4,125 zoekresultaten voor “personal and is an en studies” in de Publieke website
Keiko Yoshioka
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
k.yoshioka@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2553
Bronzen predicaat Elsevier Beste Studies 2022 voor LUC
Het Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) heeft een bronzen medaille ontvangen van de ranglijst Elsevier Beste Studies 2022. Dat betekent dat de studenten bovengemiddeld tevreden zijn over de kwaliteit van de opleiding en de opleiding het beter doet dan gemiddeld. Elsevier vergelijkt elk jaar een…
Sarah Wolff
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
s.wolff@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2698
Conflicts between migrants and locals in Leiden and Rotterdam, 1680-1800
Due to its economic prosperity, its policy of (relative) religious tolerance, and its large numbers of migrants, the Dutch Republic has long had a reputation of being the prime example of ‘tolerance’, especially during the seventeenth century. Although the great variety of newcomers in the Dutch Republic…
Opioid and cannabis utility, effects and side effects in the treatment of chronic pain
Imaging and high-dose proton therapy in chordomas and chondrosarcomas of the axial skeleton
High blood pressure and its treatment in the very old: balancing benefits and risks
Advancing helminth glycomics Structural specificity and mmunogenicity of schistosomal and filarial glycans
Zeta-values of arithmetic schemes at negative integers and Weil-étale cohomology
This work is dedicated to interpreting in cohomological terms the special values of zeta functions of arithmetic schemes.
Ruthenium- and cobalt-based artificial metalloenzymes for photocatalytic water oxidation in artificial photosynthesis
Producing green energy has become the main goal in our society in the search of reducing or eliminating the carbon emission from fossil fuels.
Structural changes in single chromatin fibers induced by tension and torsion
Promotor: T. Schmidt, Co-promotor: S. J.T. van Noort
Plasmonic enhancement of single-molecule fluorescence under one- and two-photon excitation
This thesis aims to improve the detection from ultra-weak single emitter by enhancing their emission properties with plasmonic nanostructures. We exploit the wet-chemically synthesized single crystalline gold nanorods (GNRs) as our basic frameworks in the whole studies, simply because of their unique…
bank plant diversity : the interaction between spatiotemporal patterns and agri-environmental management
Promotor: G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotor: C.J.M. Muster
mediated by integrin-based adhesion complexes: integration of cytoskeleton and adhesion dynamics
In this thesis, we focus on novel proteins/mechanisms that regulate integrin-adhesion mediated mechano-transduction.
Understanding the Surface Structure of Catalysts and 2D Materials at the Atomic Scale
The work in this thesis demonstrates how to obtain an atomic-scale picture of a diverse set of complex surface structures observed using STM, under disparate conditions.
On Multifield Inflation, Adiabaticity and the Speed of Sound of the Curvature Perturbations
Promotor: A. Achúcarro, Co-Promotor: G.A. Palma
luminescence of gold nanorods: applications to single-particle tracking and spectroscopy
Gold nanorods are biocompatible nanoparticles that present an excellent two-photon signal that can be used to get high spatial resolution inside living cells. Gold nanorods are photostable and therefore can be followed inside cells for long time, with possible applications as trackers in live cells.
Islamonderwijs wordt vernieuwd
De Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen van de Universiteit Leiden wil haar onderwijs op het gebied van de islam vernieuwen en verbreden. Dit betekent dat aandacht voor islamonderwijs blijft bestaan. Maar de zelfstandige bacheloropleiding Islamstudies wordt vanaf collegejaar 2014-2015 niet meer aangeboden…
educational interventions with computer programmes: the influence of genetic and neurobiological factors
Personalised pharmacotherapy in paediatric epilepsy : the path to rational drug and dose selection
The path to rational drug and dose selection
Kick Off Security Studies
Op maandag 4 september is de nieuwe bacheloropleiding Security Studies officieel van start gegaan.
Related Party Transactions and Corporate Groups: When Eastern Europe Meets the West
Op 1 april 2020 verdedigde Ivan Romashchenko zijn proefschrift 'Related Party Transactions and Corporate Groups: When Eastern Europe Meets the West'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.mr. S.M. Bartman en prof. A. Radwan (Kaunas, Litouwen).
Exploring Justice in Extreme Cases: Criminal Law Theory and International Criminal Law
Op 12 mei 2020 verdedigde Darryl Robinson zijn proefschrift 'Exploring Justice in Extreme Cases: Criminal Law Theory and International Criminal Law'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. C. Stahn.
Unravelling cell fate decisions through single cell methods and mathematical models
Despite being the object of intense study, embryonic development has been difficult to model due to a number of reasons. First, complex tissues can be comprised of many cell types, of which we probably only know a subset.
The evolution and plasticity of life histories upon variation in nutrition: on aging focused integrative approach
Promotores: Prof.dr. P.M. Brakefield, Prof.dr. B.J. Zwaan (Wageningen Universiteit)
Weighing the Dark: Cosmological Applications of Gravitational Lensing
Promotor: K. Kuijken, Co-Promotor: H. Hoekstra
creatIef, Creatiever, creaTiefst? Onderzoek naar het belang en de werking van creativiteitstraining bij Bachelor ICT-studenten
This dissertation presents the results of the importance of creativity for ICT-students of Dutch universities of applied sciences (in Dutch: hogescholen), and the functioning of training courses that aim to promote creative abilities is highlighted.
Understanding protein complex formation: The role of charge distribution in the encounter complex
Protein–protein complexes are formed via transient states called encounter complexes that greatly influence the formation of the stereospecific complex.
Profinite groups with a rational probabilistic zeta function
Promotores: H.W. Lenstra, A. Lucchini
Causal Discovery from High-Dimensional Data in the Large-Sample Limit
Developing robust algorithms and theory for establishing cause-effect relationships from observational data that scale up to large data sets
Complex multiplication of abelian surfaces
Promotor: Peter Stevenhagen
Massively collaborative machine learning
Promotor: J. N. Kok, Co-promotor: A. J. Knobbe
Galaxy alignments from multiple angles
Galaxies form and live inside dark matter haloes. As a consequence, they are exposed to the tidal fields generated by the surrounding matter distribution: this imprints a preferential direction to the galaxy shapes, which leads to a coherent alignment on physically close galaxies, called intrinsic a…
Applications of paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy for protein research
The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to develop new methods forchallenging systems in liquid-state NMR using paramagnetic effects generated by thetwo-armed probe CLaNP-5.
Cross-border Claims to Cultural Objects
Op 11 november 2021 verdedigde Evelien Campfens het proefschrift 'Cross-border Claims to Cultural Objects'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.dr. N.J. Schrijver en prof.dr. W.J. Veraart (VU Amsterdam).
Constraint-Based Analysis of Business Process Models
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) has become the standard for business processes diagrams.
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Miros Zohrehvand
In het academisch jaar 2023-2024 biedt het interdisciplinaire onderzoeksprogramma Sociale Veerkracht en Veiligheid vier vakken aan voor studenten die beginnen met het derde jaar van hun bachelor. Deze vakken zijn te volgen binnen de ruimte voor keuzevakken. Je kunt de vakken afzonderlijk als keuzevak…
De verzamelwoede van Martinus van Marum (1750-1837) en de ouderdom van de aarde
Promotor: F.J. van Lunteren, E. Jorin
Women Writing Mexico (WWM)
Women Writing Mexico (WWM) is a network of women and men concerned with the human rights crisis in Mexico and more specifically, with the impact of structural forms of poverty, everyday violence, and discrimination based on gender, race, social class, and ethnicity, that particularly have an impact…
Synthetic Methodology Towards ADP-Ribosylation Related Molecular Tools
Phosphorylation affects all four major biomolecules – proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids – and plays a pivotal role in the most fundamental cellular functions.
European Space Policy
Lezing, European Union Seminar
Missing the Mark? A Typology of Lethal and Non-Lethal Firearm Violence in the Netherlands
Dit artikel verkent het complexe onderwerp vuurwapengeweld en benadrukt het belang van het opnemen van niet-dodelijke incidenten van vuurwapengeweld.
Imaging functional brain connectivity: pharmacological modulation, aging and Alzheimer's disease
Psycholoog Bernadet Klaassens heeft een groot fMRI-onderzoek opgezet naar het effect van medicijnen op hersennetwerken bij veroudering en de ziekte van Alzheimer. Het leverde een unieke dataset op en zicht op een nieuwe methode om medicijnen te ontwikkelen voor patiënten met Alzheimer.
OFAC, Famine, and the Sanctioning of Afghanistan: A Catastrophic Policy Success
Matthew Hoye pleit voor een regulerend analytisch perspectief om de sancties tegen Afghanistan te bekijken.
Offering the Carrot and Hiding the Stick? Conceptualizing Credibility in UN Peacekeeping
In dit artikel bespreekt Vanessa Newby, universitair docent bij het Instituut Security and Global Affairs, geloofwaardigheid in vredesoperaties. Het artikel betoogt dat geloofwaardigheid in vredesoperaties moet worden opgebouwd met het oog op zowel afschrikking als samenwerking.
Multilevel governance and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic literature review
Dit artikel geeft een overzicht van de literatuur over de effecten van multilevel governance (MLG) op de beleidsreacties van regeringen op Covid-19.
Systematics and biogeography of the rattan Calamus javensis complex (Arecaceae, Calamoideae) in Malesia
Calamus javensis is polymorphic. Morphometry and molecular approach resulted in all names used in the complex are regarded as synonyms of C. javensis except C. tenompokensis, which is retained as a distinct species. One variety is here recognized, C. javensis var. polyphyllus (including C. acuminatu…
Reparations for International Crimes and the development of a Civil Dimension of International Criminal Justice
Miriam Cohen verdedigde haar proefschrift genaamd “Reparations for International Crimes and the development of a Civil Dimension of International Criminal Justice” op 28 juni 2017. Ze schreef haar proefschrift onder supervisie van prof.dr. L.J. van den Herik en prof. dr. C. Stahn.
the international cybersecurity regime: Geopolitics, non-state actors and diplomacy
De auteurs analyseren twee belangrijke factoren die informaliteit verdiepen, namelijk multipolaire geopolitiek en de opkomst van niet-statelijke actoren.