1,590 zoekresultaten voor “fundamental study” in de Publieke website
Single-molecule microscopy in zebrafish embryos
Single-Molecule Microscopy (SMM) techniques constitute a group of powerful imaging tools that enable researchers to study the dynamic behavior of individual molecules.
Wireless Random-Access Networks and Spectra of Random Graph
This thesis is divided into two parts. In Part I we study metastability properties of queue-based random-access protocols for wireless networks. The network is modeledas a bipartite graph whose edges represent interference constraints. In Part II we study spectra of inhomogeneous Erdős-Rényi random…
Tautological differential forms on moduli spaces of curves
In this thesis we study the moduli space of genus g curves, and the differential forms that occur naturally on this moduli space.
SFA of PVC in Sweden
In this study the flows of PVC and its additives through the Swedish Society were followed from the cradle to the grave (from production to waste treatment).
Binnen dit instituut wordt veel gevangenisonderzoek verricht. Detentie is de strengste sanctie die in de strafrechtstelsels van de Europese landen wordt toegepast.
Management of small-scale -African fisheries: The Case of Elephant Marsh in Malawi
How does the management of Elephant Marsh Fishery in Malawi relate to wider contexts of policies, theories and regions? And how can the current management system be adapted to achieve long-term sustainability of the fishery?
Islam en samenleving
Kennis van moslimsamenlevingen is onmisbaar om in een geglobaliseerde wereld te kunnen functioneren en om onze eigen Nederlandse maatschappij goed te begrijpen. In Leiden verdiepen onderzoekers zich in de talen, cultuur, religie, rechtssystemen en geschiedenis van moslimsamenlevingen en zetten daarmee…
Origami metamaterials : design, symmetries, and combinatorics
In the first part of this thesis we study the geometry of folding patterns.
Yiatrosofia yia ton Anthropo: Indigenous Knowledge of Medicinal, Aromatic and Cosmetic (MAC) Plants in the Utilisation of the Plural Medical
Promotor: Prof.dr. L.J. Slikkerveer
Disentangling a complex genus: systematics, biogeography and bioactivity of the genus Phyllanthus L. and related genera of tribe Phyllantheae
The largest genus within the Phyllanthaceae family is a group called Phyllanthus L. Recent studies have shown, that Phyllanthus is paraphyletic with the genera Glochidion, Breynia and Synostemon nested within it.
Bugs and birds and landscape complexity
What invertebrates are available to feed nestlings in an agricultural landscape of varied complexity?
Lipid signaling and inflammation: metabolomics for better diagnosis and treatment strategy
Lipid signaling is an essential biological event/process in a plethora of pathophysiological conditions. The underlying idea of this thesis is that many of the roles and the complex interplay of the individual signaling lipids in inflammatory processes and related conditions in health and disease is…
Leukemia treatment & cognitive development
Hysterons and pathways in mechanical metamaterials
Mechanical metamaterials are carefully engineered materials whose properties are controlled by their structure, not by their composition, which allows using metamaterials to study and control physical effects in detail.
Governance of Innovation Project Management: Necessary and Neglected
Promotor: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Prof.dr. J. de Vries
Higgs dynamics in the early universe
In the early universe, the dynamics of the Higgs field can give rise to many interesting phenomena.
Studies of dust and gas in the interstellar medium of the Milky Way
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens
Laser-generated toroidal helium plasmas
This dissertation is an experimental study of laser-generated, atmospheric pressure, transient toroidal helium plasmas.
Aspects of cosmic acceleration
The focus of the dissertation
Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy and the Spin Bath
There are many interpretations of quantum mechanics, and ultimately experiments are needed to verify or falsify these interpretations.
Explicit Computation of the Height of a Gross-Schoen Cycle
Arithmetic geometry concerns the number-theoretic properties of geometric objects defined by polynomials. Mathematicians are interested in the rational solutions to these geometric objects.
Safe anytime-valid inference: from theory to implementation in psychiatry research
Classical statistical methods, such as p-values, are difficult for researchers to apply correctly. They for example do not allow drawing conclusions from a study early, or for extending a study with extra research groups that want to make their data available later.
Visualization of Vitamin A Metabolism
Vitamin A or retinol is essential in embryonic development, the visual cycle and the immune system.
The shell evolution of the Hydrocenidae of Malaysian Borneo
The thesis is about the study of shell evolution of the Hydrocenidae of the genus Georissa. This thesis started with a general overview on the evolutionary process of animals due to ecological changes.
The developing infant gut microbiota: mathematical predictions of the effects of oligosaccharides
A complex community of microbes develops in the infant gut shortly after birth. We call this community the infant gut microbiota. The microbiota influences the health of the infant, which makes the composition and function of the infant gut microbiota an important topic to study.
Rechtsgeleerdheid: eLaw
eLaw onderzoekt de rol van het recht in de informatiemaatschappij: hoe kan het recht bijdragen aan een goede werking van informatie- en communicatietechnologie, en het gebruik ervan door burgers, bedrijven en overheden?
LDE Bachelor Honours Programme Sustainability
Het Bachelor Honours Programme Sustainability is een uniek gezamenlijk initiatief van het LDE Centre for Sustainability en de Honours Academies van de Universiteit Leiden, de TU Delft en de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (LDE Alliance).
Lipid mediated colloidal interactions
The lipid membrane is a basic structural component of all living cells. Embedded in this nanometer-thin barrier, membrane proteins shape the membrane and at the same time respond to the shape of the membrane.
Surface-structure dependence of water-related adsorbates on platinum
Promotor: M.T.M. Koper, Co-promotor: J.B.F. Juurlink
Mining Sensor Data from Complex Systems
Promotor: J.N. Kok, Co-Promotor: A.J. Knobbe
Distance-based analysis of dynamical systems and time series by optimal transport
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel
Analytical chemistry and biochemistry of glycosphingolipids: new developments and insights
Advanced mass spectrometry of glycosphingolipids takes the central stage in this thesis. Investigations focus on characterization of glycosphingolipid metabolism in health and disease with emphasis to the detection and accurate quantitation of known and so far unknown glycosphingolipids and closely…
Identification and characterization of developmental genes in streptomyces
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.P. van Wezel
Next generation bacitracin: reimagining a classic antibiotic
Given the accelerating appearance of antimicrobial resistance, there is an urgent need for more fundamental research into novel antibiotic strategies. The work in this thesis helps to address this global problem by developing new antibiotic compounds, inspired by the antibacterial mechanisms of the…
Enhanced coinduction
Promotores: Prof.dr. F.S. de Boer, Prof.dr. J.J.M.M. Rutten (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
Fluorescence Polarization Activity-Based Protein Profiling on Retaining Glycosidases
Glycosidases are important enzymes in the turnover of polysaccharides and glycoconjugates, and are involved in a range of human pathologies including genetic disorders such as Gaucher and Pompe disease, but also in various cancers.
Molecular characterization of copper-dependent enzymes involved in Streptomyces morphology
Promotor: G.P. van Wezel, Co-promotor: D. Claessen
Facultaire inbedding
Het onderzoek van eLaw sluit vooral (maar niet uitsluitend) aan bij het facultaire onderzoeksprogramma Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a Pluralist World. De centrale onderzoeksvraag van dit programma is: welke kansen en bedreigingen vloeien voort uit de institutionele en normatieve diversiteit…
Massively collaborative machine learning
Promotor: J. N. Kok, Co-promotor: A. J. Knobbe
Electrochemical and surface studies of the effect of naphthalene-based additives on tin electrodeposition
Tin electrodeposition applications have rapidly evolved in the past 25 years.
Glycosyl Cations in Glycosylation Reactions
This thesis describes the use of a combined approach of computational and experimental techniques to gain novel insights to understand the glycosylation reaction and its reactive intermediates.
Quantitative pharmacology of antimicrobials
Antimicrobial drugs constitute a fundamental part of modern medicine. The global rise in antimicrobial resistance poses a major threat to global health.
When data compression and statistics disagree: two frequentist challenges for the minimum description length principle
Promotor: P.D. Grünwald
Metabolic signatures in nutrition and health: short-term diet response, sexual dimorphism and hormone chronobiology
The power of personalized nutrition lies in being able to conduct clinical research on healthy people while capturing metabolic markers sensitive to the impact of environmental and metabolic stressors (e.g. diet, changing sex hormones and the menstrual cycle).
Synthetic model microswimmers near walls
Synthetic microswimmers take an important place within the interdisciplinary field of active soft matter.
Nanofluidic tools for bioanalysis : the large advantages of the nano-scale
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Hankemeier, Prof.dr. J.C.T. Eijkel (Twente University)
A European Ministry of Finance?
Op 21 oktober 2021 verdedigde Frederik Behre het proefschrift 'A European Ministry of Finance?'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. S.C.G. Van den Bogaert.
Microneedle-mediated vaccine delivery
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. A. Bouwstra, Prof.dr. W. Jiskoot
Group benefits from genomic instability: a tale of antibiotic warriors in Streptomyces
Streptomyces are filamentous bacteria that produce more than two-thirds of known antibiotics.
Development of highly accurate density functionals for H2 dissociation on transition metals
Metals surfaces form a group of effective catalysts for the reaction of small molecules such as hydrogen (H2).