Universiteit Leiden

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Lezing | Food for Thought

Food for Thought FSW Health and Wellbeing

maandag 3 maart 2025
Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden

Het programma

12.00 Welkom
12.05 Prof. Anna van Duijvenvoorde (Psychology), Prof. Anne-Laura van Harmelen (Child and Education Studies) and Dr. Marieke Bos (Psychology)
Resilience through uncertainty tolerance

Dr. Liesbeth van Vliet (Psychology) and Dr. Annemarie Samuels (Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology)
Access to palliative care in Leiden 

12.45 Vragen/discussie
13.00 Afsluiting

Onze sprekers

Onze sprekers zijn:

  • Prof. Anna van Duijvenvoorde, Prof. Anne-Laura van Harmelen, Dr. Marieke Bos
    Resilience through uncertainty tolerance
    Our society is undergoing rapid change due to events such as the COVID-19 crisis, climate change, and recent wars. Such changes lead to uncertainty, which affects our daily lives and well-being. The project that we will present is a collaboration between experts in the fields of psychology, education, and neuroscience, as well as teachers and young people. In the project we aim to understand what uncertainty tolerance is and how it can be measured, and at the same time to explore the impact of uncertainty on vulnerable groups, such as young people who are financially vulnerable. Our goal is to help young people in Leiden to cope better with uncertainty and become more resilient.
  • Dr. Liesbeth van Vliet, Dr. Annemarie Samuels
    Access to palliative care in Leiden
    Good end-of-life care is crucial to the well-being of all citizens in a healthy city. How can we ensure that all Leiden residents have access to quality care in the final stage of life? In this project, we have organized a roundtable discussion for health professionals, social work professionals, and researchers on the topic of palliative care hosted by BuZz Leiden. We discussed how we could improve access to and information about palliative care, precisely for those residents who have difficulty accessing health services. In collaboration with our societal partners, we are preparing an infographic brochure on access to palliative care in Leiden.

Wat is Food for Thought?

Tijdens de Food for Thought lunch meetings kunnen onderzoekers en geinteresseerde collega's elkaar ontmoeten in een informele setting.

Twee sprekers van verschillende instituten presenteren hun werk binnen een bepaald thema van FSW: 
•    Health and wellbeing in a healthy society;
•    Societal transitions, inequality and diversity.

Met deze aanpak leer je verschillende standpunten en methoden kennen, krijg je nieuwe perspectieven en verbreed je je netwerk. Je kunt je aanmelden voor deze lunch tot 24 februari 2025.

Wil je de volgende keer een bijdrage leveren?
Wil je je eigen onderzoek onder de aandacht brengen tijdens een van de lunch sessies, dan kun je contact opnemen met Susanne Roodhuijzen, Food for Thought coordinator.

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