213 zoekresultaten voor “implementation of interventions” in de Publieke website
Implementation of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive Part I
In 2019 hebben het Europees Parlement en de Raad de Richtlijn Preventieve Herstructurering (2019/1023) aangenomen, die voorziet in minimale harmonisatie van onder andere preventieve herstructureringskaders (preventive restructuring frameworks, 'PRF'). Dit boek biedt verdiepende analyses van de implementatie…
The implementation of international law in the national legal order: A legislative perspective
Op 5 juni 2018 verdedigde Emile Beenakker zijn proefschrift getiteld ‘The implementation of international law in the national legal order: A legislative perspective’. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor professor W.J.M. Voermans.
Constraints on large-scale implementation of BioSolarCells, Early stage assessment of environmental value propositions
What performance criteria does a new technology have to fulfill in order to be added to the list of future energy options and what constraints exist in terms of broad market penetration?
Strictly Periodic Scheduling Analysis, Resource Optimization, and Implementation of Adaptive Streaming Applications
This thesis focuses on addressing four research problems in designing embedded streaming systems.
Adaptive Streaming Applications: Analysis and Implementation Models
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Deprettere
Radioguided interventions and surgery
Online Course EU Policy & Implementation: Making Europe Work!
In this top-rated course, you will learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities. It discusses the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure and the main causes of policy failure or…
Addressing climate change with behavioural science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
Dit artikel beschrijft het ontstaan van een app die kan helpen om het klimaatbewustzijn en de actie wereldwijd te vergroten.
Early educational interventions with computer programmes: the influence of genetic and neurobiological factors
Computer interventions for young children at risk to prevent reading impairments
This study’s main aim is to test whether children’s learning behaviour explains why they do not benefit from a literate environment.
Pharmacogenomics in drug development: implementation and application of PKPD model based approaches
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof, Co-Promotor: J. de Jongh
Pharmacogenomics in Drug Development: Implementation and Application of PKPD Model Based Approaches
Model based approaches, integrating physiological parameters or linking exposure with response, are powerful tools to quantify and evaluate the impact of genetic differences that are reflected as variability of drug exposure and/or clinical response(s). This thesis “Pharmacogenomics in Drug Development: …
exploration of modular goldnanoparticles for glycan-based immune-interventions of worm infections
Central Bank: preserving reputation(s) amidst widening climate interventions
In dit artikel onderzoeken Adriana Cerdeira en Dovile Rimkute hoe bepaalde dynamieken het gedrag van banken bepalen.
Design, implementation and evaluation of transnational collaborative programmes in astronomy education and public outreach
Promotores: Prof.dr. G. Miley & Prof.dr. J.M. van den Broek
Un-solvable crises? Differential implementation and transboundary crisis management in the EU
In dit artikel analyseren Lydie Cabane en Martin Lodge analyseren de invloed van institutionele keuzes op het aanpassen van beleidsintegratie in grensoverschrijdende crisisbeheersing.
Safe anytime-valid inference: from theory to implementation in psychiatry research
Classical statistical methods, such as p-values, are difficult for researchers to apply correctly. They for example do not allow drawing conclusions from a study early, or for extending a study with extra research groups that want to make their data available later.
Collaborative learning in higher education: design, implementation and evaluation of group learning activities
Samenwerkend leren in het hoger onderwijs: ontwerp, implementatie en evaluatie van groepsleeropdrachten
Investigating Institutional Diversity and Innovation: AI adoption and implementation in Taiwan and The Netherlands
(1) Wat zijn de institutionele factoren die van invloed zijn op de invoering en implementatie van AI? en (2) Hoe geeft AI vorm aan de uitoefening van bestuurlijke beslissingsbevoegdheid binnen publieke organisaties en hoe worden deze effecten gematigd door de keuzes op het gebied van invoering en im…
Cost-utility of a guided Internet-based intervention in comparison with attention only for people with HIV and depressive symptoms: A randomized
We found that, next to the effectiveness of the intervention, it’s also very likely that the intervention is cost-effective compared to attention only.
Broadening Youth Participation in STEM Learning
How can we broaden youth participation in STEM Learning
The quantification of growth hormone secretion : application of model-informed drug development in acromegaly
Growth hormone profiles are pulsatile and highly variable between individuals, limiting the implementation of mathemathical models to quantify an individual's secretion.
Metabolomics Implementation Network gelanceerd voor eerlijke data
Op 10 maart 2017 verwelkomde Professor Karel Luyben (TU Delft) het Metabolomics GO FAIR Implementation Network als community initiatief om de Europese Open Science Cloud te starten. Het netwerk richt zich op het implementeren van de FAIR data principes binnen metabolomics in Europa.
Vernieuwend onderwijs bij EU Policymaking and Implementation
Met gevoel voor nostalgie vertelt hoogleraar bestuurskunde Bernard Steunenberg hoe hij jaren geleden weleens een tv-uitzending van Zembla liet zien aan zijn studenten. Hoe hij een videoband uit een grote doos haalde en in een al even grote videorecorder stopte. Nu bekijkt een student uit Maastricht…
Implementation of physical activity recommendations in people with axial spondyloarthritis
MOOC: EU Policy and implementation: making Europe work!
Mooc Eu Policy Europe Europa
Het Unierechtelijke verdedigingsbeginsel
Op 18 november 2021 verdedigde Anneke Keulemans het proefschrift 'Het Unierechtelijke verdedigingsbeginsel'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.mr.dr. J.P. Boer en prof.dr.mr. A.O. Lubbers.
NMR structural studies of protein-small molecule interactions
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Ubbink, Co-promotor: G. Siegal
Play by the rules? : coordination of EU sustainable development policies and the importance of the politico-legal context
There is an increasing amount of attention on EU and its Member States contributions to implementation of two landmark agreements: the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN Agenda 2030 with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Absent from the current literature is an analysis of the political effect of…
On the optimization of imaging pipelines
In this thesis, topics relating to the optimization of high-throughput pipelines used for imaging are discussed. In particular, different levels of implementation, i.e., conceptual, software, and hardware, are discussed and the thesis outlines how advances on each level need to be made to make gains…
Actors at work
Promotor: F.S. de Boer Co-promotor: P. T. de Gouw
Evolutionary molecular dynamics
This thesis introduces the concept of
Waste Collection Systems Assessed and Good Practices Identified (COLLECTORS)
What is the environmental impact of different waste collection systems across Europe? How can the collection be improved when considering collection, sorting, and treatment, as well as use options for secondary materials?
Towards Biosolar cells
BioSolar Cells is a five-year research project in which ten knowledge institutions and 45 private industries work together.
An evidence-based framework for the implementation of digital health technologies in primary healthcare
Highly Accurate Simulations and Benchmarking of Molecule-Surface Reactions
Heterogeneous catalyzed processes are highly significant to the chemical industry. Dissociative chemisorption (DC) of molecules on surfaces is always considered as a step with a high degree of rate control for heterogeneous catalysis.
Materials Innovative Technologies Assessment (MIN-TEA)
How can prospective LCA be streamlined in a way that its practical application in research and technology development increases?
Are we there yet? Advances in anytime-valid methods for hypothesis testing and prediction
Statistical considerations guide the design and implementation of the experiments that scientists perform. For instance, in a clinical trial about a the efficacy of a treatment, its effect in a certain minimum amount of patients has to be observed in order to make confident assertions about the efficacy…
Terrestrial field trials for side-effects of pesticides
The thesis describes terrestrial field trials aimed to detect side-effects of pesticides within the framework of pesticide registration procedures. Field trials were developed using vascular plants Brassica napus and Poa annua, caterpillars Pieris brassicae and effects on decomposition were studied…
Pharmacology based toxicity assessment: towards quantitative risk prediction in humans
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof
Electrochemical and surface studies of the effect of naphthalene-based additives on tin electrodeposition
Tin electrodeposition applications have rapidly evolved in the past 25 years.
Estimation and Optimization of the Performance of Polyhedral Process Networks
Promotor: Prof.dr.ir. E. Deprettere
Impact of low-carbon electricity development on carbon emissions in China
Low-carbon (LE) technologies have a significant potential to reduce the total carbon emissions in China.
Macro-level assessment of environmental implications of changes to circularity
How to ensure the environmental and economic benefits of circularity transition at macro-scale?
Mass Spectrometry-Based Degradomics Analysis of Toxoid Vaccines
The chemical and structural heterogeneity of toxoid vaccines makes their analysis challenging. However, detailed insights on a molecular level can be obtained by mass spectrometry.
Abstract Behavioral Specification: unifying modeling and programming
We strive to address the challenge of constructing a modeling language to write software which can take advantage of recent hardware developments (multicore, cloud) without compromising in its abstraction levels.
Using commitment to improve environmental quality
Promotores: E. van Dijk, G.R. de Snoo. Co-promotor: H. Staats
Fundamenteel onderzoek: Onderliggende mechanisme van ziekte en welzijn
Om de juiste klinische beslissingen te nemen of effectieve diagnostische testen en behandelingen te kunnen ontwikkelen, is het belangrijk om de onderliggende mechanismen van een aandoening of een bepaald gedrag te begrijpen.
Special edition Information Polity
In this special edition of Information Polity there is a focus on the transparency challenges of using algorithms in government in decision-making procedures at the macro-, meso-, and micro-levels.
CONSENT (Consumer sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content services in the digital economy) is a research project funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme. The question central to this research is whether recent changes to consumer and commercial practices developed…