25 zoekresultaten voor “rheumatoid arthritis” in de Publieke website
Mast cell-mediated immune modulation in experimental Rheumatoid Arthritis and Atherosclerosis
In this research project, we aimed to obtain more insight in the role of mast cells in the immune driven disorders rheumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis.
Exercise therapy in people with rheumatoid arthritis and severe functional disability
Antisense Oligonucleotide Mediated Exon Skipping Based Therapies in Arthritis
Promotor: G.J.B. van Ommen
Bioorthogonal Antigens as Tool for Investigation of Antigen Processing and Presentation
In order to be able to develop effective medicine and treatments to prevent or cure autoimmune diseases or cancer we need to understand the mechanisms how they arise and what drives their course.Unravelling the fundamental molecular mechanisms influencing the onset and course of diseases such as allergies,…
Systems diagnosis in chronic disease: prediction and evaluation
Promotor: J. van der Greef, T. Hankemeier; Co-promotor: H.A. van Wietmarschen
Personalized medicine in rheumatoid arthritis
Lipid signaling and inflammation: metabolomics for better diagnosis and treatment strategy
Lipid signaling is an essential biological event/process in a plethora of pathophysiological conditions. The underlying idea of this thesis is that many of the roles and the complex interplay of the individual signaling lipids in inflammatory processes and related conditions in health and disease is…
Bioorthogonal chemistry to unveil antigen processing events
The research described in this thesis focused on the use of bioorthogonal antigens to investigate immunological processes in antigen presenting cells. Bioorthogonal antigens are antigenic proteins produced through recombinant expression in a methionine auxotrophic E. coli strain.
Autoreactive B Cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Clinically Suspect Arthralgia, Unraveling the Development of Rheumatoid Arthritis
The road to insurmountability: Novel avenues to better target CC Chemokine receptors
This thesis explores different avenues to develop insurmountable antagonists for CC Chemokine Receptors, such as CCR1, CCR2 and CCR5.
in clinically suspect arthralgia: crossing the frontiers of rheumatoid arthritis
Pro-resolving fatty acids and oxylipids in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
Systems diagnosis of chronic diseases, explored by metabolomics and ultra-weak photon emission
Promotor: J. van der Greef; Co-promotor: E. van Wijk, M. Wang
origin and evolution of the autoreactive B cell response in rheumatoid arthritis
similarities of autoantibody-positive and autoantibody- negative rheumatoid arthritis during the disease course
of local and systemic disease activity in treated-to- target rheumatoid arthritis
Early clinical and imaging features of rheumatoid arthritis: Towards a more complete picture
and opportunities related to discontinuation of treatment in rheumatoid arthritis
Financiering voor vier Leidse onderzoeken in strijd tegen reuma
Vier wetenschappers van de Universiteit Leiden ontvangen de komende vijf jaar financiering van ReumaNederland. Met de financiering moet langlopend onderzoek naar reuma mogelijk gemaakt worden.
Conceptualisation of disease resolution in rheumathoid arthritis
Chemical tools to study the cannabinoid receptor type 2
The cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2R) is associated with several inflammatory diseases with an unmet medical need (e.g. Alzheimers, multiple sclerosis, reumatoid arthritis). Development of new chemical biology strategies to study this protein is essential to aid future development of drugs for these…
Bitter Sweet Symphony
Placebo onderzoek: Farmacologische conditionering
Het belangrijkste doel is het onderzoeken van de mogelijkheid om het lichaam te leren een soortgelijke fysiologische (autonome, neuro-endocriene of immuunsysteem) en fysieke (b.v. desensibilisatie van hardnekkige lichamelijke symptomen) reactie te laten vertonen op placebomedicatie als op actieve medicatie…
Veni-beurzen voor 19 jonge Leidse onderzoekers
Negentien pas gepromoveerde onderzoekers van de Universiteit Leiden ontvangen een Veni-beurs van maximaal 250.000 euro. Wetenschapsfinancier NWO kent in deze financieringsronde in totaal 158 Veni-beurzen toe; de Universiteit Leiden heeft daarvan een aandeel van 12 procent.