2,633 zoekresultaten voor “more criteria decision analysis” in de Publieke website
Guiding safe and sustainable technological innovation under uncertainty: a case study of III-V/silicon photovoltaics
A framework for prospective/ex-ante life cycle assessment (LCA) and ecological risk assessment (ERA) of emerging technologies is developed and applied to a case study of III-V/silicon photovoltaic panels.
Heldere criteria vooraf van belang voor succesvolle financiering van particuliere maatschappelijke initiatieven
Om maatschappelijke particuliere initiatieven te laten slagen, is het belangrijk dat de overheid snel duidelijke randvoorwaarden geeft voor mogelijke financiering. Overheden stimuleren burgers, maatschappelijke instellingen en bedrijven om vanuit eigen initiatief activiteiten van maatschappelijk belang…
Visual analytics for spatially-resolved omics data at single cell resolution: Methods and Applications
The deeper understanding of an organism's pathology is important for developing treatments. Over centuries of systematic research, clinical researchers have demonstrated that the more information they acquire about the cellular properties and their organisation in the tissue, the better they can understand…
Het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap heeft een zeer divers onderzoeksprogramma. Dit programma dient twee doelen: het bevorderen van de eenheid van het Instituut als een intellectuele gemeenschap van sociale wetenschappers en politicologen en om collega’s met overlappende interessegebieden in staat te…
CircuMat | Circular city & Industry park MATerials metabolism learning package and assessment tool
Some examples of research questions include: What framework of circular strategies should local practitioners use? How should practitioners organize their monitoring of the circular economy activities in the region of interest? What are the main products that have the most circular potential in the…
Computers worden steeds krachtiger en krijgen steeds ingewikkelder taken. Het Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) doet baanbrekend wetenschappelijk onderzoek en past nieuwe vindingen toe in actuele maatschappelijke vraagstukken.
Lithium-ion batteries and the transition to electric vehicles
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) reduces vehicle emissions to combat climate change. EVs raise concerns regarding the production of lithium-ion batteries and related emissions; while batteries can also provide energy storage services for the electricity system.
Data-Driven Machine Learning and Optimization Pipelines for Real- World Applications
Machine Learning is becoming a more and more substantial technology for industry.
Natural Products Lab
Wij richten ons op natuurlijke producten van onderzoek, de traditionele geneeskunde, etnobotanie en fytochemie.
Orchestration of Distributed LOFAR Workflows
The LOFAR radio telescope produces petabytes of data every year. Radio Astronomers use complex multi-step pipelines to process this data and produce scientific images.
Md Faysal Tareq
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
m.f.tareq@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Environmental and metabolomic study of antibiotic production by actinomycetes
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.P. van Wezel
Innovative strategies to clinically characterize the human tear proteome
Transplantation of labial salivary glands to the eyelids for patients with dry eye appears to give excellent results clinically.
An Algebra for Interaction of Cyber-Physical Components
Modeling and analysis of cyber-physical systems are still challenging. One reason is that cyber-physical systems involve many different parts (cyber or physical), of different nature (discrete or continuous), and in constant interaction via sensing and actuating.
Systematics and biogeography of the rattan Calamus javensis complex (Arecaceae, Calamoideae) in Malesia
Calamus javensis is polymorphic. Morphometry and molecular approach resulted in all names used in the complex are regarded as synonyms of C. javensis except C. tenompokensis, which is retained as a distinct species. One variety is here recognized, C. javensis var. polyphyllus (including C. acuminatu…
Special edition Information Polity
In this special edition of Information Polity there is a focus on the transparency challenges of using algorithms in government in decision-making procedures at the macro-, meso-, and micro-levels.
Joeri Morpurgo
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
j.morpurgo@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Gestandaardiseerde en reproduceerbare meting van besluitvaardigheid bij muizen
In de wetenschap is het van vitaal belang dat meerdere studies hetzelfde resultaat onderschrijven. Onderzoekers moeten daarom alle details van eerdere experimenten kennen om de procedures zo exact mogelijk uit te kunnen voeren. Dit is echter een steeds groter probleem in de neurowetenschappen. Het is…
Structural Health Monitoring Meets Data Mining
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Co-promotor: A.J. Knobbe
Towards Photocatalytic Water Splitting in Homogeneous Solutions Using Molecular Metalloporphyrin Photosensitizers and Catalysts
Indonesia is experiencing various environmental challenges related to its fast economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to have measurable and applicable indicators to obtain accurate data and information regarding the costs of adverse environmental impacts arising from economic activities to support…
Towards Biosolar cells
BioSolar Cells is a five-year research project in which ten knowledge institutions and 45 private industries work together.
Research Memoranda
Onderzoekreeks van de Afdeling Economie van de Universiteit Leiden op het raakvlak van economie en recht.
Patterns in natural systems
Promotor: A. Doelman, Co-promotores: P.J.A. van Heijster; A. Zagaris
Integrated life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of concrete recycling in the Netherlands
Integrating life cycle assessment (LCA) with life cycle costing (LCC) offers the opportunity to simultaneously analyze the environmental and economic aspects of product alternatives, for the integration of which a unified computational has been proposed by Heijungs et al. (2013) [1]. The project aims…
'Solidarity under strain - A legal, criminological and economic analysis' - Leiden Interdisciplinary Migration Seminar
Wednesday 16 November 2016, 12.30-14.00
Attacks on hash functions and applications
Promotores: R. Cramer, A.K. Lenstra, Co-Promotor: B.M.M. de Weger
PhD Enumerative and Arithmetic Geometry
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Mathematisch Instituut (MI)
The role of the Arabidopsis AHL15/REJUVENATOR gene in developmental phase transitions
This thesis describes the functional analysis of the Arabidopsis AHL15 gene.
China’s industrial carbon emissions: Historical drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy targets
Has the industrial sector in China effectively been decarbonizing in recent years, across different regions and subsectors, and is it plausible that it will reduce its CO2 emissions in conformity with national and internationally pledged emission goals?
Aggravating matters: accounting for baryons in cosmological analyses
Three major cosmology-focused missions are planned for the next decade: the Euclid space telescope, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile, and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.
Anne Urai
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.e.urai@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3371
Anne Stiggelbout
Faculteit Geneeskunde
a.m.stiggelbout@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 4575
When materials become critical: lessons from the 2010 rare earth crisis
Promotor: G.J. Kramer Co-Promotor: E.G.M. Kleijn
Data-Driven Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Networks
Leiden University and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management are involved in a collaboration in the form of a research project titled 'Data-Driven Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Networks'
Statistical methods for microarray data
Promotores: J.C. van Houwelingen, S.A. van de Geer
Electroextraction approaches for preconcentration of metabolites
In this thesis, we developed new ways to use a technique called electroextraction (EE) to extract charged molecules from one liquid into another using an electric field.
The energy and material related impacts of the transition towards low-carbon heating: a case study of the Netherlands
This dissertation investigates the energy and material related impacts of the transition towards a low-carbon heating system in the Netherlands, in the context of its 2050 climate and circular economy policy goals.
Guiding evolutionary search towards innovative solutions
Promotors: Prof.dr. T.H.W. Bäck, Prof.dr. B. Sendhoff (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Internship information
An important part of the SCS specialisation is the internship period. Students will get the opportunity to get to know the field and to apply what they have learned during the courses.
Principal algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.T.F. den Hollander
The chlorine chain study
A substance flow analysis, covering about 99 % of the flows of chlorinated substances in the Netherlands.
Emilio Solis Sanchez
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
e.solis.sanchez@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Designing 'context-specific' regional innovation policy: a study on the role of regional government in six European regions
Whilst government’s ability to design ‘context-specific’ regional innovation policy is generally assumed to depend on the region’s decision-making power, the aim of this study is to investigate how regional government matters. In order to open up the black box of policy design, the study develops a…
EU Erasmus+ Curriculum Development in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
LIACS is a partner in the EU Erasmus+ Curriculum Development for the Asian education system. The knowledge available in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence education will be shared and adapted for the Asian market.
Exposure and health Assessment of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) at e-waste recycling site among workers in the informal sector in Nigeria
Do e-waste workers display enhanced effects of adverse health effects due to informal e-waste processing in Nigeria? Is there a difference between the health outcomes of the exposed and the control groups? Are there difference in health effects within and between job groups (collectors, dismantlers,…
General plant strategies and functions in wetlands: Global trait-based analyses
Wetland plants are distinguished from plants of other terrestrial ecosystems by their adaptations to specific habitat stresses, including waterlogged and flooding and the subsequent abundance of phytotoxic compounds.
EXIOBASE is a global, detailed Multi-regional Environmentally Extended Supply and Use / Input Output (MR EE SUT/IOT) database. It was developed by harmonizing and detailing SUT for a large number of countries, estimating emissions and resource extractions by industry, linking the country EE SUT via…
Thomas Bäck
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
t.h.w.baeck@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7108
Constraints on large-scale implementation of BioSolarCells, Early stage assessment of environmental value propositions
What performance criteria does a new technology have to fulfill in order to be added to the list of future energy options and what constraints exist in terms of broad market penetration?
CONSENT (Consumer sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content services in the digital economy) is a research project funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme. The question central to this research is whether recent changes to consumer and commercial practices developed…