768 zoekresultaten voor “active some matter” in de Publieke website
Galaxy alignments from multiple angles
Galaxies form and live inside dark matter haloes. As a consequence, they are exposed to the tidal fields generated by the surrounding matter distribution: this imprints a preferential direction to the galaxy shapes, which leads to a coherent alignment on physically close galaxies, called intrinsic a…
Exploring the Edge
At the largest scales, two ingredients dictate the distribution of matter in the Universe. The first is dark matter, acting as an invisible scaffolding held together by gravitational forces.
Synthetic modification of fusogenic coiled-coil peptides
A structural investigation of coiled coil peptides used as membrane fusogens, mimicing naturally occuring coiled-coil fusion proteins. Synthetic modifications have been made to alter lipid attachment, secondary structure and to insert photoactive azobenzene moieties for active control over coiled coil…
The symmetry of crystals and the topology of electrons
Promotor: J. Zaanen, Co-Promotor: V. Juricic
Legal Aspects of Active Debris Removal (ADR)
Anti-microbial and Anti-biofilm compounds From Indonesian Medicinal Plants
Promotor: C.A.M.J.J. van den Hondel, Co-promotor: Sandra de Weert
Systems pharmacology of the endocannabinoid system
In this thesis, a system pharmacology approach, integrating metabolomics, pharmacology and chemical biology, was applied to understand and modulate the endocannabinoid system across different model systems (cells, zebrafish, mice and humans).
Grote NWO-subsidies voor onderzoek donkere materie en quantumexperimenten
Sterrenkundige Koen Kuijken en natuurkundige Tjerk Oosterkamp krijgen ieder een grote subsidie van NWO. Hiermee gaan zij nieuwe onderzoeksfaciliteiten bouwen.
Why the real world matters!
Galaxy formation and the structure of the Universe
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. Schaye, Prof.dr. S.D.M. White (MPA Garching)
Trainingen D&I
De universiteit en faculteit bieden geregeld trainingen aan op het gebied van Diversiteit & Inclusie. Bekijk hier een overzicht van de actuele trainingen.
Financial decisions matter
Measuring what Matters
Coherent dynamics in solar energy transduction
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Microbial communities in Pampa soils; impact of land use changes, soil type and climatic conditions
Promotor: J.A. van Veen, Co-promotor: E.E. Kuramae
Imaging complex model catalysts in action
From surface science towards industrial practice using high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy.
Chemical tools to monitor and control proteasome activities
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft; G.A. van der Marel Co-Promotor: B.I. Florea
Biomimetic models of [NiFe] hydrogenase for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution
The growing demand of energy indicates that global energy resources in the form of fossil fuels will not be sufficient in the future. In order to solve potential future energy problems development of a sustainable hydrogen economy is highly desirable.
Molecular electronics: Controlled manipulation, noise and graphene architecture
Atoms and molecules are the basic units of matter. If we keep dividing a bar of gold or a glass of water into smaller parts, at the end we are left with a single gold atom or a water molecule.
Parttime programma
Sinds 2021 is de master ook in deeltijd te volgen, een parttime opleiding van 2-3 dagen per week, waarvan één vaste, verplichte dag op vrijdag.
Computer Science
Computational thinking, programming, and algorithms form the basic of many of the things that are shaping our world, the way we work, interact, organize ourselves, and even spend our free time with social networks, streaming media, and games. And this transformation is far from being complete, it is…
Trainingen & Tools
Op deze pagina vind je een overzicht van de trainingen en tools die aangeboden worden voor FGGA-medewerkers.
Musems, Collections and Society | Yearbook 2021
In this Yearbook you will find some fascinating examples of what was done in 2021, not only by ourselves, but also by our international colleagues.
Counting points on K3 surfaces and other arithmetic-geometric objects
This PhD thesis concerns the topic of arithmetic geometry. We address three different questions and each of the questions in some way is about counting how big some set is or can be.
Weighing the Dark: Cosmological Applications of Gravitational Lensing
Promotor: K. Kuijken, Co-Promotor: H. Hoekstra
Unveiling dark structures with accurate weak lensing
Improvements of weak gravitational lensing shape measurements are presented and some used for data analysis.
Regulation of actomyosin contraction as a driving force of invasive lobular breast cancer
In this thesis, we used genetically engineered mouse models and a variety of cell-culture based assays to identify genes and pathways that are involved in the development and treatment of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC).
Heterogenized molecular (pre)catalysts for water oxidation and oxygen reduction
Before the large scale use of renewable energy sources can be implemented in our society, the storage of electrical energy needs to be tackled. Storage the energy as hydrogen via the reduction of protons is a good option.
Using insertional mutagenesis to identify breast cancer drivers and therapy resistance genes in mice
In this thesis, we used genetically engineered mouse models to identify genes and pathways that are involved in ILC formation and in the development of resistance to FGFR-targeted therapy.
Direct and two-step activity-based profiling of proteases and glycosidases
Promotores: Prof.dr. H.S. Overkleeft, Prof.dr. G.A. van der Marel
Applications of topology to Weyl semimetals and quantum computing
This thesis covers various applications of topology in condensed matter physics and quantum information.
Physics (MSc)
De tweejarige masteropleiding Physics wordt aangeboden door het Leids Instituut voor Onderzoek in de Natuurkunde. De opleiding is theoretisch en experimenteel. Er is ruime aandacht voor onderzoekstraining. Ook bieden we veel keuzemogelijkheden en op maat gemaakte, individuele studieprogramma’s.
Na het afronden van de bacheloropleiding volgen verreweg de meeste studenten de masteropleiding.
On the Galois closure of commutative algebras
Promotores: H.W. Lenstra, B. Erez, Co-promotor: L. Taelman
A fixed point approach towards stability of delay differential equations with applications to neural networks
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-Promotor: O.W. van Gaans
Anthropogenic effects on links between macro-invertebrate diversity and ecosystem functioning
How are links between macro-invertebrate diversity and ecosystem functioning influenced by anthropogenic pressures?
Rechtsgeleerdheid: eLaw
eLaw onderzoekt de rol van het recht in de informatiemaatschappij: hoe kan het recht bijdragen aan een goede werking van informatie- en communicatietechnologie, en het gebruik ervan door burgers, bedrijven en overheden?
Essentiality of conserved amino acid residues in β-lactamase
Evolution acts via mutations in amino acid sequences. Substitution of essential amino acids leads to a nonfunctional protein. l.
Prying eyes on radio skies: pushing the high-resolution low-frequency frontier with LOFAR
In this thesis we push the boundaries of high-resolution imaging at radio frequencies between 100 and 200 MHz. Using the International LOFAR Telescope that spans across Europe we achieve sub-arcsecond angular resolution.
On Products of Linear Error Correcting Codes
In this thesis we study products of linear error correcting codes.
Towards a greater understanding of the presence, fate and ecological effects of microplastics in the freshwater environment
This thesis combines field and laboratory studies to address some of the most pressing questions in the field of microplastic research.
Profinite groups with a rational probabilistic zeta function
Promotores: H.W. Lenstra, A. Lucchini
Dynamics and radiation from tidal disruption events
When a star gets too close to a supermassive black hole, it is torn apart by strong tidal forces in a tidal disruption event (TDE).
The distribution of stellar mass in galaxy clusters over cosmic time
Promotor: Prof.dr. K.H. Kuijken, Co-Promotor: H.Hoekstra
Scattering and absorption in 2D optics
Scattering of light in the presence of nano-structured materials, i.e. with features in the order of the wavelength of the light or smaller, reveals details of how light interacts with matter at the nanoscale.
The alignment of galaxies across all scales
Galaxy intrinsic alignments induce a major astrophysical contamination to weak gravitational lensing measurements and need to be modelled and mitigated when extracting cosmological information from such measurements.
Size effects in microstructured superconductors and quantum materials
We find ourselves in an era of transition, not just towards a more computing- and data-driven society but also away from unsustainable fossil fuels as an energy source.
Development matters – Longitudinale ontwikkeling van hersenen en gedrag
Felix Frohnert
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
f.frohnert@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Probing quantum materials with novel scanning tunneling microscopy techniques
This thesis described the development of novel scanning tunneling microscopy techniques to investigate strongly correlated electronic states in quantum matter.