1,053 zoekresultaten voor “pollen analysis” in de Publieke website
Light Weighed: On the Statistics and Systematics of Weak Gravitational Lensing
In astronomy, the interpration of observations and measurements plays a crucial role: we rely purely and fundamentally on the information that reaches us as observers. And 80% of all matter in the universe is undetectable directly.
Environmental and metabolomic study of antibiotic production by actinomycetes
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.P. van Wezel
Amie Corbin
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
a.e.corbin@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Glenn Aguilar Hernandez
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
g.a.aguilar.hernandez@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5557
Lauran van Oers
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
oers@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5640
Anniek Kortleve
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
a.j.kortleve@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Antoine Coudard
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
a.coudard@cml.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Mona Delval
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
m.h.delval@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Unveiling dark structures with accurate weak lensing
Improvements of weak gravitational lensing shape measurements are presented and some used for data analysis.
China’s industrial carbon emissions: Historical drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy targets
Has the industrial sector in China effectively been decarbonizing in recent years, across different regions and subsectors, and is it plausible that it will reduce its CO2 emissions in conformity with national and internationally pledged emission goals?
Substances from Cradle to Grave
Materials balances have been used in the recent past for the analysis of substance oriented environmental problems and the formulation of measures for environmental policy. In this study an integrated tool, based on the materials balance principle, has been developed for the analysis of both environmental…
Systematic, phylogenetic and pollination studies of Specklinia (Orchidaceae)
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. Smets. Co-promotores: B. Gravendeel, F. Pupulin
Empirical Analysis of Social Insurance
Evaluation of the environmental impact of products (EIPRO)
Identification of the products or product groups that have the greatest environmental impact from a life-cycle perspective using environmentally extended input-output analysis.
A new environmental accounting framework using externality data and input-output tools for policy analysis.
Quantification in untargeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics
Promotor: T. Hankemeier, Co-promotor: T.H. Reijmers
Computational speedups and learning separations in quantum machine learning
This thesis investigates the contribution of quantum computers to machine learning, a field called Quantum Machine Learning. Quantum Machine Learning promises innovative perspectives and methods for solving complex problems in machine learning, leveraging the unique capabilities of quantum computers…
On hard real-time scheduling of cyclo-static dataflow and its application in system-level design
Promoter: Ed F. Deprettere, Co-promoter: Todor P. Stefanov
Development of a low cost technology for in-situ treatment of groundwater for potable and irrigation purposes (TiPOT)
Description of Development of a low cost technology for in-situ treatment of groundwater for potable and irrigation purposes (TiPOT) (2004 - 2007)
Arno Knobbe in NWO uitgave 'Experiment NL' over intensieve data-analyse
Schaatscoach en bewegingswetenschapper Jac Orie legt al vijftien jaar alles vast over de prestaties van 'zijn' schaatsers. Dankzij datawetenschapper Arno Knobbe, die de verzamelde data op nieuwe manieren doorberekent, kan Orie zijn team nog slimmer trainen in de aanloop naar de Olympische Winterspelen…
Positioning of current Environmental tools & an outlook to the future
Review of new technical decisionsupport systems in the environmental field, and application in water management decission processes.
Vier nieuwe onderwijskrachten ingezet voor Inleiding Burgerlijk Recht
Per 1 september 2016 heeft de afdeling Burgerlijk recht er maar liefst vier medewerkers bij, in de hoedanigheid van promovendus, docent, piek-docent of student-assistent. Het gaat om Lotte Kremers, Thijmen Nuninga, Friso van de Pol en Janna Vermolen. Momenteel geeft dit kleurrijke gezelschap onderwijs…
Machine learning for radio galaxy morphology analysis
Glycosylation analysis of immune-related molecules
High-throughput quantification and unambiguous identification for metabolomics
The challenge of achieving fast quantification in metabolomics is the presence of severe matrix effects during the MS analysis of complex samples.
Two-photon luminescence of gold nanorods: applications to single-particle tracking and spectroscopy
Gold nanorods are biocompatible nanoparticles that present an excellent two-photon signal that can be used to get high spatial resolution inside living cells. Gold nanorods are photostable and therefore can be followed inside cells for long time, with possible applications as trackers in live cells.
The role of the Arabidopsis AHL15/REJUVENATOR gene in developmental phase transitions
This thesis describes the functional analysis of the Arabidopsis AHL15 gene.
Visual analytics for spatially-resolved omics data at single cell resolution: Methods and Applications
The deeper understanding of an organism's pathology is important for developing treatments. Over centuries of systematic research, clinical researchers have demonstrated that the more information they acquire about the cellular properties and their organisation in the tissue, the better they can understand…
Lipids as therapeutic targets for barrier repair in skin diseases
The skin is our natural barrier and lipids are a key part of this barrier. In the outer skin layer, the stratum corneum (SC), lipids form a densely organized structure dependent on the composition of these lipids.
Sneller schaatsen dankzij data science
Veel Nederlandse schaatsers en voetballers behoren tot de absolute wereldtop. Toch kunnen ze dankzij slimme statistische analyses wellicht nóg een beetje beter worden. De Universiteit Leiden werkt er samen met Delft en Amsterdam aan.
Lines in the sand: behaviour of self-organised vegetation patterns in dryland ecosystems
Vast, often populated, areas in dryland ecosystems face the dangers of desertification.
Gjalt Huppes
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
huppes@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5615
Stefano Cucurachi
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
s.cucurachi@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4919
Dit schrijven de media over Nederlandse primeur in dampkring exoplaneet
Woensdag 14 juli publiceerden Nederlandse astronomen een primeur in vakblad Nature. Het was hen als eersten ter wereld gelukt om isotopen te ontwaren in de damkring van een exoplaneet. Een ontdekking die ons meer kan leren over het ontstaan van planeten. Verschillende media schreven over de bijzondere…
Peter Burger en Suzan Verberne in de Volkskrant over QAnon en taalkunde
Twee teams met taalwetenschappers deden onafhankelijk van elkaar onderzoek naar de identiteit van ‘Q’, de persoon van wie wordt verondersteld dat die de complottheorie heeft verspreid. Beide studies lijken te wijzen naar hetzelfde duo.
Bestudeer alle aspecten van het menselijk leven in het verleden en plaats je kennis in een breder, historisch perspectief.
Bloed en barricaden. De Parijse Commune herdacht
Na een voor Frankrijk desastreus verlopen oorlog tegen Pruisen brak in 1871 een opstand uit die de geschiedenis zou ingaan als de Parijse Commune. Op 18 maart van dat jaar bezetten opstandige Parijzenaars de stad. 72 dagen later werden zij in bloedige barricadegevechten verpletterend verslagen. Vele…
ALL-IN meta-analysis
Rare Earth Supply Chain and Industrial Ecosystem: A Material Flow Assessment of European Union
1) Assess the trends in supply and production status of these critical minerals and mineral products worldwide and Europe’s dependence including on intermediate products such as permanent magnets, RE based super alloys, batteries, polishing compounds, phosphors, catalysts etc. 2) Trace the entire value…
Alastair Reed over het voorkomen van gewelddadig extremisme bij herstel na belegering
Alastair Reed, universitair docent bij het Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), is geïnterviewd door Devex, het mediaplatform voor de wereldwijde ontwikkelingsgemeenschap.
Biotic ligand models
Description of Biotic ligand models: making an inventory of available models & assessment of the variability of the predicted HC5 using the BLMs in different Dutch water types (2005 - 2007)
Pharmacology based toxicity assessment: towards quantitative risk prediction in humans
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof
Aggravating matters: accounting for baryons in cosmological analyses
Three major cosmology-focused missions are planned for the next decade: the Euclid space telescope, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile, and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.
Carcinogenicity of insulin analogues
Promotor: Prof.dr. B. van de Water
Figuring rural development: concepts and cases of land use, sustainability and integrative indicators
Promotores: Prof. dr. G.R. (Geert) de Snoo, Dr. E. (Ester) van der Voet
The structure of the dusty cores of active galactic nuclei
Promotor: W. Jaffe, Co-promotor: K. Meisenheimer
Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy
Promotor: T. Schmidt
Metabolic signatures in nutrition and health: short-term diet response, sexual dimorphism and hormone chronobiology
The power of personalized nutrition lies in being able to conduct clinical research on healthy people while capturing metabolic markers sensitive to the impact of environmental and metabolic stressors (e.g. diet, changing sex hormones and the menstrual cycle).
X-ray spectroscopy of merging galaxy clusters
This thesis focuses on the X-ray spectral analysis of merging galaxy clusters and the plasma code development for future high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy observations.
Innovative sample preparation and handling strategies for automated and high-throughput metabolomics
Metabolomics has the potential to play a pivotal role in understanding disease onset and progression, and ultimately personalized treatments. One of its major challenges is its large-scale implementation, which is necessary to deal with the high variability of the metabolome. In this work we have developed…