511 zoekresultaten voor “many wellbeing” in de Publieke website
Dynamic real-time substrate feed optimization of anaerobic co-digestion plants
Promotores: Prof.dr. T.H.W. Bäck, Prof.dr. M. Bongards (Cologne University)
Metabolomic characterization of plant exudates and their correlation with plant defense systems
Plant exudates appeared long time ago in the history line of life in the early Devonian. They are typical saps produced by specialized cells.
CE-MS for metabolomics: advancing performance and detection sensitivity
The major and ultimate aim of metabolomics is to obtain an answer to a specific biological or clinical question.
Linkages of Sustainability
Exploring linkages between energy and material use and implications for sustainable development.
Patterns on Spatially Structured Domains
We consider the propagation of electrical signals through nerve fibres.
Multi-dimensional feature and data mining
In this thesis we explore machine and deep learning approaches that address keychallenges in high dimensional problem areas and also in improving accuracy in wellknown problems. In high dimensional contexts, we have focused on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.
Clavis Aurea? Structure-enabled approaches of identifying and optimizing GPCR ligands
Promotores: A.P. IJzerman, H.W.T. van Vlijmen
Giant barrel sponges in diverse habitats: a story about the metabolome
Marine sponges are important members of reef ecosystems, as they play ecological roles that are essential for the health of the reef.
Lights in a sea of darkness: constraining the nature and properties of dark matter using the stellar kinematics in the centres of ultra-faint
Dark matter is one of the biggest mysteries of the Universe. Its properties cannot be explained with the known laws of physics and elementary particles.
Global Fields and Their L-functions
Artin L-functions associated to continuous representations of the absolute Galois group G_K of a global field K capture a lot of information about G_K as well as arithmetic properties of K.
Impact of plant hormones on growth and development of actinobacteria
Plants are colonized by an astounding number of microorganisms that can provide different life-support functions, including nutrient acquisition and protection against (a)biotic stresses like drought or pathogen attack.
Agenda dynamics in the European Union : the interaction between the European Council and the European Commission in the policy domain of organized
The European Council and the European Commission have a similar role in agenda setting. Both place issues on the EU agenda. However, these institutions have distinct designs. They have different political attributes (the European Council has considerably more political authority) and information-processing…
Heterogenized molecular (pre)catalysts for water oxidation and oxygen reduction
Before the large scale use of renewable energy sources can be implemented in our society, the storage of electrical energy needs to be tackled. Storage the energy as hydrogen via the reduction of protons is a good option.
An Algebra for Interaction of Cyber-Physical Components
Modeling and analysis of cyber-physical systems are still challenging. One reason is that cyber-physical systems involve many different parts (cyber or physical), of different nature (discrete or continuous), and in constant interaction via sensing and actuating.
Hydrodynamics and the quantum butterfly effect in Black Holes and large N quantum field theories
Why do black holes emit thermal radiation? And how does a closed quantum system thermalize?
Synthetic model microswimmers near walls
Synthetic microswimmers take an important place within the interdisciplinary field of active soft matter.
The impact of climate variability on the ecology of a lion (Panthera leo Linnaeus 1758) population and lion livestock conflicts in the Amboseli
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. G.A. Persoon, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh
Lava worlds: characterising atmospheres of impossible nature
Over the last three decades, the discovery of exoplanets has revealed the boundless variety of worlds beyond our own Solar System. Majority of planetary systems contain short-period planets that are larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune.
Systemic Accountability of the European Border and Coast Guard
Op 11 november 2021 verdedigde Mariana Gkliati het proefschrift 'Systemic Accountability of the European Border and Coast Guard'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. P. Rodrigues en prof.dr. L. Besselink (UvA).
Optimally weighted ensembles of surrogate models for sequential parameter optimization
It is a common technique in global optimization with expensive black-box functions to learn a surrogate-model of the response function from past evaluations and use it to decide on the location of future evaluations.
Development of GHG calculator for bio-electricity and heat.
Compressed Σ-Protocol Theory
In analogy to mathematical proofs, the goal of a proof system is for a prover to convince a verifier of the correctness of a claim.
Discovery of novel Antibiotics from Actinomycetes by Integrated Metabolomics & Genomics Approaches
Promotor: G.P. van Wezel, Co-promotor: Y.H. Choi
Arabidopsis AGC3 kinases and PIN plasma membrane abundance
The plant hormone auxin plays a central role in the growth and development of plants. Auxin acts in a concentration dependent manner and polar cell-to-cell transport of this hormone determines its distribution in the tissues of plants. This polar auxin transport is mediated by several families of auxin…
Allosteric modulation and ligand binding kinetics at the Kv11.1 channel
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.P. IJzerman, Co-Promotor: L.H. Heitman
Multiple star formation: chemistry, physics and coevality
Multiple stars, that is two or more stars composing a gravitationally bound system, are common in the universe.
Development of kinase inhibitors and activity-based probes
Promotor: H.S. Overkleeft, J. Neefjes, Co-promotor: M. van der Stelt
The impact of defense hormones on the interaction between plants and the soil microbial community
The soil ecosystem consists of the largest reservoir of biodiversity on Earth.
Steady-State Analysis of Large Scale Systems
Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander Co-Promotor: F.M. Spieksma
Data science for tax administration
In this PhD-thesis several new and existing data science application are described that are particularly focused on applications for tax administrations.
Leiden is een echte studentenstad. Meld je aan voor een studievereniging of studentenvereniging om van jouw studietijd een onvergetelijke tijd te maken!
Management of Small-Scale Fisheries at the Elephant Marsh in Malawi
Wetlands provide many ecosystem goods and services which include fish production. The sustainability of small-scale fisheries (SSF) has received considerable attention in recent years because fish is one of the major sources of animal protein to a considerable fraction of the global population which…
Podcast 'Mind the Gap' overbrugt het gat tussen afstuderen en een eerste baan
De nieuwe podcast Mind the Gap begeleidt studenten bij de overgang van afstuderen naar hun eerste baan. Hosts Laura van der Plas en Loes Velthuis vertellen in dit interview meer over de podcast, waarin ze praktische tips delen voor een realistische en zelfverzekerde start van je carrière.
Waar kun je terecht voor meer informatie over de lerarenopleiding?
Personal Professional Skills Lab: een certificaat voor de ontwikkeling van FSW-bachelorstudenten
In lijn met de universitaire en facultaire ambitie: ‘Toekomstgerichte ontwikkeling van studenten’, kunnen alle FSW-bachelorstudenten vanaf nu een driejarig facultair keuzeprogramma volgen met certificaat voor persoonlijk-professionele ontwikkeling. Het programma start met de huidige eerstejaarsstudenten;…
Public and Private Regulation of Financial Markets
How should jurisdictions, both on the national and on the supra-national level, handle the interaction between public and private law where it regards the regulation of financial markets?
Armin Cuyvers
Van onderwijs tot een verrijkende ervaring
Lions of West Africa : ecology of lion (Panthera leo Linnaeus 1975) populations and human-lion conflicts in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, North
Promotores: G.R. de Snoo, B. Sinsin, Co-Promotor: H.H. de Iongh
Ecology of the Ethiopian wolf in a changing landscape: Human carnivore interactions in Afroalpine ecosystems of Ethiopia
Do Ethiopian wolves change their diet and foraging strategy in the landscape under different land uses? How land use affect Afro-alpine rodent Communities? How important are Afro-alpine natural resources utilisation for local livelihoods? What is the human perception of conflict in the Afro-alpine a…
Compiling and Refining Environmental and Economic Accounts (CREAA)
CREEA is a FP7 project on compiling and refining environmental and economic accounts. The project runs from April 2011 to March 2014.
Governance and Data Science Group
The extensive use of electronic communication channels and other devices has opened new possibilities for collecting data on human behavior. This information is sometimes openly accessible, but largely part of administrative registration systems that are not open to the broader public. The data provides…
Lopende onderzoeksprojecten
Hieronder leest u over de lopende onderzoeksprojecten bij Babylab.
Private lessons for guitar and ukelele | English spoken
Kunst en vrije tijd, Kunst en vrije tijd
China’s industrial carbon emissions: Historical drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy targets
Has the industrial sector in China effectively been decarbonizing in recent years, across different regions and subsectors, and is it plausible that it will reduce its CO2 emissions in conformity with national and internationally pledged emission goals?
Interactions of nutrients and pesticides and their effects on aquatic macrofauna
Can we distinguish the effects of pesticides from other abiotic and biotic factors that occur in the field? And how do these factors interact with pesticides?
CONSENT (Consumer sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content services in the digital economy) is a research project funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme. The question central to this research is whether recent changes to consumer and commercial practices developed…
RiskCycle: Risk-based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global scale
How can we, together international experts, define future needs of R+D contributions for innovations in the field of risk-based management of chemicals and products in a global perspective using alternative testing strategies to minimize animal tests?
Structured Parallel Programming for Monte Carlo Tree Search
The thesis is part of a bigger project, the HEPGAME (High Energy Physics Game). The main objective for HEPGAME is the utilization of AI solutions, particularly by using MCTS for simplification of HEP calculations.
Nonparametric Bayesian Methods in Robotic Vision
In this dissertation non-parametric Bayesian methods are used in the application of robotic vision.
SMALL Savannah : an information system for the integrated analysis of land use change in the Far North of Cameroon
Promotores: W.T. de Groot, M. Tchuenté, Co-promotor: J.P. Cheylan