2,255 zoekresultaten voor “the use of evidence in the policy making processen” in de Publieke website
The LUGO Press
The LUGO Press is a student publication forum, rooted in academia and journalistic practices and published by the Leiden University Green Office.
The astrochemical factory: A solid base for interstellar reactions
In this thesis chemical and physical processes in the ice mantles on interstellar dust grains are studied.
The Powers That Be
De afdeling Staats- en Bestuursrecht van de Universiteit Leiden heeft een bundel gepubliceerd over de vraag of de historisch gegroeide combinatie van de concepten van democratische legitimiteit en de scheiding van machten mogelijk blijft buiten de context van de traditionele staat, en indien dit mogelijk…
Environmental footprints: assessing anthropogenic effects on the planet's environment
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotor: R. Heijungs
Evaluation of the environmental impact of products (EIPRO)
Identification of the products or product groups that have the greatest environmental impact from a life-cycle perspective using environmentally extended input-output analysis.
Predicting the future: Predictive control for astronomical adaptive optics
The field of exoplanet research is rapidly advancing through the development of new technology, observing techniques, and post-processing methods.
The Egalitarian Constitution
Op 18 september 2018 verdedigde Jonathan Price zijn proefschrift 'The Egalitarian Constitution'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. A.A.M. Kinneging.
Meet the professor
Ruim 1600 leerlingen uit groep 7 van basisscholen in Leiden en Den Haag krijgen op de verjaardag van de universiteit (8 februari) les van een echte professor.
Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy and the Spin Bath
There are many interpretations of quantum mechanics, and ultimately experiments are needed to verify or falsify these interpretations.
From midplane to planets : the chemical fingerprint of a disk
This thesis addresses the chemical processes that determine the compositions of giant planet atmospheres.
PhD Candidate to study transcription factor binding to chromatin at the single-molecule level
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leids Instituut voor Onderzoek in de Natuurkunde (LION)
The CM class number one problem for curves
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, A. Enge Co-Promotor: T.C. Streng
The Right to Health
Op donderdag 15 december is Elisavet Alexiadou gepromoveerd op haar proefschrift: ‘The Right to Health. A Human Rights Perspective with a Case Study on Greece'. Promotor was hoogleraar gezondheidsrecht Aart Hendriks.
The connection between mass and light in galaxy clusters
Promotor: Koen Kuijken Co-promotor: Henk Hoekstra
The synthesis of chemical tools for studying sphingolipid metabolism
Sphingolipids are important membrane compounds with a variety of functions. In mammalian cells, different enzymes are involved in the metabolism of sphingolipids, but interruption of this metabolism process leads to different diseases.
Teach The Teachers -Basis
Tijdens de cursus Teach the Teachers-Basis gaat u via een e-learning aan de slag met drie thema’s: competentiegericht opleiden, het opleiden van AIOS en de ontwikkelingscyclus van de AIOS. Deze modules zijn opgebouwd uit een combinatie van teksten, visualisaties, video’s en vragen/opdrachten. Met het…
Groepsgedrag: one for the team
Leidse wetenschappers onderzoeken groepsgedrag. Ze ontdekten onder meer dat mensen zich waarschijnlijk instinctmatig opofferen voor een mede-groepslid. Met dit soort inzichten kunnen we sociale processen in een wijk of binnen een bedrijf beter begrijpen en beïnvloeden.
Lithium-ion batteries and the transition to electric vehicles
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) reduces vehicle emissions to combat climate change. EVs raise concerns regarding the production of lithium-ion batteries and related emissions; while batteries can also provide energy storage services for the electricity system.
The evolution of shell form in tropical terrestrial microsnails
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Schilthuizen
The Walking Dead at Saqqara. The Making of a Cultural Geography
De belangrijkste casestudy van het project is de culturele geografie van Sakkara, de necropolis van de oud-Egyptische stad Memphis, en de ontwikkeling daarvan.
The galaxy–dark matter connection: a KiDS study
In this thesis, the research focuses on the properties of dark matter and dark matter haloes and how they connect with the galaxies we can observe in the Universe.
Resolving the building blocks of galaxies in space and time
We investigate the buildup of galaxies from various vantage points. The first two chapters focus on the stellar content of galaxies, especially the distribution of stellar masses at birth and potential variations therein in various galactic environments.
Novel pharmacometric techniques to quantify the pharmacodynamics of analgesics
The overarching clinical aim of this thesis was to improve pharmacological pain management by characterizing the pharmacodynamics of analgesics. This promotion has been awarded the predicate cum laude.
Shaping the pharmacokinetic landscape for renally cleared antibiotics in obesity
The prevalence of obesity (BMI >40 kg/m2) has increased rapidly over the recent years, not only in adults, but also in children and adolescents.
Play by the rules? : coordination of EU sustainable development policies and the importance of the politico-legal context
There is an increasing amount of attention on EU and its Member States contributions to implementation of two landmark agreements: the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN Agenda 2030 with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Absent from the current literature is an analysis of the political effect of…
Pensions, Retirement, and the Financial Position of the Elderly
Langetermijnontwikkelingen, zoals het verouderen van de bevolking, de toename in de gemiddelde levensverwachting en de gevolgen van de recente financiële crisis, hebben bijgedragen aan de discussie rondom de houdbaarheid van het pensioenstelsel.
On the nature of the right to resist: a rights-based theory of the ius resistendi in liberal democracies
Op 7 september verdedigde Francesc Claret Traid het proefschrift 'On the nature of the right to resist: a rights-based theory of the ius resistendi in liberal democracies'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door Afshin Ellian en Gelijn Molier.
Neutrinos From the Milky Way
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. de Jong
Catalysis of the electrochemical water oxidation to oxygen
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.T.M. Koper, Co-Promotor: F. Calle-Vallejo
Playing dice with the Universe
The ultimate goal of cosmologists is to find a cosmological model able to explain the current observational data.
Petition: Save the Bachelor Celtic!
Sign the petition to save the Bachelor Celtic!
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Taking Stock after 25 Years and Looking Ahead
Het boek 'The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' is het resultaat van de conferentie – ’25 Years CRC’ – die in november 2014 in Leiden werd gehouden.
The activation mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptors: the case of the adenosine A2B and HCA2/3 receptors
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman
The characteristics of galaxies with powerful radio jets
Radio jets are important to the evoultion of galaxies. However, it is still not fully understood how a radio jet can be triggered.
From grains to planetesimals: the microphysics of dust coagulation
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens, Prof.dr. C. Dominik (UvA)
The Grand Tour
Kunst- en cultuurhistorische aspecten van een iconische rondreis
The Grand Tour
Kunst- en cultuurhistorische aspecten van een iconische rondreis
Fit for the future
Het boek 'Fit for the future' bundelt de bijdragen van Leidse wetenschappers en behandelt de uitdagende onderwerpen op de agenda van het Nederlandse EU-voorzitterschap 2016.
Meet the professor
Een échte professor in de klas!
The synthesis of mannose-derived bioconjugates and enzyme inhibitors
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft, G.A. van der Marel, Co-Promotor: J.D.C. Codee
The role of autophagy during carbon starvation in Aspergillus niger
Autopaghy is an intracellular degradation system which targets cytosolic components to lytic compartments for degradation and recycling of the building blocks of the cell.
Global The Hague
Dankzij haar vestiging op de Campus Den Haag van de Universiteit Leiden, bevindt GTGC zich in een zeer mondiale omgeving. Het programma onderhoudt dan ook actief contact met organisaties en instanties in de stad die een belangrijke rol spelen in de aanpak van mondiale vraagstukken. Hieronder vind je…
Waves and Patterns in Discrete Media: Bridging the Gaps
What happens to electrical waves that have to cross gaps in insulation material around nerves in the human body
On the amount of sieving in factorization methods
Promotoren: R. Tijdeman, A.K. Lenstra, Co-promotor: H.J.J. te Riele
Navigating the World of Emotions
Social Information Processing in Children with and without Hearing Loss
The parabolic Anderson model and long-range percolation
Promotor: Prof.dr. F. den Hollander, G.Maillard
Surface Temperature and the Dynamics of H2 on Cu(111)
Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the fundamental processes of modern life, being common in industrial refinery and hydrogen vehicles, all the way to the living cell. The dissociation of H2 on Cu(111) is an important benchmark system for studying heterogeneous catalysis, with a large and varied amount…
A Tale of Two Mosuls, The resurrection of the Iraqi armed forces and the military defeat of ISIS
Een verhaal van Twee Mosuls, De wederopstand van de Irakese strijdkrachten en de militaire nederlaag van ISIS. In dit artikel, gepubliceerd in het Journal of Strategic Studies, bespreken de auteurs Maarten Broekhof, Martijn Kitzen en Frans Osinga de militaire aanpassing door de Iraakse strijdkrachten…
Affinity-based profiling of the adenosine receptors
The adenosine receptors are proteins that reside in the extracellular membranes of cells. Activation of adenosine receptors plays a role in many physiological and pathological processes, such as immune responses and cancers.
Regulatory Management Policies and a Universal Model for Public Policy Making, Legislative Drafting and Managing Stocks of Legislation
Op 6 juni 2019 verdedigde Edward Donelan zijn proefschrift 'Regulatory Management Policies and a Universal Model for Public Policy Making, Legislative Drafting and Managing Stocks of Legislation'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof. W.J.M. Voermans.