1,335 zoekresultaten voor “social evolution” in de Publieke website
Human Evolution
This multidisciplinary minor provides students with knowledge on how and why humans became the way they are. The minor focuses on the evolution of the species Homo sapiens from other hominin lineages and animal ancestors, and on the various factors shaping this process. Not only is human evolution of…
Online Course Evolution Today
In this course, you will develop an understanding of evolutionary processes and their formative power. You will see how evolution has shaped biodiversity, and continuously influences our daily life.
Shaping Massive Galaxies: the structural evolution of galaxies across
Galaxies in the local Universe fall into two main categories of spirals and ellipticals. In this Thesis, we explore the structural evolution of galaxies into this bimodal distribution.
Balsaminaceae in Southeast Asia: systematics, evolution, and pollination biology
Balsaminaceae is a diverse plant family characterized by a huge floral morphological diversity.
The Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Warfare in Streptomyces
The soil-dwelling, filamentous bacteria of the genus Streptomyces are renowned for their production of useful secondary metabolites including antibiotics. The work described in this thesis provides new insights on the role and regulation of antibiotic production and resistance in these bacteria.
Tracing the evolution of protoplanetary disks
Promotores: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens, Prof.dr. L.B.F.M. Waters (UvA), Prof.dr. C. Dominik (UvA)
Long term dynamics of stochastic evolution equations
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: O. van Gaans
Selectivity and competition between the anodic evolution of oxygen and chlorine
Sustainable energy from wind and solar is most readily available near the sea.
The electrode-electrolyte interface in CO2 reduction and H2 evolution: a multiscale approach
Electrocatalysis allows for storing electricity or converting it into chemical bonds, producing chemical building blocks and fuels using renewable resources.
Star formation and aging at cosmic noon: the spectral evolution of galaxies from z=2
Promotores: Prof.dr. M. Franx, Prof.dr. P.G. van Dokkum (Yale University)
The shell evolution of the Hydrocenidae of Malaysian Borneo
The thesis is about the study of shell evolution of the Hydrocenidae of the genus Georissa. This thesis started with a general overview on the evolutionary process of animals due to ecological changes.
clusters collide: the impact of merger shocks on cluster gas and galaxy evolution
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J.A. Rottgering
The evolution of shell form in tropical terrestrial microsnails
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Schilthuizen
Evolution of Molecular Resistance to Snake Venom α-Neurotoxins in Vertebrates
We have examined sequences from the ligand-binding domain of the nicotinic acetyl choline receptor (nAChR) in 148 vertebrate species. We are in interested in this receptor because the α-neurotoxins of many venomous snakes binds to this receptor in its location at the neuromuscular junction in all ve…
Galactic substructures as tracers of dark matter and stellar evolution
One of the most important puzzles in modern astrophysics is the nature of dark matter.
Electrocatalysis of CO2/CO interconversion and Hydrogen Evolution in Bicarbonate Buffers
Bicarbonate buffer is largely found in nature due to its ability to regulate pH variations around neutral values. As the pH changes, so does the speciation of the buffer.
Biomimetic models of [NiFe] hydrogenase for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution
The growing demand of energy indicates that global energy resources in the form of fossil fuels will not be sufficient in the future. In order to solve potential future energy problems development of a sustainable hydrogen economy is highly desirable.
Geometric approach to evolution problems in metric spaces
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: O.W. van Gaans
Evolution and development of orchid flowers and fruits
To gain more insight into the evolutionary development of orchid flowers and fruits, the orchid species Erycina pusilla was studied. The evolutionary origin of the median petaloid sepal, the callus on the labellum, and the stelidia was studied.
Facets of radio-loud AGN evolution: a LOFAR surveys perspective
Promotor: H.J.A. Rottgering, Co-Promotor: R.J. van Weeren
environment in tuning electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction and H2 evolution reaction
This thesis has shed light on some of the ways in which the local electrolyte composition can differ from the bulk and how these changes in the local reaction environment can determine the activity and/or selectivity of two important electrocatalytic reactions, namely, electrochemical CO2 reduction…
Linking simple molecules to grain evolution across planet-forming disks
Planets are formed in disks of gas and dust around young stars.
Evolution and development of flowers, fruits and inflorescences of Phalaenopsis and other orchid species
The study of orchid flowers, fruits, and inflorescences is crucial due to the remarkable diversity of orchid species and their unique adaptations to pollinators and seed dispersers. However, our understanding of the evolution and development of these organs within the orchid family remains limited.
Some Assembly Required: The Structural Evolution and Mass Assembly of Galaxies at z
This thesis investigates the structural evolution and assembly of galaxies since the first few billions years after the big bang.
The spin evolution of accreting and radio pulsars in binary systems
Pulsars were first discovered in 1967 and since then the population has grown and expanded over several wavelengths.
The evolution of chemical diversity in plants : pyrrolizidine alkaloids and cytochrome P450s in Jacobaea
Plants produce an astonishing variety of secondary metabolites (SMs) which are thought to play vital roles in the fitness of plants through ecological interactions.
On the origin of ‘bloopergenes’: unraveling the evolution of the balanced lethal system in Triturus newts
Convergent molecular evolution of toxins in the venom of advanced snakes (Colubroidea)
The explosive radiation and diversification of the advanced snakes (superfamily Colubroidea) was associated with changes in all aspects of the shared venom system. Morphological changes included the partitioning of the mixed ancestral glands into two discrete glands devoted for production of venom ormucous…
Antiquities of the rainforest: evolution of mycoheterotrophic angiosperms growing on Glomeromycota
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. Smets
The evolution and plasticity of life histories upon variation in nutrition: on aging focused integrative approach
Promotores: Prof.dr. P.M. Brakefield, Prof.dr. B.J. Zwaan (Wageningen Universiteit)
Parallel evolution in an invasive plant species: evolutionary changes in allocation to growth, defense, competitive ability and regrowth of invasive
Promotor: Prof.dr. P.G.L Klinkhamer, Co-promotor: K. Vrieling
Population size fails to explain the evolution of complex culture
The logic seems inescapable indeed. The bigger the population, the higher the probability it contains an Einstein. Hence, bigger populations are more likely to develop complex culture.
Essentiality of conserved amino acid residues in β-lactamase
Evolution acts via mutations in amino acid sequences. Substitution of essential amino acids leads to a nonfunctional protein. l.
The social brain in middle childhood
A neurobiological perspective on individual differences in social competence
Phylogenetic ecology of octocoral - gastropod associations
Promotor: E. Gittenberger, Co-promotores: L.P. van Ofwegen; B.W. Hoeksema
Sociale Zaken
Sociale Zaken is een online variant van de Londense Speakers' corner. Hierin reageren de wetenschappers van onze verschillende disciplines binnen de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen op het nieuws. Via deze digitale zeepkist geven de sociale wetenschappers van de Universiteit Leiden zo elk hun visie…
- Sociale psychologie: Sociale experimenten en groepspolarisatie
Vrijheid van meningsuiting op ‘social media’
Moet je alles kunnen zeggen op Twitter en Facebook? Is Instagram moreel verplicht foto’s te verwijderen van aanslagen? Moeten we toestaan dat terroristische groepering nieuwe leden werven op het internet?
Sociale veiligheid
Sociale veiligheid heeft alles te maken met een ondersteunende gemeenschap creëren
Sociale Wetenschappen
Binnen de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen zijn vijf instituten gevestigd:
Sociale Wetenschappen
De Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen combineert hooggekwalificeerd onderzoek en uitstekend onderwijs in de disciplines culturele antropologie, pedagogische wetenschappen, politieke wetenschap, psychologie, wetenschaps- en techniekstudies, evenals in multidisciplinaire benaderingen.
Sociale veiligheid
Onze universitaire gemeenschap vormt het hart van onze academie. Het is voor de universiteit Leiden van groot belang dat haar medewerkers met plezier naar hun werk gaan en zonder belemmeringen hun werkzaamheden kunnen uitvoeren.
Sociale Wetenschappen
De Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen van de Universiteit Leiden onderhoudt op verschillende manieren contact met alumni van haar faculteit.
Sociale veiligheid
Bij FGGA willen we dat onze medewerkers zich in alle opzichten veilig voelen. We streven daarom naar een werkomgeving waar we elkaar met respect behandelen, waar we inclusie bevorderen en waar we ons uitspreken als we onveiligheid ervaren of er getuige van zijn.
A well-established harmony in chaos: from isolated galaxies to galaxy clusters
The origin and evolution of galaxies are closely linked to many different physical phenomena.
Social Citizenship & Migration
Social Citizenship & Migration (SCM) is een van de negen interdisciplinaire stimuleringsgebied programma's die de Universiteit Leiden in 2020 heeft gelanceerd. Het wordt geleid door de faculteiten Governance and Global Affairs, Rechtsgeleerdheid, Geesteswetenschappen en Sociale Wetenschappen.
Open Dialoogsessies Sociale Veiligheid
YAL werkt samen met Human Resources (HR) aan de lancering van de Open Dialoogsessies Sociale Veiligheid. We willen bestaande beleidsmaatregelen op het gebied van sociale veiligheid en hun toepassingen samenbrengen met de ervaringen en verwachtingen van onze gemeenschap.
ISA – Interventie voor Sociale Angst bij kinderen en jongeren
De sociale angststoornis is één van de meest voorkomende stoornissen bij kinderen en jongeren. Sociale angst wordt gekenmerkt door overmatige angst en vermijding van sociale situaties, waarbij kinderen voornamelijk bang zijn om negatief beoordeeld te worden door anderen. Cognitieve gedragstherapie,…
Sociale angst onder pubers
Ernstige vormen van angst voor de mening van anderen, kunnen tieners op school belemmeren tijdens sociale interacties of het uitvoeren van taken. Psycholoog Anne Miers zoekt naar manieren om deze zogenoemde ‘sociale angst’ te verminderen.
Non-take-up of social support and the implications for social policies
This dissertation takes an important step in understanding the phenomenon of non-take-up of social support and what it means for contemporary social policies.