1,050 zoekresultaten voor “archaeology of the near east” in de Medewerkerswebsite
Modelling the Interactions of Advanced Micro- and Nanoparticles with Novel Entities
Withstanding the cold: energy feedback in simulations of galaxies that include a cold interstellar medium
Exploring the metabolism and toxicity of amino sugars and 2- deoxyglucose in Streptomyces
Systematic investigations into the role of ceramide subclass composition on lipid organization and skin barrier
The potential of multi-scale EE-MRIO to support sustainable development policies in Indonesia
A Physicochemical Study of Medieval and Post-Medieval Ceramics from the Aegean
Life of Phi: Phi-features in West Germanic and the syntax-morphology interface
The Flexible Listener: Exploring zebra finch sensitivity to spectral and temporal sound features
The development of molecular tools for investigating NAD+ metabolism and signalling
Carl Schmitt’s Hamlet oder Hekuba and the Question of a Philosophy of History
Towards the Establishment of a New International Humanitarian Law Compliance Mechanism
The construction of China’s national interest: Between top-down rule and societal ideas
Environmental assessment and guidance for the future development of offshore wind energy
Expanding the coverage of ecosystem service impacts in Life Cycle Assessment
Poprhyrin-based metal-organic frameworks for the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction
Expanding the chemical space of antibiotics produced by Paenibacillus and Streptomyces
The “White Dialect” of young Arabic speakers from Qassim (Saudi Arabia)
These kind of words: number agreement in the species noun phrase in International Academic English
Couperus en Nederlands-Indië: De stille kracht en Oostwaarts
Lezing, Studium Generale
LUC Alumna in Trouw Duurzame 100
De Duurzame 100 is een initiatief van dagblad Trouw, bestaande uit een lijst van de top 100 duurzame burgerinitiatieven. In oktober van 2020 won de Jonge Klimaatbeweging NL als eerste jongerenorganisatie de eerste prijs. Een interview met bestuurslid bij de Jonge Klimaatbeweging én Alumna van het Leiden…
Empowering students in the world of ChatGPT: Use and misuse of LLMs
- Ruimte voor academisch debat: Between safe and brave spaces: The role of universities in historical perspective
LTA Lunchlezing: An inclusive learning environment - Working with the teaching guide
Martina Vijver
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
vijver@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1487
Political instability in Bulgaria
North Korea and the Liberation of Southern Africa, 1960-2020
The Oligarchy in China: A Case Study of China’s Electricity Industry, 1978-2013
Indo-Slavic lexical isoglosses and the prehistoric dispersal of Indo- Iranian
Charting the path towards rehabilitation: a compensatory approach to navigation impairments
Regulating Relations: Controlling Sex and Marriage in the Early Modern Dutch Empire
ALFA New Year’s lecture and drinks
Alumni-activiteit, Alumni Association of Archaeology presents:
Speaking the same language: De invoering van de Anglo-Amerikaanse trust in het Nederlandse recht
Unraveling the drivers of antimicrobial pharmacokinetic variability in individuals with obesity and hospitalized patients with multimorbidity
Insights into the neural and affective signatures of connectedness between parents and adolescents
The Teaching of Khety and Its Use as an Educational Tool in Ancient Egypt
News in a Glasshouse: Media, Publics, and Senses of Belonging in the Dutch Caribbean
Protective Interventions by Local Elites in the Countryside of Early Islamic Egypt
A New Feeling of Unity: Decolonial Black Power in the Dutch Atlantic (1968-1973)
Visible: Discovering the Impact of Research Conducted by Universities of Applied Sciences
Economy and Public Policy Talk: Juliana Chueri (VU Amsterdam): Evaluating the Political Power of Platform Companies
Lezing, Talks
Bij LUC is het Haagse Bos een klaslokaal
Regen of niet: bij de cursus ‘The Ecology Project’ gaan studenten van het Leiden University College wekelijks de Haagse natuur in.
LUC student wint essaychallenge Nobelprijs voor de Vrede
Natalia Sobrino-Saeb, derdejaars studente aan het Leiden University College in Den Haag, heeft de essaychallenge van het Ignitor Fellowship Program van het Nobel Vredescentrum gewonnen voor haar essay over de bedreigingen voor de journalistiek in Mexico. Op 10 december ontmoette Natalia het comité van…
LUC Den Haag: diploma-uitreiking 2020 ½ en 2021
Afgelopen vrijdag vierde het Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) de diploma-uitreiking van de Class of 2020 ½ en 2021. De 186 studenten die dit voorjaar en deze zomer afstudeerden ontvingen allen hun Bachelor of Arts óf Bachelor of Science diploma van het Liberal Arts & Sciences: Global Challenges…
eLaw Summer School on 'Regulating AI and data in the age of EU digital reforms' - 24-28 June, Leiden (Registration open)
Cursus, Summer School
Workshop Flaws in the Flow: Het onderzoeken van gebreken in het Nederlands post-consumenten textiel beleid (Engelstalig)
Leiden Translation Talk 9 May: Human-technology relations and the permeating presence of machine translation tools
and Natural Challenges: responses and ideas from Latin America and the Caribbean
What Works in Suicide Prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
education meet-up: Create your teacher materials more efficiently with the help of AI
Persoonlijke ontwikkeling, Didactiek
LTA lunch lecture - Gamification in Higher-Ed: Promises, Practices, and Pitfalls