5,353 zoekresultaten voor “policy and security networks” in de Publieke website
Development of a Kidney-on-a-Chip Model for Compound Screening and Transport Studies
Pharmaceutical companies, governments and the general public have become increasingly aware that animal models used in drug testing lack vital aspects to serve as an accurate representation of human biology. As models of the human body should become more physiologically relevant, animal models no longer…
Chemical functionalization of the graphene surface for electrical and electrochemical sensing application
Advanced sensing techniques require graphene with high quality and well-controlled surface chemistry.
Improved hard real-time scheduling and transformations for embedded Streaming Applications
This thesis addresses the problem of designing performance and energy efficient embedded streaming systems, that is, systems which process a stream of input data coming from the environment and generate a stream of output data going into the environment.
Fate, accumulation and ecotoxicity of copper nanoparticles under environmentally relevant conditions
Fate and toxicity of copper nanoparticles was related to the water chemistry of the environment and pristine size.
Chemokine signaling mechanisms underlying inflammation and infection control: insights from the zebrafish model
This thesis focuses on the role of chemokine receptors CXCR3 and CCR2 in the inflammatory process and infection control using the zebrafish model.
CO2 reduction on post-transition metals and their alloys: an industrial approach
This thesis focuses on the synthesis, characterization and performance towards CO2 electroreduction of mono and bi-metallic particles based on p-block metals
Discovery of novel inhibitors to investigate diacylglycerol lipases and α/β hydrolase domain 16A
Promotor: H.S. Overkleeft, Co-promotor: M. van der Stelt
Functional analysis of Dof transcription factors controlling heading date and PPDK gene expression in rice
Promotor: P.J.J. Hooykaas, Co-Promotores: P.B.F. Ouwerkerk, M. Wang
The impact of obesity on the pharmacokinetics of drugs in adolescents and adults
Promotores: C.A.J. Knibbe; J.N. van den Anker, Co-promotores: H.P.A. van Dongen; B. van Ramshorst
Self-assembly of flexible and rigid structures: from colloidal molecules to lattices
Self-assembly offers a promising route to create complex structures and materials using simple building blocks. Through, colloidal self-assembly, we can understand the governing principles of the self-assembly process and unlock its potential in diverse applications in materials science, photonics and…
Rituals of Birth, Circumcision, Marriage, and Death among Muslims in the Netherlands
Migration imposes special pressures on the meaning, experience and organization of lifecycle rituals. These pressures are felt most strongly by Muslim migrants to Western Europe. In this innovative study, Nathal M. Dessing examines the effects of migration on the life cycle rituals of Moroccan, Turkish…
d interplay between local three- dimensional chromatin architecture and gene expression
Nucleoid associated proteins maintain the architecture of the bacterial chromosome and regulate gene expression, hinting that their role as transcription factors may involve local three-dimensional chromosome re-modelling.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ondertekend tussen ISGA en Fukushima University
Memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between ISGA and Fukushima University during visit in Japan
Anthropogenic effects on links between macro-invertebrate diversity and ecosystem functioning
How are links between macro-invertebrate diversity and ecosystem functioning influenced by anthropogenic pressures?
Bibliometrics in the Context of Research Evaluation and Research Policy
investigating kinetic interactions between drug, endogenous neuropeptides and receptor
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman Co-promotor: L.H. Heitman
Comparative biology of common and grey seals along the Dutch coast
What are the main factors associated with the stranding of the two seal species? What are the factors influencing the prevalence of disease in the two species? Which human-related factors influence the populations of the two seal species?
Fate, accumulation and impact of metallic nanomaterials in the terrestrial environment
The rapidly increasing commercial application of metallic nanoparticles within products will inevitably enhance the amount of NPs being released into soil.
General plant strategies and functions in wetlands: Global trait-based analyses
Wetland plants are distinguished from plants of other terrestrial ecosystems by their adaptations to specific habitat stresses, including waterlogged and flooding and the subsequent abundance of phytotoxic compounds.
evolution of chemical diversity in plants : pyrrolizidine alkaloids and cytochrome P450s in Jacobaea
Plants produce an astonishing variety of secondary metabolites (SMs) which are thought to play vital roles in the fitness of plants through ecological interactions.
A study on PsbS and its role as a pH sensor
Solar energy harnessed by plants and algae has great potential to be converted into biofuels for future generations.
The rhizomicrobiome of Sorghum ; impact on plant growth and stress tolerance
The overall objectives of my thesis are to investigate the dynamics of the sorghum root microbiome and to explore the beneficial effects of the root microbiome on sorghum growth and stress tolerance.
Insights from modeling metabolism and amoeboid cell motility in the immune system
This thesis focuses on two processes involved in fighting infections: metabolism and immune cell motility and navigation.
Plasmonic enhancement of one-photon- and two-photon-excited single-molecule fluorescence by single gold nanorods
This thesis is a collection of experimental attempts to enhance photoluminescence of fluorescent molecules and quantum dots with single gold nanorods (GNRs) and relevant applications.
'Q-wires': Synthesis, electrochemical properties and their application in electro-enzymology
An objective of this research was to achieve direct, well-defined and non-rate-limiting electron transfer between respiratory enzymes and the electrode surface by means of 'Q-wires'.
Integrating cellular and tissue dynamics with cell fate decisions through computational modeling
There is a need for alternative methods to replace, reduce and refine (3R) animal experimentation. Combining experimental data from high-throughput in vitro studies with in silico modeling is a promising approach to unravel the effect of chemicals on living cells and to gain a better understanding of…
External Safety Aspects of the Chains of Chlorine, Ammonia and LPG
Safety issues of the transport and storage of Chlorine, ammonia and LPG.
Terpenoids and terpenoid indole alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus cell suspension cultures
Promotor: Prof.dr. R. Verpoorte, Co-Promotores: N.R. Mustafa, A.E. Schulte
Novel formulations and delivery strategies for inactivated polio vaccines : new routes with benefits
This thesis describes the development of improved formulations and alternative delivery strategies for polio vaccination.
The electrode-electrolyte interface in CO2 reduction and H2 evolution: a multiscale approach
Electrocatalysis allows for storing electricity or converting it into chemical bonds, producing chemical building blocks and fuels using renewable resources.
NMR studies of protein-small molecule and protein-peptide interactions
Promotor: M. Ubbink, Co-promotor: G. Siegal
Turtles all the way down: multiscale simulations connecting star and planet formation
The formation of stars and planets happens over multiple scales, which can interact. In particular, planet formation happens in the dense, complex environment of star forming regions.
Design, synthesis, and evaluation of antigenic peptide conjugates containing Toll-like receptor agonists
This thesis describes the design, synthesis, and immunological evaluation of varying (neo)antigenic peptide conjugates containing either a TLR2 or a TLR7 agonist.
Homogeneous Solutions Using Molecular Metalloporphyrin Photosensitizers and Catalysts
Indonesia is experiencing various environmental challenges related to its fast economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to have measurable and applicable indicators to obtain accurate data and information regarding the costs of adverse environmental impacts arising from economic activities to support…
'Integrated Projects' over fysiek geweld en openbare orde
De eerstejaarsstudenten van de Bachelor Security Studies hebben hun laatste blok afgesloten met het vak 'Integrated Project 1'.
Rosema & Louwerse, ‘Response scales in Voting Advice Applications’
Stemwijzers—applicaties die kiezers helpen te bepalen welke partij of kandidaat het beste past bij hun politieke voorkeur—spelen een steeds belangrijker rol in verkiezingen. De politicologen Martin Rosema (Universeit Twente) en Tom Louwerse (Universiteit Leiden) onderzoeken of het ontwerp van deze publicaties…
Democratie en burgerschap
Dit thematische gebied richt zich op uitdagingen voor, en innovaties rondom, democratie en burgerschap in het licht van hedendaagse wereldwijde transformaties. Gelieerde onderzoekers onderzoeken deze vragen op verschillende schaalniveaus (lokaal, nationaal, regionaal, wereldwijd) en vanuit verschillende…
Facultaire Teams (FAiMs)
We moedigen je aan om contact op te nemen met je facultaire Academia in Motion team (FAiM). Elk faculteitsteam vertaalt de principes en activiteiten van Academia in Motion naar hun eigen unieke behoeften en context.
more: reduced mycelial heterogeneity for improved production of enzymes and antibiotics
Hoe kan de techniek van cell wall engineering worden ingezet zodat de industrie streptomyceten beter kunnen verwerken tot nieuwe antibiotica?
compounds with S/N-functionalized NHC ligands: structures, redox properties and electrocatalytic activity
The research described in this thesis focused on the preparation of S/N functionalized carbene ligands and their transition metal complexes, and the exploration of their application as electrocatalysts for proton reduction.
Vijandbeelden. De veiligheidsdiensten en de democratie, 1912-1992
Wie aan inlichtingenwerk denkt, denkt aan James Bond. De dagelijkse praktijk is gelukkig genuanceerder. In Vijandbeelden bespreekt Constant Hijzen het werk besproken van de Nederlandse inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten, vroeger en nu.
Studies of dust and gas in the interstellar medium of the Milky Way
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens
Distance-based analysis of dynamical systems and time series by optimal transport
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation of plant functional traits on global scales
In light of climate change, it is crucial to determine whether plant species can adapt to future climates to avoid extinction. Plants adapt to various conditions by altering their functional traits, such as leaf size or photosynthetic rate. Some traits appear linked and vary together between species,…
nucleosome dynamics modulated by histone modifications, histone variants and neighboring nucleosomes
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Schmidt, Co-Promotor: S.J.T. van Noort
Allosteric modulation and ligand binding kinetics at the Kv11.1 channel
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.P. IJzerman, Co-Promotor: L.H. Heitman
Artificial metallo-proteins for photocatalytic water splitting: stability and activity in artificial photosynthesis
Climate change is one of the largest challenges faced by humanity. To combat this research into alternatives to fossil fuels is ongoing. Dihydrogen is considered a good alternative fuel, since its burning only forms water.
Autophagy and Lc3-associated phagocytosis in host defense against Salmonella
Control of infectious diseases poses continuous challenges for human health.
The spin evolution of accreting and radio pulsars in binary systems
Pulsars were first discovered in 1967 and since then the population has grown and expanded over several wavelengths.
Uit de schaduw: ethiek als fundament van inlichtingen en veiligheid