2,259 zoekresultaten voor “role work in rol environmental” in de Publieke website
Global distribution patterns of distinct mycorrhizal types and ecological drivers of these patterns
What are the global relationships between environmental conditions and abundance of distinct types of mycorrhizal fungi in soil and plant roots?
Groepsgeweldplegers en groepsgeweld. De rol van individuele kenmerken
Op 29 september 2020 verdedigde Tom van Ham zijn proefschrift 'Groepsgeweldplegers en groepsgeweld. De rol van individuele kenmerken'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr.mr. A.A.J. Blokland, prof.dr. O.M.J. Adang (RUG) en prof.dr. Th.A.H. Doreleijers (VUMC).
Plastic's Legacy: From Single-Use to Sustainable Solutions
Lezing, Studium Generale
Hunting dark matter with X-rays
Promotor: A. Achúcarro Co-promotor: A. Boyarsky
Next generation bacitracin: reimagining a classic antibiotic
Given the accelerating appearance of antimicrobial resistance, there is an urgent need for more fundamental research into novel antibiotic strategies. The work in this thesis helps to address this global problem by developing new antibiotic compounds, inspired by the antibacterial mechanisms of the…
Photocatalytic redox reactions at the surface of liposomes
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Bouwman, Co-promotor: S. Bonnet
Regulation of autophagy-related mechanisms during bacterial infection
Autophagy is a fundamental degradative process, maintaining cellular homeostasis and functions in host defense against intracellular pathogens, including mycobacteria and Salmonella.
Quantitative pharmacology of antimicrobials
Antimicrobial drugs constitute a fundamental part of modern medicine. The global rise in antimicrobial resistance poses a major threat to global health.
Development of highly accurate density functionals for H2 dissociation on transition metals
Metals surfaces form a group of effective catalysts for the reaction of small molecules such as hydrogen (H2).
Identification and characterization of viral Xrn1-resistant RNAs
Several single-stranded RNA viruses make use of Xrn1-resistant RNAs in their 3’ untranslated regions of their genome RNAs in order to increase their pathogenicity.
Work It Wednesday
Bekijk de Engelse pagina voor een overzicht van de tweede dag van de Online Well-being Week.
De rol van de curator bij de aanpak van onregelmatigheden
Op 27 september 2022 verdedige Jessie Pool het proefschrift 'De rol van de curator bij de aanpak van onregelmatigheden: een empirisch-juridisch onderzoek naar de rol van de curator in de praktijk bij de aanpak van onregelmatigheden voor en tijdens faillissement'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door…
- ELS lab meeting - Work in progress session: A survey on the internalization and effectiveness of constitutional norms by Jelle But
Pesticides and health – challenges and opportunities for exposure assessment
The aim is to develop methods to assess environmental and occupational exposure to (individual) pesticides, to be applied in epidemiological studies investigating pesticide exposure and human health. Furthermore, we aim to investigate the potential association between exposure to pesticides and Parkinson’s…
Cathodic corrosion
Cathodic corrosion is a relatively unknown phenomenon that can severely etch metallic electrodes at cathodic (negative) potentials.
Materials Innovative Technologies Assessment (MIN-TEA)
How can prospective LCA be streamlined in a way that its practical application in research and technology development increases?
Rol van daders, slachtoffers en omstanders bij geweldsincidenten
Sommige ernstige geweldsincidenten eindigen met dodelijke afloop, andere niet. Vooral vuurwapengebruik door de dader, de aan- of afwezigheid van omstanders en het gedrag van het slachtoffer blijken cruciaal voor deze uitkomst.
Tineke Rutgers
t.rutgers@bb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7891
Ine Alberts
j.b.p.m.alberts@bb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4188
Dynamic organization of bacterial chromatin by DNA bridging proteins
Bacteria often experience external challenges, such as changes in environmental conditions or attacks by bacteriophages.
Innovative sample preparation and handling strategies for automated and high-throughput metabolomics
Metabolomics has the potential to play a pivotal role in understanding disease onset and progression, and ultimately personalized treatments. One of its major challenges is its large-scale implementation, which is necessary to deal with the high variability of the metabolome. In this work we have developed…
Symposium Environmental History in the Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries
On 25 and 26 October 2024, the first biennial symposium Environmental History in the Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries, is scheduled to take place at Leiden University.
PhD candidate in French linguistics
Geesteswetenschappen, Centre for Linguistics
Life Cycle Assessment of Nanomaterials and Risk Assessment.
What is the environmental impact, the human health impact and the life cycle and production costs of the lab, pilot and commercial diffusion of nanowires and nanowire-based photovoltaic technologies?
International Environmental Obligations and Liabilities in Deep Seabed Mining
Op dinsdag 26 juni 2018 verdedigt Linlin Sun haar proefschrift ‘International Environmental Obligations and Liabilities in Deep Seabed Mining’. De promotoren zijn prof. dr. N.J. Schrijver en prof. dr. E.C.P.D.C. De Brabandere.
- ELS lab meeting - Work in Progress by Isak Nilsson
Campus The Hague Career Event 2025
Cursus, Career Event
Volatile compounds from Actinobacteria as mediators of microbial interactions
Streptomyces are bacteria abundant in soil that participate in diverse and complex interactions. These bacteria are the main producers of the antibiotics we currently use in the clinic.
Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Justice
Op 23 februari 2022 verdedigde Cale Davis het proefschrift 'Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Justice'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.dr. C. Stahn en dr. J.C. Powderly.
Professor Ken Meier: 'Protesten, een representatieve overheid en de rol van leiderschap'
Professor Ken Meier is een van de meest vooraanstaande bestuurskundigen van de wereld. Meier is professor Public Management bij Cardiff School of Business (Wales), professor Bureaucracy and Democracy bij Leiden Universiteit, onderzoeker bij Danish Centre for Social Sciences Research (Kopenhagen, Denemarken)…
The Role of Humans in Surgery Automation
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Hadassah Drukarch en Bart Custers van eLaw - Centrum voor Recht en Digitale Technologie, onderzoeken met Pranav Khanna , eLaw alumnus, de invloed van automatisering op de interactie tussen mens en robot en verantwoordelijkheid bij chirurgische innovatie.
The symmetry of crystals and the topology of electrons
Promotor: J. Zaanen, Co-Promotor: V. Juricic
Light Weighed: On the Statistics and Systematics of Weak Gravitational Lensing
In astronomy, the interpration of observations and measurements plays a crucial role: we rely purely and fundamentally on the information that reaches us as observers. And 80% of all matter in the universe is undetectable directly.
Computational modeling of cellular dynamics in tumor cell migration
Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) and tumor cell migration play an important role in cancer progression, and an improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying these concepts is essential for developing new targeted approaches.
Shaping the pharmacokinetic landscape for renally cleared antibiotics in obesity
The prevalence of obesity (BMI >40 kg/m2) has increased rapidly over the recent years, not only in adults, but also in children and adolescents.
Developing systems for high-throughput screening of infectious diseases using zebrafish
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink, Co-promotor: Prof.dr. A.H. Meijer
Adsorption and catalysis on Pt and Pd monolayer-modified Pt single crystal electrodes
The focus throughout this thesis will be on gathering fundamental studies of the detailed structure and composition of the electrode/electrolyte interface effect on the rate and mechanism of key electrocatalytic reactions.
Causal Discovery from High-Dimensional Data in the Large-Sample Limit
Developing robust algorithms and theory for establishing cause-effect relationships from observational data that scale up to large data sets
Safe anytime-valid inference: from theory to implementation in psychiatry research
Classical statistical methods, such as p-values, are difficult for researchers to apply correctly. They for example do not allow drawing conclusions from a study early, or for extending a study with extra research groups that want to make their data available later.
Lava worlds: characterising atmospheres of impossible nature
Over the last three decades, the discovery of exoplanets has revealed the boundless variety of worlds beyond our own Solar System. Majority of planetary systems contain short-period planets that are larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune.
Environmental Humanities verbindt vakgebieden én mensen met elkaar: ‘We hebben integratie nodig’
Met een presentatie, paneldiscussie en buitenactiviteiten wist de themadag ‘Environmental Humanities’ van het Honours College FGW mensen en vakgebieden met elkaar te verenigen. ‘Er is een kloof tussen geestes- en exacte wetenschappen, maar ze liggen dichter bij elkaar dan je denkt.’
MOOC: EU Policy and implementation: making Europe work!
Mooc Eu Policy Europe Europa
Image-based phenotypic screening for breast cancer metastasis drug target discovery
The main aim of this thesis was to unravel the signaling and regulatory networks that drive tumor cell migration during breast cancer metastasis.
PhD Automated synthesis of Well-defined Bacterial Wall Teichoic Acids
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leids Instituut voor Chemisch Onderzoek (LIC)
Workshop Exploring the Role of Hype in the Future of Quantum Technology
Sensatieverhalen vertellen, voordelen overdrijven en risico's onderschatten: ergens een 'hype' over creëren klinkt niet als iets waar een verantwoordelijke wetenschapper zich aan zou wagen. Of kunnen we een hype ook op een 'goede manier' inzetten? Wat kunnen we bereiken door discussies over de quantumtoekomst…
Recommended weighting methods
The project falls in the context of the EU Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (COM(2005)670). The Institute for Environment and Resources (IES) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) has developed three sets of decoupling indicators. Such indicators require the definition of a…
Jorrit Rijpma bij Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny, Europees Parlement
Op vrijdag 23 april verscheen Jorrit Rijpma voor de Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny van het Europees Parlement. Deze werkgroep is opgericht door de Commissie burgerlijke vrijheden, justitie en binnenlandse zaken (LIBE) van het Europees Parlement, als reactie op de beschuldigingen van serieuze schendingen…
De rol van Romeins recht in de samenleving volgens Cornelius Tacitus
Impliciet of expliciet, we hebben allemaal ideeën over hoe de wet zou moeten functioneren, wiens belangen zij zou moeten vertegenwoordigen en welke rol zij in de samenleving zou moeten spelen. Dit project verkent de manieren waarop deze vragen worden behandeld in de werken van de Romeinse historicus…
Organisational & Entrepreneurial Behaviour
De onderzoeksgroep Organizational & Entrepreneurial Behavior onderzoekt het gedrag van individuen en groepen die in organisaties werken, organisaties starten, of organisaties leiden, met als doel om organisatorische praktijken te informeren. Door zich te concentreren op het gedrag van (groepen) werknemers,…
Nieuw onderzoeksrapport: Land and climate change: Rights and environmental displacement in Mozambique
Nieuw onderzoeksrapport en beleidsbrief van Carolien Jacobs en Bernardo Almeida