950 zoekresultaten voor “diversity and inclusion” in de Publieke website
Over de opleiding
De LL.M. (specialisatie Governance of Migration and Diversity) biedt diepgaande expertise op het gebied van migratie-, asiel-, diversiteits- en non-discriminatierecht met een internationale en Europese focus. De vakken omvatten meerdere academische disciplines, zoals recht, geschiedenis, sociologie,…
Evolutionary diversification of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae)
Promotor: Erik F. Smets, Co-promotores: Barbara Gravendeel, Niels Raes
Evolution and development of flowers, fruits and inflorescences of Phalaenopsis and other orchid species
The study of orchid flowers, fruits, and inflorescences is crucial due to the remarkable diversity of orchid species and their unique adaptations to pollinators and seed dispersers. However, our understanding of the evolution and development of these organs within the orchid family remains limited.
Cryo Electron Tomography Studies On Bacterial Chemosensory Arrays
Bacterial chemosensory arrays are protein assemblies that are the key structural and functional component for motile bacteria to sense their internal or environmental chemical signals.
Balsaminaceae in Southeast Asia: systematics, evolution, and pollination biology
Balsaminaceae is a diverse plant family characterized by a huge floral morphological diversity.
Microbial communities in Pampa soils; impact of land use changes, soil type and climatic conditions
Promotor: J.A. van Veen, Co-promotor: E.E. Kuramae
Rare Earth Supply Chain and Industrial Ecosystem: A Material Flow Assessment of European Union
1) Assess the trends in supply and production status of these critical minerals and mineral products worldwide and Europe’s dependence including on intermediate products such as permanent magnets, RE based super alloys, batteries, polishing compounds, phosphors, catalysts etc. 2) Trace the entire value…
What’s CLIL about bilingual education? A window on Content and Language Integrated Learning pedagogies
In Nederland bieden ongeveer 130 van de 700 middelbare scholen een tweetalige stroom aan. Toch is er nog maar weinig wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar CLIL (content and language integrated learning). Met haar proefschrift wil Evelyn van Kampen (promovendus bij het ICLON) bijdragen aan een beter begrip…
Between Canon and Coincidence: using data-driven approaches to understand Art Worlds (BECACO)
Indigenous Latin American artifacts have attracted the interest of Europeans since the earliest moment of contact between Europeans and the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. The ERC-funded BECACO project uses an innovative multidisciplinary framework to investigate the provenance of ethnographic and…
Diversiteit & inclusiviteit
Informatie over de diversity committee en LIAXX, het vrouwennetwerk van het Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) is beschikbaar in het Engels.
Leiden University College
Wat is mijn bijdrage aan onze wereld? Dat is de vraag die studenten en onderzoekers van het Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) zichzelf dagelijks stellen. Ze willen in hun onderwijs en onderzoek stappen vooruitzetten op het gebied van de vier global challenges ‘Peace and justice’, ‘Sustainability’,…
Breaking the ice: constraining the volatile distribution in protoplanetary disks
This research focuses on the distribution of chemical elements in protoplanetary disks, the birthplaces of planets. These disks form around young stars and contain gas and dust, from which planets grow. Ice plays a crucial role in planet formation, aiding the clumping of dust particles and influencing…
Diversiteit en inclusie bij de faculteiten
Het Expertisebureau D&I werkt nauw samen met de faculteiten van de Universiteit Leiden.
Afgestudeerden van de LL.M. Governance of Migration and Diversity, afhankelijk van hun bacheloropleiding, verkrijgen civiele effectiviteit in Nederland en zullen toegang krijgen tot de Nederlandse balie.
Heb je nog vragen over het Governance of Migration and Diversity programma? Neem dan contact met ons op!
Jasmijn Rana onderzoekt culturele normen in hardlopen in de podcast 'Everyday Runners'
In de afleveringen 40 en 42 van de podcast 'Everyday Runners' door Andy Fuller en Reading Sideways Press gaat Andy in gesprek met Jasmijn Rana, universitair docent Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie.
Het onderzoek van de afdeling Economie is ondergebracht bij meerdere facultaire programma's. Het onderzoek van de afdeling richt zich thans met name op sociaal-economische vraagstukken, rechtseconomie en fiscale economie.
Generalized Strictly Periodic Scheduling Analysis, Resource Optimization, and Implementation of Adaptive Streaming Applications
This thesis focuses on addressing four research problems in designing embedded streaming systems.
pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics in zebrafish: integration of experimental and computational methods
The zebrafish is a promising vertebrate model organism in early drug discovery and development.
Next generation bacitracin: reimagining a classic antibiotic
Given the accelerating appearance of antimicrobial resistance, there is an urgent need for more fundamental research into novel antibiotic strategies. The work in this thesis helps to address this global problem by developing new antibiotic compounds, inspired by the antibacterial mechanisms of the…
Diversiteit en inclusie
Diversiteit en inclusie zijn kernwaarden van de Universiteit Leiden.
Neonicotinoids in nature: The effects on aquatic invertebrates and their role in ecosystems
This thesis describes the role of pollution, specifically neonicotinoid insecticides, as an actor of the ongoing biodiversity decline.
Freezing conditions in warm disks: snowlines and their effect on the chemical structure of planet-forming disks
This thesis focusses on the temperature structure in protoplanetary disks. The relation between structures seen in the dust and gas-phase molecules is investigated.
Paulus Quax
Faculteit Geneeskunde
p.h.a.quax@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 1584
Cornelis Hokke
Faculteit Geneeskunde
c.h.hokke@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 5065
Céline Zaepffel
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
c.v.zaepffel@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2050
Dorien Peters
Faculteit Geneeskunde
d.j.m.peters@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 9490
Haico van Attikum
Faculteit Geneeskunde
h.van.attikum@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 9624
Joeri Lammerts
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
j.lammerts@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Linguistics (specialisation) (MA)
In de masteropleiding Linguistics (specialisation) van de Universiteit Leiden kun je kiezen uit acht thema's: Applied Linguistics; Comparative Indo-European Linguistics; Computational Linguistics; Language and Communication; Language Description and Documentation; Language Processing and Cognition;…
A multicolor map of NK and T cell diversity
Discovering the preference hypervolume: an interactive model for real world computational co-creativity
In this thesis it is posed that the central object of preference discovery is a co-creative process in which the Other can be represented by a machine. It explores efficient methods to enhance introverted intuition using extraverted intuition's communication lines.
from nature: using plant-soil feedback principles to improve growth and health of a horticultural crop
Plants and soils from natural ecosystems harbor great diversity of soil microorganisms, which could potentially contribute to the sustainability of horticulture. The knowledge about using wild plant species and soil from natural ecosystem to improve the crop health will advance the application of ecological…
Giant barrel sponges in diverse habitats: a story about the metabolome
Marine sponges are important members of reef ecosystems, as they play ecological roles that are essential for the health of the reef.
Impact of plant hormones on growth and development of actinobacteria
Plants are colonized by an astounding number of microorganisms that can provide different life-support functions, including nutrient acquisition and protection against (a)biotic stresses like drought or pathogen attack.
Spatial populations with seed-bank
In populations with a seed-bank, individuals can temporarily become dormant and refrain from reproduction until they can become active again. The repository of all dormant individuals in the population is called the seed-bank. Seed-banks are observed in many taxa, including plants, bacteria and other…
Understanding disease suppressive soils
Soil is a home for an unbelievable diversity and abundance of microbial life that is essential for supporting life on our planet.
the C&D waste management systems in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Finland
What are the flows of C&DW (e.g. bricks, concrete, gypsum and wood) in the case study countries ? How to define the specification for each material to be quantified? What indicators should be used to identify the pattern of each C&DW management system? How to interpret the MFA results in relation…
Projecten van de afdeling Environmental Biology
Rechtsgeleerdheid (LL.M.)
In de master Rechtsgeleerdheid aan de Universiteit Leiden verdiep jij je in één van de negen specialisaties. Bekijk meer informatie over de master Rechten.
Interactive scalable condensation of reverse engineered UML class diagrams for software comprehension
Promotores: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Prof.dr. M.R.V. Chaudron (Chalmers Univ., Sweden)
Raad van de Astronomie verklaring over racisme
Namens de Nederlandse sterrenkundige gemeenschap veroordelen wij ondubbelzinnig de brute racistische moorden op Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd en Breonna Taylor en vele anderen, alsook andere gevallen van racisme.
Controlling growth and morphogenesis of the industrial enzyme producer Streptomyces lividans
Promotor: G.P. van Wezel, Co-Promotor: E. Vijgenboom
Blinde vlekken voor diversiteit ontdekken
Sociaal en organisatiepsychologen vertellen over diversiteit in organisaties op het symposium Blindspots in Diversity management. Organisator Jojanneke van der Toorn is hoogleraar op de bijzondere leerstoel LGBT workplace inclusion: ‘Een andere benadering van diversiteitsmanagement is nodig dan nu vaak…
Wie verdient een VIVA400-award?
Judi Mesman, Eveline Crone, Marcia Goddard, Jojanneke van der Toorn en Hedda de Roo maakten dit jaar het verschil. Dat heeft hen een plek op de VIVA400 opgeleverd! Wie verdient volgens jou een VIVA400-award? Tot en met 4 november kun je in ieder geval op deze genomineerden stemmen.
LGBT+ Network: een platform voor gelijkgestemden
De Universiteit Leiden is een platform rijker. Vicerector Hester Bijl gaf op 19 september het officiële startschot voor de oprichting van het LGBT+ Network.
Nascholingsdag World Teachers Programme 2024
World Teachers Festival 2024 - Celebrating and exploring language, culture, diversity and criticality in teaching and learning
Unravelling East Africa’s Early Linguistic History (LHEAf)
This project investigates the rich linguistic history of the crucial language groups in East Africa and includes a search for words that indicate earlier lost languages. These outcomes, combined with recent archaeological and genetic research, will contribute to a new understanding of East Africa’s…
Waarom Universiteit Leiden
Studeer Governance of Migration and Diversity en profiteer van onze wereldwijde reputatie. Maak deel uit van een prestigieus netwerk en bereid je voor op een succesvolle carrière in het recht of het bedrijfsleven.
Política, Cuerpo e Identidad
This book aims to be a point of reflection and debate for journalists, academics and students to recognize a fundamental task in the duty of the communications professional, which is to influence through their daily work and their routines in order to achieve a more inclusive and plural society, through…