802 zoekresultaten voor “health lifestyles” in de Publieke website
Mining Sensor Data from Complex Systems
Promotor: J.N. Kok, Co-Promotor: A.J. Knobbe
Discovery of novel inhibitors to investigate diacylglycerol lipases and α/β hydrolase domain 16A
Promotor: H.S. Overkleeft, Co-promotor: M. van der Stelt
Chemical biology of glucosylceramide metabolism fundamental studies and applications for Gaucher disease
This thesis describes biochemical investigations of glucocerebrosidase (GBA), the lysosomal β- glucosidase that is deficient in Gaucher disease (GD).
Europese Energie, Omgeving en Gezondheid
Het onderzoek binnen deze pijler richt zich op de systeemrisico's waarmee Europese samenlevingen worden geconfronteerd en die de kwaliteit van leven van Europese burgers beïnvloeden.
Jimpitan in Wonosobo, Central Java: an indigenous institution in the context of sustainable socio-economic development in Indonesia
In times of hardships or crisis, local people know how to deal with it using their resourcefulness. Although efforts are sometimes made by the government to help them, they are fully aware that community support is at least equally important.
Analytical chemistry and biochemistry of glycosphingolipids: new developments and insights
Advanced mass spectrometry of glycosphingolipids takes the central stage in this thesis. Investigations focus on characterization of glycosphingolipid metabolism in health and disease with emphasis to the detection and accurate quantitation of known and so far unknown glycosphingolipids and closely…
Understanding the uptake and internal distribution of metallic nanoparticles in Danio rerio larvae
The aim is to discover where differently shaped metal nanoparticles distributes in Danio rerio, linking the distribution with genomic responses and so come up with a Mode of Action.
Optimizing antifungal treatment through pharmacometrics: dosing considerations to enhance outcome
Fungal infections pose a significant threat to individuals with compromised immune systems and despite advancements in diagnosis and treatment, they continue to jeopardize patient’s health.
Lipid signaling and inflammation: metabolomics for better diagnosis and treatment strategy
Lipid signaling is an essential biological event/process in a plethora of pathophysiological conditions. The underlying idea of this thesis is that many of the roles and the complex interplay of the individual signaling lipids in inflammatory processes and related conditions in health and disease is…
The ReCiPe methodology for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA).
Herkenning van kinderen met en at risk voor angststoornissen in de huisartsenpraktijk
Herkennen huisartsen kinderen die (een verhoogd risico voor) angststoornissen hebben en is er een patroon dat kan helpen om kinderen met en zonder angststoornissen te onderscheiden in de huisartsenpraktijk?
Many objective optimization and complex network analysis
This thesis seeks to combine two different research topics; Multi-Objective Optimization and Complex Network Analysis.
Quantitative pharmacology of antimicrobials
Antimicrobial drugs constitute a fundamental part of modern medicine. The global rise in antimicrobial resistance poses a major threat to global health.
Het gebruik van ‘Big data’ is niet meer weg te denken binnen het wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Voor dit onderzoek maken we gebruiken van diverse grote databestanden.
Insights into microtubule catastrophes: the effect of end-binding proteins and force
For each living organism health is ensured by correct functioning of its cells. Cells therefore have elaborate methods for regulation of their proteins.
The impact of climate variability on the ecology of a lion (Panthera leo Linnaeus 1758) population and lion livestock conflicts in the Amboseli
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. G.A. Persoon, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh
Forces and symmetries in cells and tissues
The way organisms develop from the initial single-cellular state to a complex final assembly like the human body, and how the final body is maintained throughout life, is one of the greatest mysteries and it’s understanding one of the biggest scientific challenges.
Machine learning and computer vision for urban drainage inspections
Sewer pipes are an essential infrastructure in modern society and their proper operation is important for public health. To keep sewer pipes operational as much as possible, periodical inspections for defects are performed.
The specialisation Science Communication and Society (SCS) concerns science communication in a broad sense. The program focuses on the link between science and society and covers knowledge and skills in the field of science communication.
Modelling the interactions of advanced micro- and nanoparticles with novel entities
Novel entities may pose risks to humans and the environment. The small particle size and relatively large surface area of micro- and nanoparticles (MNPs) make them capable of adsorbing other novel entities, leading to the formation of aggregated contamination.
Ruthenium-peptide conjugates for targeted phototherapy
As leading cause of death worldwide, cancer is responsible for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 according to World Health Organization (WHO). Cisplatin and its derivatives are commonly used chemotherapy agents for current cancer treatment in the clinics.
Inhibitors and activity-based probes for β-D-glucuronidases, heparanases and β-L-arabinofuranosidases
Glycosidases (GHs) are enzymes responsible for the degradation of carbohydrates and play many roles in human health and pathophysiology. Often, abnormal levels of glycosidase activity are markedly linked to human pathologies.
A pharmacognostic study of Vernonia guineensis Benth. (Asteraceae): bioactivity, safety, and phytochemical analysis
Promotor: Prof.dr. R. Verpoorte, Co-Promotor: Dr. Young Hae Choi
Data-driven Predictive Maintenance and Time-Series Applications
Predictive maintenance (PdM) is a maintenance policy that uses the past, current, and prognosticated health condition of an asset to predict when timely maintenance should occur.
Developmental effects of polystyrene nanoparticles in the chicken embryo
There is concern about the threat that nanoplastics (NPs) may pose to both wildlife and humans. This thesis explores the mechanisms of toxicity of polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-NPs) in chicken embryo.
Betrokken partijen
Bij de uitbreiding van het Gorlaeus Gebouw zijn veel interne en externe partijen betrokken.
Machine learning-based NO2 estimation from seagoing ships using TROPOMI/S5P satellite data
The marine shipping industry is one of the strongest emitters of nitrogen oxides (NOx), a pollutant detrimental to ecology and human health. Over the last 20 years, the pollution produced by power plants, the industry sector, and cars has been decreasing.
The developing infant gut microbiota: mathematical predictions of the effects of oligosaccharides
A complex community of microbes develops in the infant gut shortly after birth. We call this community the infant gut microbiota. The microbiota influences the health of the infant, which makes the composition and function of the infant gut microbiota an important topic to study.
Bioengineering and biophysics of viral hemorrhagic fever
Viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) is a group of acute diseases caused by highly infectious viruses including Ebola, Lassa, Dengue viruses. Its high mortality rate poses high risk to public health, however, studies on VHF have been hampered due to the non-availability of proper models and incomplete knowledge…
Anthracycline biosynthesis in Streptomyces: engineering, resistance and antimicrobial activity
Actinobacteria are well known for the production of bioactive natural products, many of which have applications in the fields of human, animal and plant health. Subject of this thesis are the anthracyclines, glycosylated aromatic polyketides with potent anticancer activity.
Integrating professionals lived experience in the transformation of mental health services
Breaking Barriers, Personalizing Pathways - Psychological health and self-management of people with chronic kidney disease
Kiem-project onderzoekt relatie tussen geweld en andere gezondheidsproblemen
'Violence as a Population Health Problem' is een van de 33 interdisciplinaire projecten die van start ging dankzij een Kiem-beurs. Het projectteam gaat in een grote patiëntendatabase op zoek naar verbanden tussen geweld en andere gezondheidsproblemen. ‘Geweld kan ook een uiting zijn van andere factoren’,…
Andrea Evers over placebo-effect en conditionering
Het eerste wereldwijde congres over placebostudies van 2-4 april moest uitwijken naar de Stadsgehoorzaal om de deelnemers uit 20 landen te ontvangen. Ook de Nederlandse media lieten zich niet onbetuigd. Bekijk een selectie uit het nieuws met Andrea Evers over placebo's en conditionering.
Health problems and risks encountered among healthy and vulnerable Dutch travelers
At mission's end: The long-term impact of deployment on mental health
Saramaccan medical plant knowledge, practices, and beliefs for local health care in Suriname
Disclaimer: Manuscripten die te maken hebben met het Resilience Center zijn alleen voor academische doeleinden en zijn niet bedoeld voor massaverspreiding of kopiëren. Raadpleeg de toepasselijke wetten voor eerlijk gebruik, inclusief de beperkingen van de houders van auteursrechten op publicaties.
Simcha Jong Kon Chin
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
s.jong@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7201
‘Niet iedereen heeft gezondheidsdoelen bovenaan staan’
Om ziekte te voorkomen of uit te stellen is vaak leefstijlverandering nodig en dat blijkt lastig. Valentijn Visch en Sandra van Dijk doen onderzoek naar de vraag hoe je mensen daarme kunt helpen.
- Zorgen voor morgen: hoe houden we de zorg houdbaar?
Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID)
Waarom zijn niet alle kinderen even gevoelig voor variaties in hun sociale omgeving?
Ontdek hoe Virtual Reality wordt ingezet om kinderen en jongeren te helpen die iets traumatisch hebben meegemaakt
The chlorine chain study
A substance flow analysis, covering about 99 % of the flows of chlorinated substances in the Netherlands.
Unraveling temporal processes using probabilistic graphical models
Real-life processes are characterized by dynamics involving time. Examples are walking, sleeping, disease progress in medical treatment, and events in a workflow.
Systems pharmacology of the endocannabinoid system
In this thesis, a system pharmacology approach, integrating metabolomics, pharmacology and chemical biology, was applied to understand and modulate the endocannabinoid system across different model systems (cells, zebrafish, mice and humans).
Relevantie project
Naast het feit dat angstproblemen veelvoorkomend zijn en het daarom belangrijk is om hier effectieve preventieve programma’s en behandelingen voor te ontwikkelen, is dat in deze tijd extra relevant.
Kansen voor kinderen met betekenisvol datagebruik
Alle kinderen verdienen een kansrijke start. Maar sommige kinderen beginnen met een achterstand, door problemen tijdens de zwangerschap of doordat ze opgroeien in gezinnen waar risico’s spelen, zoals armoede, verslaving, of psychische problemen.
Effect of Nanoparticles on Microbial Catabolism and Community Structure using Biolog techniques
1. To what extent do metallic NPs added to soil extractions change the activity, abundance, or community composition of microbes? 2. How do the effects of metallic NPs on soil microbes differ from the effects of the ions shedding from corresponding NPs?
Internship information
An important part of the SCS specialisation is the internship period. Students will get the opportunity to get to know the field and to apply what they have learned during the courses.