black Box ProblemsBagheri, S.
Optimization tasks in practice have multifaceted challenges as they are often black box, subject to multiple equality and inequality constraints and expensive to evaluate.
Algorithms for finite rings
Promotores: H.W. Lenstra, K. Belabas (University of Bordeaux)
On the optimization of imaging pipelines
In this thesis, topics relating to the optimization of high-throughput pipelines used for imaging are discussed. In particular, different levels of implementation, i.e., conceptual, software, and hardware, are discussed and the thesis outlines how advances on each level need to be made to make gains…
Optimal decision-making under constraints and uncertainty
We present an extensive study of methods for exactly solving stochastic constraint (optimisation) problems (SCPs) in network analysis. These problems are prevalent in science, governance and industry.
Principles of Environmental Sciences
Principles of Environmental Sciences provides a comprehensive picture of the principles, concepts and methods that are applicable to problems originating from the interaction between the living and non-living environment and mankind. Both the analysis of such problems and the way solutions to environmental…
Visual Relation extraction Based on Deep Cross-media Transfer Network
Building a Deep Cross-media Transfer Network to extract visual relations that relieve the problem of insufficient training data for visual tasks.
Applications of quantum annealing in combinatorial optimization
Quantum annealing belongs to a family of quantum optimization algorithms designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems using programmable quantum hardware. In this thesis, various methods are developed and tested to understand how to formulate combinatorial optimization problems for quantum…
Flows of six heavy metals
Can we provide the Dutch government with an integrative framework, wherein the various policies can be placed and the need for further measures can be identified?
Substances from Cradle to Grave
Materials balances have been used in the recent past for the analysis of substance oriented environmental problems and the formulation of measures for environmental policy. In this study an integrated tool, based on the materials balance principle, has been developed for the analysis of both environmental…
Applying data mining in telecommunications
This thesis applies data mining in commercial settings in the telecommunications industry.
Many objective optimization and complex network analysis
This thesis seeks to combine two different research topics; Multi-Objective Optimization and Complex Network Analysis.
Multi-dimensional feature and data mining
In this thesis we explore machine and deep learning approaches that address keychallenges in high dimensional problem areas and also in improving accuracy in wellknown problems. In high dimensional contexts, we have focused on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.
Principal algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.T.F. den Hollander
Arturo García De León
Faculteit Archeologie
a.j.garcia.de.leon@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Data-Driven Machine Learning and Optimization Pipelines for Real- World Applications
Machine Learning is becoming a more and more substantial technology for industry.
Learning-based Representations of High-dimensional CAE Models for Automotive Design Optimization
In design optimization problems, engineers typically handcraft design representations based on personal expertise, which leaves a fingerprint of the user experience in the optimization data. Thus, learning this notion of experience as transferrable design features has potential to improve the performance…
Huizen uit de Steentijd nabouwen
Leidse archeologen bouwen huizen uit de Steentijd na, uitsluitend met middelen die in die periode ook werden gebruikt. Deze werkwijze biedt verrassende inzichten in het vernuft van onze verre voorouders, en daagt bestaande archeologische opvattingen uit.
Resource allocation in networks via coalitional games
Promotor: F. Arbab, R. De Nicola, Co-Promotor: M. Tribastone
Empirical Bayes applications in biomedical high-dimensional prediction
The thesis introduces three methods for high-dimensional prediction problems in the biomedical field. The methods make use of empirical and variational Bayes in the estimation.
Current challenges in statistical DNA evidence evaluation
Promotor: R.D. Gill, F. Taroni
Deciphering fermionic matter: from holography to field theory
Promotor: K.E. Schalm, Co-promotor: S.S. Lee
Over het LHSC
Als kennisinstellingen, gemeente, burgers en andere partijen of organisaties elkaar onvoldoende weten te vinden, komt kennis niet voldoende ten goede aan de samenleving. Het Leiden Healthy Society Center heeft de ambitie om kennis, beleid en praktijk duurzaam met elkaar te verbinden. Zo willen we onderwijs…
Fuzzy systems and unsupervised computing: exploration of applications in biology
In this thesis we will explore the use of fuzzy systems theory for applications in bioinformatics.
Network flow algorithms for discrete tomography
Promotor: R. Tijdeman, Co-promotor: H.J.J. te Riele
Computational speedups and learning separations in quantum machine learning
This thesis investigates the contribution of quantum computers to machine learning, a field called Quantum Machine Learning. Quantum Machine Learning promises innovative perspectives and methods for solving complex problems in machine learning, leveraging the unique capabilities of quantum computers…
Risk bounds for deep learning
In this thesis, deep learning is studied from a statistical perspective. Convergence rates for the worst case risk bounds of neural network estimators are obtained in the classification, density estimation and linear regression model.
Wat we kunnen leren van de Mykeners
De Mykeense beschaving uit de Griekse Oudheid biedt een enorm potentieel aan bruikbare informatie: van innovatieve bouwmethoden tot manieren om als maatschappij om te gaan met crisissituaties. Archeologe Ann Brysbaert en haar team ontleden in het project SETinSTONE-project de Mykeense bouwprocessen…
Sparsity-Based Algorithms for Inverse Problems
Discrete tomography for integer-valued functions
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, Co-promotor: K.J. Batenburg
Travelling patterns on Discrete Media
This thesis describes how complex and real-world relevant analytical solutions can be found starting from a simple Nagumo problem posed on one or two-dimensional lattices.
System-level design for efficient execution of CNNs at the edge
A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a biologically inspired algorithm, highly capable at processing images and videos.
Biological model representation and analysis
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Co-promotor: F.J. Verbeek
Developing a behavioural cybersecurity strategy: A five-step approach for organisations
Dit onderzoek presenteert een vijfstappenplan voor de ontwikkeling van een effectieve gedragsgerichte cyberveiligheidsstrategie.
Systemic Accountability of the European Border and Coast Guard
Op 11 november 2021 verdedigde Mariana Gkliati het proefschrift 'Systemic Accountability of the European Border and Coast Guard'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. P. Rodrigues en prof.dr. L. Besselink (UvA).
An Online Corpus of UML design models: Construction and empirical studies
Promotores: J. Kok, M. Chaudron (Chalmers University)
Strategies for Mechanical Metamaterial Design
On a structural level, the properties featured by a majority of mechanical metamaterials can be ascribed to the finite number of soft internal degrees-of freedom allowing for low-energy deformations.
In Leiden moet het anders
In dit boek reconstrueert Bart van der Steen alle grote acties en campagnes van de Leidse SP-afdeling in de jaren zeventig. Hij laat zien hoe de partij zich ontwikkelde van een kleine maar enthousiaste groep revolutionairen naar een lokaal gewortelde actiepartij.
New Polymyxin Antibiotics for Old Problems
Statistical modelling of time-varying covariates for survival data
This dissertation focuses on developing new mathematical and statistical methods to properly represent time-varying covariates and model them within the context of time-to-event analysis.
Bayesian learning: challenges, limitations and pragmatics
This dissertation is about Bayesian learning from data. How can humans and computers learn from data?
Evaluation of Different Design Space Description Methods for Analysing Combustion Engine Operation Limits
Promotor: Prof.dr. T.H.W. Bäck
Exploration on and of Networks
This dissertation consists of two parts, with the common theme
Better Predictions when Models are Wrong or Underspecified
Promotor: P.D. Grünwald
Microengineered Human Blood Vessels For Next Generation Drug Discovery
Heart failure is a major health care problem with high mortality.
Machine learning for radio galaxy morphology analysis
We explored how to morphologically classify well-resolved jetted radio-loud active galactic nuclei (RLAGN) in the LOw Frequency Array (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) using machine learning.