2,057 zoekresultaten voor “inge processing” in de Publieke website
An egg is always an adventure
Faint Quasars at Very Low Frequencies
In this thesis, we use low-frequency and high-frequency radio observations to address the following questions regarding quasars: is the radio loud/quiet quasar dichotomy real?
Duality, bosonic particle systems and some exactly solvable models of non-equilibrium
Promotor: F.H.J. Redig, Co-Promotor: W.T.F. den Hollander
Geometric approach to evolution problems in metric spaces
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: O.W. van Gaans
Nonparametric Bayesian Methods in Robotic Vision
In this dissertation non-parametric Bayesian methods are used in the application of robotic vision.
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From Benchmarking Optimization Heuristics to Dynamic Algorithm Configuration
Vergeten Afkomsten. De Nasleep van de Nederlandse Slavernij in de Indische Oceaanwerelden
Vergeten Afkomsten onderzoekt de paden waarlangs generaties van tot slaaf gemaakten en hun nakomelingen geleidelijk hun slavernijverleden onder Nederlands en Brits keizerschap vergaten en lokale onderdanen werden in Sri Lanka en Zuid-Afrika. Het onderzoekt waarom en hoe vergeten in plaats van herinneren…
Luning en Hein ontvangen LUF-subsidie
Luning en Hein ontvangen een LUF-beurs voor onderzoek naar de ingewikkelde relatie tussen infrastructuurprojecten en hun invloed op geopolitiek, economie, politiek en cultuur in Afrika.
Positioning of current Environmental tools & an outlook to the future
Review of new technical decisionsupport systems in the environmental field, and application in water management decission processes.
Mirjam Wever
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.c.m.wever@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Cosmic tomography with weak gravitational lensing
We explored the Universe using weak gravitational lensing, a phenomenon that occurs when light from distant galaxies is bent by the gravitational fields of closer cosmic objects, much like how a lens distorts light.
Stochastic and Deterministic Algorithms for Continuous Black-Box Optimization
Continuous optimization is never easy: the exact solution is always a luxury demand and the theory of it is not always analytical and elegant.
Data science for tax administration
In this PhD-thesis several new and existing data science application are described that are particularly focused on applications for tax administrations.
Discovering the preference hypervolume: an interactive model for real world computational co-creativity
In this thesis it is posed that the central object of preference discovery is a co-creative process in which the Other can be represented by a machine. It explores efficient methods to enhance introverted intuition using extraverted intuition's communication lines.
Uncovering the ingredients for planet formation
This thesis discusses the physical and chemical processes than influence the composition of forming planets.
Dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions: a study via coupling and large deviations
Promotores: F.H.J. Redig, W.T.F. den Hollander
Safe anytime-valid inference: from theory to implementation in psychiatry research
Classical statistical methods, such as p-values, are difficult for researchers to apply correctly. They for example do not allow drawing conclusions from a study early, or for extending a study with extra research groups that want to make their data available later.
Systems pharmacology of the amyloid cascade
According to the amyloid cascade hypothesis, accumulation of beta-amyloid (Aβ) peptides initiates the pathological cascade in Alzheimer's disease (AD).
Onderzoeksgroep Governance of Crises
De onderzoeksgroep ‘Governance of Crises’ bestudeert verschijnselen, dynamiek en spelers als het gaat om crisisbeheersing. Het Crisis Research Center (CRC) van de Universiteit Leiden maakt deel uit van deze onderzoekgroep.
Uniform infinite and Gibbs causal triangulations
Promotor: Richard D. Gill
Coiled-coil mediated liposomal fusion: Asymmetric behaving peptide fusogens
Membrane fusion is a vital process in living organisms and is mediated by zipper-like proteins.
Electrochemical and surface studies of the effect of naphthalene-based additives on tin electrodeposition
Tin electrodeposition applications have rapidly evolved in the past 25 years.
Computational modeling of mycobacterium infection and innate immune reponse in zebrafish
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok
Statistical modelling of time-varying covariates for survival data
This dissertation focuses on developing new mathematical and statistical methods to properly represent time-varying covariates and model them within the context of time-to-event analysis.
On the Power Efficiency, Low latency, and Quality of Service in Network-on-Chip
In multi/many-core System-on-Chips (SoCs), the performance is almost linearly scaling with the number of processing elements.
Spectral imaging and tomographic reconstruction methods for industrial applications
Radiography is an important technique to inspect objects, with applications in airports and hospitals. X-ray imaging is also essential in industry, for instance in food safety checks for the presence of foreign objects.
Chemical genetic approaches for target validation
Drug development is a time- and resource-consuming process that starts with the discovery and validation of a (protein) target that contributes to pathogenesis or disease progression.
Feedback from deeply embedded low- and high-mass protostars. Surveying hot molecular gas with Herschel
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck, Co-Promotor: G.J. Herczeg
Molecules during stellar formation and death
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. F. van Dishoeck
Supramolecular polymer materials for biomedical applications and diagnostics
Self-assembly is an abundant process in nature and is vital to many processes in living organisms.
Ben van Werkhoven
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
b.j.c.van.werkhoven@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Anisotropy in cell mechanics
Mechanical interactions between cells and their environment play an important role in many biological processes.
Anthropogenic effects on links between macro-invertebrate diversity and ecosystem functioning
How are links between macro-invertebrate diversity and ecosystem functioning influenced by anthropogenic pressures?
Regulation of autophagy-related mechanisms during bacterial infection
Autophagy is a fundamental degradative process, maintaining cellular homeostasis and functions in host defense against intracellular pathogens, including mycobacteria and Salmonella.
Structural Health Monitoring Meets Data Mining
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Co-promotor: A.J. Knobbe
Quantification in untargeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics
Promotor: T. Hankemeier, Co-promotor: T.H. Reijmers
The role of the tumor suppressor Lkb1 in energy homeostasis
The work in this thesis describes the fundamental role of Lkb1 as a conductor of metabolism-related processes in zebrafish larvae.
Integrating Analytics with Relational Databases
The database research community has made tremendous strides in developing powerful database engines that allow for efficient analytical query processing.
Selective autophagy in host defense against mycobacterial infection
The effective treatment of tuberculosis (TB) remains a major challenge to global health.
Quantitative uncertainty in LCI
Overall dispersion in LCA as result of inherent uncertainties, spread and unrepresentativeness.
Approach to Markov Operators on Spaces of Measures by means of equicontinuity
The subject of this thesis, ‘Approach to Markov Operators on Spaces of Measures by Means of Equicontinuity’, combines an analytical and probabilistic approach to Markov operators.
Orchestration of Distributed LOFAR Workflows
The LOFAR radio telescope produces petabytes of data every year. Radio Astronomers use complex multi-step pipelines to process this data and produce scientific images.
Studenten die niet direct toelaatbaar zijn tot de Educatieve master Engels komen mogelijk in aanmerking voor een pre-masterprogramma.
Software development by abstract behavioural specification
The development process of any software has become extremely important not just in the IT industry, but in almost every business or domain of research.
Je volgt een basispakket van biologievakken, exacte vakken in de informatica en speciale integratievakken.
Bioorthogonal chemistry to unveil antigen processing events
Synthesis of well-defined ADP-Ribosylated biomolecules
Promotor: G. A. van der Marel, Co-promotor: D. V. Filippov
The synthesis of chemical tools for studying sphingolipid metabolism
Sphingolipids are important membrane compounds with a variety of functions. In mammalian cells, different enzymes are involved in the metabolism of sphingolipids, but interruption of this metabolism process leads to different diseases.