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Lezing | Tuesday Talks: Science Insights

How to make green hydrogen

dinsdag 11 juni 2024
Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden

Tuesday Talks: Science Insights is de maandelijkse dosis onderzoeksinspiratie van Leiden Science, van onze medewerkers, voor onze medewerkers en alle andere nieuwsgierigen.

De voertaal voor deze lezingenserie is Engels

How to make green hydrogen

Green hydrogen is an indispensable ingredient of a future sustainable society, as a feedstock for the green chemical industry, as a fuel, and a means of energy storage. Green hydrogen is the product of the electrochemical process of water electrolysis driven by renewable electricity. And green hydrogen (or rather water electrolysis) is a Dutch invention, dating back to 1789!

Marc Koper's group investigates the molecular and physico-chemical basis of water electrolysis, from understanding how the detailed atomic and molecular structure of the interface between an electrode and an electrolyte impacts the rate of the reactions, to how the composition of the electrolyte influences the physical mechanism of hydrogen and oxygen bubble formation. Their research insights are deeply fundamental, but should (and sometimes actually can!) be translatable into applicable concepts for better process design. Koper's talk will highlight some of their recent research work, and will also briefly discuss how some of the most pressing remaining scientific challenges will be addressed in the recently awarded Gravitation grant ANION (Advanced Nano-electrochemistry Institute Of The Netherlands).

About the speaker

Marc Koper is Professor of Catalysis and surface chemistry at Leiden University. He studied chemistry at Utrecht University, and obtained his PhD (cum laude) with Prof. J.H. Sluyters from Utrecht University in 1994 on “Far-from-equilibrium phenomena in electrochemical systems: instabilities, oscillations and chaos”. From 1995 to 1997 he was a postdoctoral Marie Curie Fellow in the group of Prof. W. Schmickler at the University of Ulm (Germany). In 1997, he returned to the Netherlands to join the group of Prof. R.A. van Santen at Eindhoven University of Technology, where he initially was a Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and later associate professor. In 2005, he was appointed full professor in fundamental surface science at Leiden University.

His interests are in electrochemistry, electrocatalysis, (electrochemical) surface science, and theoretical and computational (electro-)chemistry. In 2021, he was awarded the Netherlands' highest scientific award: the Spinoza Prize.

Join this edition of Tuesday Talks: Science Insights!

Everyone who is interested in this edition's topic is welcome. Please let us know if you are attending.

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The programme of the Tuesday Talks: Science Insights is:

15.30 hrs Take a seat
16.00 hrs Introduction by dean Jasper Knoester
16.10 hrs Lecture by speaker, followed by Q&A
17.00 hrs Drinks

About Tuesday Talks: Science Insights

Tuesday Talks: Science Insights is Leiden Science’s monthly dose of research inspiration from our staff, for our staff and all others curious minds. Every second Tuesday of the month from 16:00 hrs till 17:00 hrs, drinks and meet up afterwards till 18.00 hrs.

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