1,861 zoekresultaten voor “emotional processing” in de Publieke website
Clavis Aurea? Structure-enabled approaches of identifying and optimizing GPCR ligands
Promotores: A.P. IJzerman, H.W.T. van Vlijmen
Development and application of cryo-EM tools to study the ultrastructure of microbes in changing environments
Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a powerful technique used to visualize the inside of cells and to study specific protein complexes. Within this thesis, I describe the use of various cryo-EM techniques to gain insight into the structural changes of the human pathogen, Vibrio cholerae, as it…
Multi-objective mixed-integer evolutionary algorithms for building spatial design
Multi-objective evolutionary computation aims to find high quality (Pareto optimal) solutions that represent the trade-off between multiple objectives.
A chemical biology approach for targeting of ligand-drug conjugates
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft, G.A. van der Marel, Co-Promotor: R.G. Boot
Allosteric modulation by sodium ions and amilorides of G protein- coupled receptors
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman
Fraude. Fraude en fraudebestrijding in Nederland
Deze uitgave is het eerste integrale overzichtswerk op het gebied van fraude en fraudebestrijding waarin wetenschappers én praktijkmensen de belangrijkste aspecten van fraude, fraudepreventie en fraudebestrijding analyseren. Erwin Muller en Pinar Ölcer, beiden werkzaam bij het Instituut voor Strafrecht…
Evolution and development of orchid flowers and fruits
To gain more insight into the evolutionary development of orchid flowers and fruits, the orchid species Erycina pusilla was studied. The evolutionary origin of the median petaloid sepal, the callus on the labellum, and the stelidia was studied.
Mind the gap: gas and dust in planet-forming disks
Promotores: Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck, Prof.dr. C.P. Dullemond
Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction toward liquid fuels : on heterogeneous electrocatalysts and heterogenized molecular catalysts
With the energy transition toward a renewable energy supply and a CO2-neutral economy, electrification of the energy system is rising in importance, which leads to the challenge of long-term storage of renewable electricity.
Als natuurkundige onderscheid je je met een stevige wiskunde- en programmeerachtergrond en een sterk analytisch en probleemoplossend vermogen.
Synthetic Methodology Towards ADP-Ribosylation Related Molecular Tools
Phosphorylation affects all four major biomolecules – proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids – and plays a pivotal role in the most fundamental cellular functions.
Multiscale mathematical biology of cell-extracellular matrix interactions during morphogenesis
During embryonic growth, cells proliferate, differentiate, and collectively migrate to form different tissues at the right position and time in the body.
Manipulating carbon nanotubes Towards the application as novel field emission sources
Promotores: T.H. Oosterkamp, N. de Jonge
Systems diagnosis of chronic diseases, explored by metabolomics and ultra-weak photon emission
Promotor: J. van der Greef; Co-promotor: E. van Wijk, M. Wang
Untangling cosmic collisions: a study of particle acceleration and magnetic fields in merging galaxy clusters
On the largest scale, the Universe resembles a cosmic spiderweb. Most galaxies coexist in small groups within the threads of this web. At the nodes of the threads are enormous groups of galaxies forming the largest structures in the universe still held together by gravity: clusters of galaxies.
Unravelling cell fate decisions through single cell methods and mathematical models
Despite being the object of intense study, embryonic development has been difficult to model due to a number of reasons. First, complex tissues can be comprised of many cell types, of which we probably only know a subset.
Protoplanetary disk anatomy: examining the structure and chemistry of planetary birthplaces with simple molecules
This thesis examines the link between simple molecules and the underlying structure and chemistry within protoplanetary disks - the birthplaces of planets.
Regulation of the arabidopsis AGC kinase PINOID by PDK1 and the microtubule cytoskeleton
Plants, are sessile organisms, have developed strategies to adapt to changes in their environment, in part by altering their growth and development.
On the amount of sieving in factorization methods
Promotoren: R. Tijdeman, A.K. Lenstra, Co-promotor: H.J.J. te Riele
Progressive Indexes
Interactive exploration of large volumes of data is increasingly common, as data scientists attempt to extract interesting information from large opaque data sets. This scenario presents a difficult challenge for traditional database systems, as (1) nothing is known about the query workload in advance,…
Fate, accumulation and impact of metallic nanomaterials in the terrestrial environment
The rapidly increasing commercial application of metallic nanoparticles within products will inevitably enhance the amount of NPs being released into soil.
Smoothly breaking unitarity : studying spontaneous collapse using two entangled, tuneable, coherent amplifiers
The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics states that a measurement collapses a wavefunction onto an eigenstate of the corresponding measurement operator.
Many objective optimization and complex network analysis
This thesis seeks to combine two different research topics; Multi-Objective Optimization and Complex Network Analysis.
Management van de Publieke Sector: Bestuur en Advisering
De onderliggende gedachte van de Masteropleiding is dat je (1) begint met een concrete uitdaging, (2) dan vanuit wetenschappelijke perspectieven reflecteert op de uitdaging, (3) om vervolgens de academische kennis weer toe te passen op (zelfgekozen) maatschappelijke, economische en bestuurlijke vra…
Evaluating European imports of Asian aquaculture products using statistically supported life cycle assessments
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo
Allosteric modulation by sodium ions and amilorides of G protein-coupled receptors
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman
Hunting for the fastest stars in the Milky Way
The high velocity tail of the total velocity distribution of stars provides essential insight into fundamental properties of the Galaxy.
Simulating the birth environment of circumstellar discs
Circumstellar discs are the reservoirs of gas and dust that surround young stars and have the potential to become planetary systems.
Controlling growth and morphogenesis of the industrial enzyme producer Streptomyces lividans
Promotor: G.P. van Wezel, Co-Promotor: E. Vijgenboom
(Jonge) professionals die voor de master Management van de Publieke Sector kiezen (willen) werken aan uitdagende, maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Sommige van hen willen een volgende stap maken in hun loopbaan. Deze master stelt studenten in staat om een effectieve bijdrage aan het functioneren van het…
Engineering of antigen-saving dissolving microneedles for intradermal vaccine delivery
The intradermal administration route is attractive for vaccine delivery, because of the highly populated antigen-presenting cells in the skin. However, the skin’s main physical barrier, the stratum corneum, prevents vaccines from entering the skin.
In de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen is de verwevenheid van onderzoek, onderwijs en impact vanzelfsprekend.
Risks to Health and the Environment Related to the Use of Lead in Products
The aim of this project was to estimate emissions from lead products-in-use for the past, the present and the future and assess the development of toxicological risks associated with these products.
The impact of climate variability on the ecology of a lion (Panthera leo Linnaeus 1758) population and lion livestock conflicts in the Amboseli
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. G.A. Persoon, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh
Enlightening the Primordial Dark Ages
This thesis is dedicated to the exploration of the primordial dark ages: unknown physics during the earliest stages of the Universe’s expansion that have not yet been directly probed by observations. Cosmic inflation is a burst of exponential expansion of space after the “Big Bang”.
Applications of Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents to Extraction and Preservation of Biomolecules
The recently introduced nature-originated deep eutectic solvents, so-called natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) are considered as truly green solvents, which composed of natural ingredients found abundantly in organisms.
Evaluation of the zebrafish embryo as an alternative model for hepatotoxicity testing
Promotor: Prof.dr. B. van de Water, Co-promotores: L.T.M. van der Ven, A.S. Kienhuis
Zipping into Fusion
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.G.E.M. Fraaije, Co-promotor: A. Kros
Jean Monnet Chair of Moritz Jesse
Moritz Jesse has been awarded a Jean Monnet Chair by the European Commission. In his MIND-EU Project he will focus on a coherent way to teach Migration, Integration, and Non-Discrimination at Leiden Law School at bachelor and master level.
Facultair functioneel beheerder OSC (1,0 fte)
Governance and Global Affairs, FGGA Faculteitsbestuur en -bureau, Onderwijs Service Centrum
PhD Position: Computational Modeling of Auger Capture Rates
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leids Instituut voor Chemisch Onderzoek (LIC)
Financiering van onderzoek naar mensenhandel en mensensmokkel in intra-Schengen grensgebieden
Prof. dr. mr. Maartje van der Woude (Van Vollenhoven Instituut) heeft financiering vanuit de Nationale Politie gekregen om fenomeenonderzoek te doen naar de mate waarin, en hoe, mensenhandel en mensensmokkel in intra-Schengen grensgebieden met elkaar vervlochten zijn.
Artikel in 'Psychological Research'
Het artikel ‘Putting emotions in routes: the influence of emotionally laden landmarks on spatial memory’ geschreven door Francesco Ruotolo, Michiel Claessen en Ineke van der Ham is verschenen in Psychological Research. Hierin wordt beschreven hoe de emotionele lading van de omgeving invloed heeft op…
Launch NWO VIDI website European Border Communities
Nieuwe website over interdisciplinair, internationaal onderzoek naar de migratie en grenstoezicht.
Publicatieprijs voor Carolien Rieffe en Lizet Ketelaar
Carolien Rieffe en Lizet Ketelaar krijgen de publicatieprijs van het Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme voor het artikel 'Gedeelde smart? Empathie bij jonge kinderen met autisme'. Zij ontvangen samen met de co-auteurs de prijs op het 13e Nationaal Autisme Congres in Rotterdam op 15 maart 2013.
ICA Top Student Award voor Lotte Melenhorst
Lotte Melenhorst, promovenda aan het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap van de Universiteit Leiden, heeft voor haar paper over de rol van de media in het wetgevingsproces een Top Student Award gekregen van het Political Communication Panel van de International Communication Association (ICA). Dit werd in…
FAQ Klinische specialisaties Master Psychologie
Hieronder vind je de antwoorden op een aantal veelgestelde vragen over toelating tot de klinische specialisaties van de Master Psychologie.
Lichaamseigen marihuana zorgt dat je angstherinneringen vergeet
De stof anandamide – vaak aangeduid als lichaamseigen marihuana – blijkt een rol te spelen bij het laten vervagen van herinneringen aan een angstige gebeurtenis. Dat ontdekte een internationaal team onder leiding van Leids scheikundige Mario van der Stelt. De resultaten zijn gepubliceerd in Nature Chemical…
Medewerker onderwijslogistiek: roostering
Geesteswetenschappen, FGW faculteitsbestuur en bureau, Onderwijs- en Studentzaken (OSZ)
Welkom bij LUBEC – Volwassenen
LUBEC is gespecialiseerd in de diagnostiek en behandeling van de psychische gevolgen van trauma’s en van lichamelijke klachten en aandoeningen.