659 zoekresultaten voor “working from home” in de Medewerkerswebsite
ELS lab meeting: Work in Progress
- FSW Faculty Lunch on Work Pressure
Centrale homepage medewerkers- en studentenwebsite
De centrale homepage voor de medewerkerswebsite is http://www.medewerkers.universiteitleiden.nl voor de Nederlandstalige website
Het kan gebeuren dat je door ziekte niet kunt werken. Wat moet je dan weten en doen?
Meld zwakke plekken in systemen
De universiteit besteedt veel aandacht aan de beveiliging van haar systemen. Toch kan het gebeuren dat er een zwakke plek aanwezig is. Als je zo’n plek ontdekt in één van onze systemen, dan horen wij dit graag zo snel mogelijk.
De subfooter komt alleen op de studentenwerving website voor. Deze is optioneel en wordt boven de 'standaard' footer getoond.
Van Steenis-gebouw heeft nu twee all-gender toiletten
Professional learning of vocational teachers in the context of work placement
Enabling the most impact from Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) research
Working Group
Leiden Research Support (LRS) webinar: Lump Sum Funding - how to design a work package
Successful Law, AI & Digitalisation Meetup
Last month, on March 19th, Leiden Law School hosted the first Law, AI & Digitalisation Meetup, a collaborative initiative organised by the departments of Public Law, Civil Law, eLaw, and Business Studies. The afternoon event featured engaging pitch sessions, informative poster presentations, and networking…
Mediating from Within
Learning from small samples
From every angle
Homepage vrijeruimtewebsite
Binnen iedere vrijeruimtewebsite is het mogelijk om een homepage in te richten.
Mindlab gaat bijna van start: ‘Theater kan helpen om een goed gesprek te voeren’
Eind september gaat het theater- en discussieprogramma Mindlab van start bij de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen. Universitair docenten Tazuko van Berkel en Sara Polak waren bij de eerste sessie gespreksleiders.
Standing up for yourself, while keeping good relations
Communicatie, Effectief werken
Openbare lezing 'Climate Confessional: how can we talk differently about the climate crisis?'
Leiden Law School Professor Ann Skelton Awarded Honorary Doctorate from the University of Strathclyde
De Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid deelt met trots mee dat Professor Ann Skelton, hoogleraar Kinderrechten in een duurzame wereld en voorzitter van het Kinderrechtencomité van de Verenigde Naties, een eredoctoraat is toegekend door de University of Strathclyde. Deze prestigieuze erkenning is een eerbetoon…
Insights from CSM alumni: real-world experience and career guidance
Op donderdag 17 oktober organiseerde de masteropleiding Crisis and Security Management (CSM) een informatief alumni-panel met vijf afgestudeerden uit verschillende cohorten. Het panel bood huidige studenten de kans om te luisteren naar professionals die hun eigen weg hebben gebaand in crisis- en vei…
Interactions from Lipid Membrane Deformations
Connect & Reuse: practical use cases from public health
Lezing: Hoe sociale banden cruciaal zijn tijdens crises
Join this lecture from professor Daniel Aldrich at the Spanish Steps in Wijnhaven on Wednesday 3 November. Dr. Sanneke Kuipers, associate professor in Crisis Governance, will be the moderator of the lecture and she and professor Aldrich give us a preview of the event.
Twenty years of MIRD: four alumni speak up
Big celebration upcoming weekend: MIRD's 20th anniversary is on the cards. Four alumni from different periods tell what this unique two-year master's in International Relations and Diplomacy has brought them.
Is the WPS Agenda Working? Preventing Conflict Related Sexual Violence and Beyond
Round Table
Liability insurance
When you (accidentally) cause injury or damage to someone else, you are liable. The other person or party can reclaim his or her financial loss from you. With a liability insurance, the insurer will reimburse the ‘victim’ for the costs of the damage caused.
Newsletter Student Support FSW June 2022
This Student Support FSW newsletter tells you all about the services provided by the FSW POPcorner, Career Service, and Community Engagement Service. You can read about upcoming activities and vacancies, and pick up tips on study skills, personal and professional development, student well-being, study…
OSINT: From Theory, Intelligence to Evidence
eLaw Alumnus wins European Data Protection Law Review ‘Young Scholar Award’ at CPDP
Taner Kuru, an eLaw alumnus, was awarded the prestigious European Data Protection Law Review ‘Young Scholar Award’ for his paper on the shortcomings in the GDPR for the regulation of genetic testing at the prestigious Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP).
Private accommodation
If you are not eligible for university owned accommodation or if you prefer to buy or rent your own property there are a few things to take into consideration. The Service Centre International Staff can help you as well.
- Futures from the frontiers of climate science
Johan Verweij gaat tijdelijk aan de slag als Bestuurssecretaris bij Archeologie
From tropical jumble to urban jungle
Lezing, NGL-lezing
Lattice Cryptography, from Cryptanalysis to New Foundations
Automata Learning: from Probabilistic to Quantum
From intracluster medium dynamics to particle acceleration
- Today’s experimental quantum research at Leiden University: from the microscopic to the macroscopic
In Memoriam: Stefan Landsberger (1955-2024)
My colleagues and I have been devastated to learn that our good colleague and friend Stefan Landsberger (born 1955) passed away unexpectedly, on 26 September 2024. Stefan had been a fixture of China Studies in the Netherlands, where he had been Associate Professor of contemporary Chinese History and…
Diploma uitreiking MIRD 2021
Op vrijdag 9 juli 2021 vond de diploma-uitreiking plaats van het tweejarig programma MSc International Relations and Diplomacy (Advanced). De ceremonie werd geopend door Prof. Madeleine Hosli.
How do international boycotts work for justice? Understanding the ethics and efficacy of the BDS movement
Maxim Osipov - Interview door Michel Krielaars
Professionalizing your community: an example from data management
Leer de studentkandidaten voor de Faculteitsraad kennen
Molecular inheritance from cloud to disk
"From Epistemicide to ‘Epistemic Disobedience'" by Anne-Maria Makhulu
Jewish Magic from Antiquity to the Twenty-First Century
EUniWell Open Lecture Series | From knowledge transfer to personal development
Lezing, Lezing onderdeel van serie
- Van Steenis building closed on Saturday November 2
From data to discoveries: machine learning and optimization in space
Boekpresentatie: Roots of counterterrorism, Contemporary Wisdom from Dutch Intelligence
Lezing, Boekpresentatie