Universiteit Leiden

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Copyright and Open Access for PhDs

dinsdag 11 juni 2024
Dit is een engelstalige bijeenkomst.
Witte Singel 27
2311 BG Leiden
Kamer 019

What is copyright? How will it affect you as a PhD candidate and as a scholar, researcher, lecturer and author? What are the pitfalls when you start publishing? What are your legal (open access) obligations towards Leiden University when graduating and depositing your thesis in the Leiden University Library? What is open access? What is the policy at Leiden University? How can you publish open access? What are the options to publish open access with the publisher without any costs for the author? Why should you want to publish open access?

Why this lecture?
This lecture will enable you to gain insight in the what, where and how of Copyright and Open Access so you will be able to avoid pitfalls and make full use of your rights as an author and scholar.

Some topics that will be covered are:

  • plagiarism, what is it and how to avoid it;
  • publishing your article: watch out for pitfalls in the contract with your publisher;
  • depositing your thesis in the University Repository (requirement for graduating): how to avoid problems;
  • copyright and you as a teacher/lecturer;
  • copyright and your students;
  • open access policy at Leiden University;
  • funder requirements;
  • open access agreements with the publishers; 
  • institutional repository at Leiden University;
  • enlarging the international visibility of your work

Practical information

You can register for this course by sending an email to auteursrecht@library.leidenuniv.nl stating your name, faculty and institute. 

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