Spin Transport and Superconductivity in Half-metallic Nanowires and Junctions
- J. Yao
- Datum
- woensdag 5 juli 2023
- Tijd
- Bezoekadres
Rapenburg 73
2311 GJ Leiden
- Prof.dr. J. Aarts
- dr. K. Lahabi
In this thesis, we study spin transport and superconductivity in half-metallic devices. Spin is inherent to the nature of an electron and can be used for information storage, in addition to charge. Especially, the high spin polarization of half metals promises efficient spin manipulation with low power consumption. Therefore, this thesis presents spin-related phenomena such as domain walls, non-local spin transport, and superconductivity. By investigating these spin behaviors, our aim is to contribute to the advancement of frontier (super)spintronics, driving progress in relevant applications.
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