2,382 zoekresultaten voor “governance for sustainability” in de Publieke website
Leiden Institute for Area Studies
Wie complexe regio’s als het Midden-Oosten en Azië echt wil begrijpen, moet de cultuur, geschiedenis en lokale samenlevingen door en door kennen. Gedreven door een nieuwsgierigheid naar andere culturen, zorgt het Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) voor begrip en de nodige duiding van…
Student for a day African Studies
Mathematics MSc- Student for a Day
A scenario building web-tool and knowledge package to enable multi-level decision making for the transition to the Circular Economy
Measures and Matching for Number Systems
This thesis provides explicit expressions for the density functions of absolutely continuous invariant measures for general families of interval maps, that include random maps and infinite measure transformations, not necessarily number systems.
Breaking of ensemble equivalence for complex networks
For many system in statistical physics the microcanonical and canonical ensemble are equivalent in the thermodynamic limit, but not for all.
Algorithms for the description of molecular sequences
Promotor: J.N. Kok, P.E. Slagboom Co-promotor: J.F.J. Laros
Welkom in de wereld van cybersecurity governance
Onze digitale infrastructuur brengt niet alleen nieuwe mogelijkheden met zich mee, we worden er ook kwetsbaar door. De oplossing ligt niet alleen bij de techniek. Maar hoe geven we organisaties nu werkelijk handvatten om dit complexe thema van digitale veiligheid aan te vliegen? Welkom in de wereld…
Algorithm selection and configuration for Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum methods for industrial applications
Quantum hardware comes with a different computing paradigm and new ways to tackle applications. Much effort has to be put into understanding how to leverage this technology to give real-world advantages in areas of interest for industries such as combinatorial optimization or machine learning.
Osteosarcoma: searching for new treatment options
Promotores: B. van de Water; P. Hogendoorn; J. Bovée Co-Promotor: E.H.J. Danen
Why bother? Local bureaucrats’ motivations for providing social assistance for refugees
De auteur onderzocht waarom bureaucraten vluchtelingen integreren in welzijnsvoorzieningen, zelfs als ze daartoe geen wettelijke verplichting hebben.
Transmedia storytelling for critical engagement
De Universiteit Leiden en VU Amsterdam ontwikkelen samen een onderzoeksproject voor een digitaal platform waarop je zelf verhaallijnen kunt maken en delen met gebruik van beeld. Zo’n interactief middel maakt een saaie geschiedenisles veel aantrekkelijker en persoonlijker. Bovendien stimuleert het om…
Algebraic techniques for low communication secure protocols
Promotor: R. Cramer
Ruthenium-peptide conjugates for targeted phototherapy
As leading cause of death worldwide, cancer is responsible for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 according to World Health Organization (WHO). Cisplatin and its derivatives are commonly used chemotherapy agents for current cancer treatment in the clinics.
Resilient Ecosystems and Flourishing Communities
Exploring the Meanings of Lands and Forests as an Avenue for Mutual Development of People and Nature in Ghana
Basis reduction for layered lattices
Promotor: H.W. Lenstra
Data Centres for Natural Recources and Products
Creating information portals for support of European environmental policy.
Lipid model membrane systems as a tool for unraveling the underlying factors for skin barrier dysfunction
Barrier function is the natural role of the skin. The lipid matrix present in the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum is important for this function.
Copper trispyrazolylborate complexes for ethene detection
Promotor: E. Bouwman, Co-Promotor: S. Bonnet
Kummer theory for commutative algebraic groups
This dissertation is a collection of four research articles devoted to the study of Kummer theory for commutative algebraic groups.
CERA - Certification of Raw Materials
CERA (CErtification of RAw Materials) is a four-year project that will develop a standardized certification scheme ensuring environmental, social and economic sustainability in extraction, processing, trading and manufacturing of all mineral raw materials. It will guarantee traceability of certified…
DNA expressions - A formal notation for DNA
Promotores: J.N. Kok, H.J. Hoogeboom
Search for cosmic neutrinos with ANTARES
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. de Jong, Co-Promotor: A.J. Heijboer
PhD in Machine Learning for Quantum Systems
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Student for a Day Security Studies
Student for a Day Security Studies
Robust rules for prediction and description.
In this work, we attempt to answer the question:
Exploring Deep Learning for Intelligent Image Retrieval
This thesis mainly focuses on cross-modal retrieval and single-modal image retrieval via deep learning methods, i.e. by using deep convolutional neural networks.
Using soil inoculations for ecological restorations
How soil microbial composition impacts structure and composition of the aboveground plant and animal communities?
Exploring deep learning for multimodal understanding
This thesis mainly focuses on multimodal understanding and Visual Question Answering (VQA) via deep learning methods. For technical contributions, this thesis first focuses on improving multimodal fusion schemes via multi-stage vision-language interactions.
Online informatie presentatie Science for Sustainable Societies
Course Using R for Data Analysis
Explore "Using R for Data Analysis" at Boerhaave Nascholing. Learn about the R language and build statistical reports. Dive into data analysis! Read more here.
Cleared for take-off, Game-based learning to prepare airline pilots for critical situations
Over the last decades, aviation safety has improved strongly. As a downside, airline pilots do not have as many opportunities to develop through experience the competencies that they need in critical situations.
Too controversial for the court?
De invloed van politiek gevoelige zaken op publiek vertrouwen in rechters
Platform for Arts Research in Collaboration (PARC) |>/~\|≥(
Het Platform for Arts Research in Collaboration (PARC) is een nieuw online en offline platform voor onderzoekers die werkzaam zijn op het gebied van compositie, muziek, kunst en design en daarbuiten, om kennis, ervaringen en openbare evenementen uit te wisselen, samenwerking te stimuleren en de zichtbaarheid…
Grote belangstelling voor LDE Bachelor Honours Programme Sustainability
Vandaag gaat het LDE Bachelor Honours Programme Sustainability van start. Daarin gaan studenten van de Universiteit Leiden, TU Delft en Erasmus Universiteit samen aan de slag met concrete duurzaamheidsvraagstukken van organisaties. De interesse voor het nieuwe programma bleek overweldigend. Twee docenten…
Student for a Day Security Studies
Student for a Day Security Studies
Diplomacy and Global Affairs
De onderzoeksgroep ‘Diplomacy and Global Affairs’ houdt zich bezig met onderwerpen zoals de veranderende globale machtsverhoudingen, (internationale) diplomatiek, het beheersen en oplossen van conflicten, de inspanningen van spelers zoals internationale, multilaterale, regionale en non-gouvernementele…
Synthetic carbohydrate ligands for immune receptors
One of the main challenges in the development of an effective anti-cancer vaccine is the generation of an adequate and directed cellular immune response.
Stellar radio beacons for Galactic astrometry
A century ago, it was unclear whether the stars in the sky were clustered in groups, or widely spread in the universe.
Filter-based reconstruction methods for tomography
Promotor: K.J. Batenburg
Machine learning for radio galaxy morphology analysis
We explored how to morphologically classify well-resolved jetted radio-loud active galactic nuclei (RLAGN) in the LOw Frequency Array (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) using machine learning.
Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS)
Het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) onderzoekt beeldende kunsten, design, film, fotografie, digitale media en literatuur in de westerse wereld.
Sparsity-Based Algorithms for Inverse Problems
Inverse problems are problems where we want to estimate the values of certain parameters of a system given observations of the system. Such problems occur in several areas of science and engineering. Inverse problems are often ill-posed, which means that the observations of the system do not uniquely…
Center for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies Leiden
Het Center for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies Leiden (IPS) streeft naar een beter begrip van placebo- en nocebo-effecten, hun onderliggende mechanismen en hun mogelijke toepassingen in de klinische praktijk. IPS bestaat uit een groep interdisciplinaire onderzoekers die werken aan de Universiteit…
Constraints on large-scale implementation of BioSolarCells, Early stage assessment of environmental value propositions
What performance criteria does a new technology have to fulfill in order to be added to the list of future energy options and what constraints exist in terms of broad market penetration?
Coiled-coil biomaterials for biological applications
This dissertation contains four works during my PhD. Different biomaterials have been designed based on coiled-coil peptides. These biomaterials have a range of applications, inclusing drug delivery, cell sorting to cell-cell fusion.
Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition
Het Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) is een Leids Universitair netwerk dat zich richt op het stimuleren van interdisciplinaire samenwerking op het gebied van hersenen en cognitie. Daarnaast maakt het LIBC zich sterk voor wetenschappelijke valorisatie en outreach.
Electroextraction approaches for preconcentration of metabolites
In this thesis, we developed new ways to use a technique called electroextraction (EE) to extract charged molecules from one liquid into another using an electric field.