Diploma uitreiking MIRD 2021
Op vrijdag 9 juli 2021 vond de diploma-uitreiking plaats van het tweejarig programma MSc International Relations and Diplomacy (Advanced). De ceremonie werd geopend door Prof. Madeleine Hosli.
De ceremonie was verdeeld in vier groepen. Dit was de enige manier voor de geslaagden om deze feestelijke gebeurtenis samen met hun familieleden corona proof te kunnen vieren. Familie en vrienden die er niet bij konden zijn, konden de ceremonie volgen via de livestream.
Lees verder op de Engelse pagina
I am Carolina, from Italy. What an experience it has been, but so worth it, since now I am graduating from my MSc in IR and Diplomacy. Above all I take away amazing experiences with friends which became family in this roller coaster ride. -
I am Kayle from Canada. These two years flew by, but I will always remember the many, many lessons I’ve learned here. I am very thankful for the many lifelong friends I’ve made along the way. Congratulations to the whole 2021 MIRD class! -
I am Maria from Athens, Greece. Coming to The Hague for the MIRD was a great experience! Making new friends, challenging myself and working in diverse environments will be lifelong memories. Congratulations to all of us! -
I am Nicolas from Germany. Coming to the Hague for MIRD was a big adventure that has paid of thousand times. I am incredibly grateful for the people I met, the things I learned, and the opportunities that formed the person that I am today. Congrats to MIRD 2021! -
I am Rupak Deore from Pune, India. It was a quite a big step for me to come here to the Netherlands for my Masters in IR and Diplomacy. It was great experience to study here. My professors, seniors and friends helped me a lot in this journey. I am looking forward to work in the development finance sector as a diplomat -
I’m Yue from China. This two years journey is extraordinary and I will never forget this memory. I met wonderful teachers, friends and views and my horizon has been greatly broadened. I want to thank all the staff of the program and the faculty. Thank you for doing this for us! And happy graduation!
About the MIRD programme
The two-year Advanced MSc IRD programme offers you a unique blend of academic education in international relations and political science with practical graduate education and training in international negotiation and diplomacy. You attend a wide range of courses, develop your analytical and research skills, take on an internship, write your master’s thesis, and build your network with experts in relevant fields. Upon graduation you are prepared to take on positions in international organisations, politics, and diplomacy; or for PhD research.