1,823 zoekresultaten voor “role works in roos environmental” in de Publieke website
Indicators for "decoupling"
Indicators to measure progress in de-linking economic growth and environmental pressure.
Evaluating Asian aquaculture using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Are there significant differences among the environmental impacts resulting form the production of Asian aquaculture commodities and what are the main causes for these?
Insolvency Office Holder-project
It researches (the possibilities for) the development of a set of principles and best practices for insolvency office holders by comparing multilateral treaties and soft law recommendations and national legislation within Europe.
Musems, Collections and Society | Yearbook 2020
In this Yearbook you will find some fascinating examples of what was done in 2021, not only by ourselves, but also by our international colleagues.
Searching by Learning: Exploring Artificial General Intelligence on Small Board Games by Deep Reinforcement Learning
In deep reinforcement learning, searching and learning techniques are two important components. They can be used independently and in combination to deal with different problems in AI, and have achieved impressive results in game playing and robotics. These results have inspired research into artificial…
De stad, het vuil en de beerput
De opkomst, verbreiding en neergang van de beerput in stedelijke context
In dit interdisciplinaire onderzoeksprogramma werken onderzoekers uit vijf verschillende disciplines met elkaar samen. Zij stellen zich hieronder (in het Engels) aan u voor.
Applications of Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents to Extraction and Preservation of Biomolecules
The recently introduced nature-originated deep eutectic solvents, so-called natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) are considered as truly green solvents, which composed of natural ingredients found abundantly in organisms.
Chemokine signaling mechanisms underlying inflammation and infection control: insights from the zebrafish model
This thesis focuses on the role of chemokine receptors CXCR3 and CCR2 in the inflammatory process and infection control using the zebrafish model.
Emilio Solis Sanchez
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
e.solis.sanchez@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Evaluating European imports of Asian aquaculture products using statistically supported life cycle assessments
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo
Life Cycle Assessment-Based Guidance for development of New Energy Technologies
The development of new environmentally sound technologies is seen as a key route towards achieving sustainability.
Kees Musters
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
musters@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7461
Rutger Hoekstra
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
r.hoekstra@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Surendra Balraadjsing
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
s.balraadjsing@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Onderwijs- en organisatieontwikkeling
Publicaties Onderwijs- en organisatieontwikkeling
Wetenschaps- en onderwijsbeleid
De YAL laat zich horen over beleidskwesties.
On continued fraction algorithms
Promotor: Robert Tijdeman, Co-promotor: Cornelis Kraaikamp
‘Zo moeten we chemicaliën testen: in de buitenlucht!’
Blubberig, nat, drassig en modder: bij het horen van deze woorden denk je niet direct aan een laboratorium. Het Levend Lab in Leiden is dan ook niet zomaar een lab. Ecotoxicoloog Martina Vijver en haar team onderzoeken er het effect van onder andere bestrijdingsmiddelen op het waterleven. Dorien Rozing…
After Work Conversations
Management of Small-Scale Fisheries at the Elephant Marsh in Malawi
Wetlands provide many ecosystem goods and services which include fish production. The sustainability of small-scale fisheries (SSF) has received considerable attention in recent years because fish is one of the major sources of animal protein to a considerable fraction of the global population which…
Erfgoed tegen klimaatverandering: ‘Het kan helpen om het bewustzijn te vergroten’
In veel grote steden kan klimaatverandering tot een watercrisis leiden. Een goede omgang met erfgoed kan dit tegengaan, betoogt Fokke Gerritsen. De directeur van het Nederlands instituut in Turkije (NIT) gebruikte seed money van het Impact Support Netwerk om dit aan de hand van een Istanbuls aquaduct…
The power of biotic ligand models : site-specific impact of metals on aquatic communities
Promotor: G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotores: M.G. Vijver, J.P.M. Vink
Crossing boundaries
Celebrating 20 years of environmental research in Cagayan Valley and Sierra Madre
Voetafdrukfamilie geeft completer beeld milieuschade
Het wemelt van de voetafdrukken die de druk van de mens op het milieu berekenen. Milieukundige Kai Fang is de eerste die een voetafdrukfamilie ontwikkelde waardoor milieuschade en uitputting van hulpbronnen beter gemeten kan worden. Promotie 24 november.
Examining the sustainability aspects of biotechnology, especially those related to the production of ethanol from biomass.
IDREEM - Increasing industrial resource efficiency in European mariculture
What are the environmental trade-offs for SMEs considering moving from monoculture aquaculture practice towards IMTA? What are the environmental trade-offs comparing IMTA species with their conventional monoculture alternatives?
A macro level assessment of material circularity
A sustainable resource management is an essential aspect to satisfy the current human needs without compromising the needs of future generations.
The Weight of Nations
Material outflows from industrial economies.
Aquatic eDNA: Beyond Species Presence
As a non-invasive genetic method, eDNA based approaches have become an important component of ecologists' and environmental managers' toolkits for biomonitoring in conservation and an increasingly important source of ecological knowledge.
Towards a Sustainable and Circular Metals Economy
In-use stocks of products can be considered as intermediaries between human needs and the physical world.
Composition and function of integrin adhesions
Integrins play an essential role in multicellular life by connecting cells to the extracellular matrix.
RNA splicing in breast cancer progression
In this thesis, we aimed to better understand the underlying mechanisms involved in TNBC progression and metastasis formation and discover new targets to reduce breast cancer related deaths.
Functional analysis of Dof transcription factors controlling heading date and PPDK gene expression in rice
Promotor: P.J.J. Hooykaas, Co-Promotores: P.B.F. Ouwerkerk, M. Wang
Cognitive Bias in the Judgment of Business Valuations and Valuators
Op 1 april 2020 verdedigde Marc Broekema zijn proefschrift 'Cognitive Bias in the Judgment of Business Valuations and Valuators'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof. dr. J.I. van der Rest.
Asia and the UN
Subproject of the ERC project 'Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within: The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South'.
Politics, Culture and National Identities
The research group Politics, Culture and National Identities 1789-present investigates a wide range of national political cultures in Europe and the Americas in the 19th and 20th centuries. Instead of only analyzing high politics (the acts of governments and political parties), the research group focuses…
Less is more: reduced mycelial heterogeneity for improved production of enzymes and antibiotics
Hoe kan de techniek van cell wall engineering worden ingezet zodat de industrie streptomyceten beter kunnen verwerken tot nieuwe antibiotica?
Papyrus, rozen en een zeekat: de Leidse Dioskurides
Lezing, Studium Generale
- BiodiverCity: stadse natuur voor stadse mensen
Studies on molecular basics of metabolic syndrome in zebrafish
The research described in this thesis has, using the zebrafish as a model system, shed new light on the intricate relationship between TB and DM2, in particular on the role of leptin, SHP-1 and glucocorticoids.
Toin Duijx benoemd tot erelid IBBY-International
The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) kent Toin Duijx het erelidmaatschap toe vanwege zijn werk als secretaris en penningmeester van de Nederlandse IBBY-sectie, zijn werk in en grote betrokkenheid bij de Internationale Jugendbibliotheek in München, zijn inzet als jurylid van de Hans…
Publicatie: Woodcuts as Reading Guides. How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550)
In the first half of the sixteenth century, the Low Countries saw the rise of a lively market for practical and instructive books that targeted non-specialist readers. This study shows how woodcuts in vernacular books on medicine and astrology fulfilled important rhetorical functions in knowledge communication.…
Mechano-transduction mediated by integrin-based adhesion complexes: integration of cytoskeleton and adhesion dynamics
In this thesis, we focus on novel proteins/mechanisms that regulate integrin-adhesion mediated mechano-transduction.
Functional fluorescent materials and migration dynamics of neural progenitor cells
In this thesis, time-lapse fluorescent microscopy plays a pivotal role in investigating functional materials within living cells as well as the migratory behaviour of neural progenitor cells.
Oxford University Press versnelt goedkeuring WHO-regelgeving met medewerking van Ginevra Le Moli
The International Health Regulations are a set of binding rules which organise the global response to viral outbreaks and other similar transboundary risks to public health.
Gintingan in Subang: An Indigenous Institution for Sustainable Community-Based Development in the Sunda Region of West Java, Indonesia
This study attempts to understand how indigenous community institutions pose an important role in sustainable community-based development, including the integration between local culture and development.
Targeted Informed consent: empowering young participants in medical-scientific research
Promotor: J.M. van den Broek Co-promotor: M.C. de Vries
Accelerating the Photocatalytic Water Splitting in Catalyst−Dye Complexes
As a virtually inexhaustible source, solar energy plays a major role in future global energy scenarios.
The evolution of chemical diversity in plants : pyrrolizidine alkaloids and cytochrome P450s in Jacobaea
Plants produce an astonishing variety of secondary metabolites (SMs) which are thought to play vital roles in the fitness of plants through ecological interactions.