1,335 zoekresultaten voor “students life” in de Publieke website
Mathematics MSc- Student for a Day
PhD Position: Computational Modeling of Auger Capture Rates
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leids Instituut voor Chemisch Onderzoek (LIC)
PhD candidate on (peri-)urban nature-climate interactions
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden (CML)
Honoursonderwijs biedt studenten een extra uitdaging. In de onderwijsproeftuin volgen zij hun nieuwsgierigheid, treden ze buiten de gebaande paden en bereiden ze zich voor op de toekomst.
Master Track Public Administration: Economics and Governance
The Economics and Governance specialisation of the Master in Public Administration teaches you to formulate problem-solving approaches to concrete policy issues found at the intersection between economics and public administration. This specialisation is a unique joint offering of the Department of…
Corruption & Integrity in the Netherlands (1945 - present)
Corruption, integrity (or a lack thereof…) and public values are near omnipresent elements in public administration and politics of all times. Cases of corrupt public officials and politicians continuously emerge. Strangely enough, however, it often remains unknown what actually occurred, how something…
Een gedreven buitenstaander: J.H. van 't Hoff de eerste Nobelprijswinnaar voor Scheikunde
This dissertation presents a new perspective on the life, work and character of the Dutch physical chemist Jacobus Henricus van ’t Hoff, first recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and one of the most important and colourful scientists in Dutch history. The image of Van ’t Hoff that emerges from…
Beeldverwerking en bio-informatica
Aan de hand van de karakteristieke aspecten van een beeld kunnen bepaalde computers ons vertellen wat het beeld laat zien. Ze kunnen dit leren op dezelfde manier als jonge kinderen beelden kunnen leren herkennen. Het verder verbeteren van deze technieken opent de weg naar een hele reeks nieuwe toepassingen.…
The aim of our research program is to better understand the aetiology and course of mood, anxiety and trauma and stressor-related disorders and to test and improve treatments for these disorders.
Learning My Way
Learning about My meaningful Way through life and profession.
Gebiedsontwikkeling Leiden Bio Science Park
Het Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP) is het grootste innovation district van Nederland op het gebied van Life Sciences & Health. De clustering van hoogwaardig onderwijs, onderzoek, zorg en bedrijfsleven trekt studenten, wetenschappers en ondernemers vanuit de hele wereld naar kennisstad Leiden. Het LBSP…
Evaluation of the environmental impact of products (EIPRO)
Identification of the products or product groups that have the greatest environmental impact from a life-cycle perspective using environmentally extended input-output analysis.
Exploring strange new worlds with high-dispersion spectroscopy
Until the 1990s, the only known planets were those in our Solar System. Three decades later, several thousand exoplanets have been discovered orbiting stars other than the Sun, and substantial efforts have been made to explore these strange new worlds through spectroscopic analyses of their atmosphe…
Leiden Bio Science Park
In het Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP) werkt de Universiteit Leiden samen met het bedrijfsleven, het LUMC en de Gemeente Leiden.
The ReCiPe methodology for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA).
Cheating belowground interactions
Mycoheterotrophy is a particular mode of life in which plants obtain carbohydrates from their associated fungal partners, instead of by using photosynthesis.
Aria of the Dutch North Sea
Promotores: C. J. ten Cate; M. A. Ainslie. Co-promotor: W. Slabbekoorn
Innate immunity, developmental speed and their trade-offs in two hexapod models
This thesis focuses on important life history traits and their trade-offs using two hexapod models. Particularly, the trade-off between immune defense and embryonic developmental speed is a central theme of this study.
Cellular Forces: Adhering, Shaping, Sensing and Dividing
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Schmidt
Call for Papers: Environmental History in the Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries Symposium
The first biennial symposium Environmental History in the Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries is scheduled for October 25 and 26, 2024. This event aims to facilitate the exchange of recent research, ongoing projects, and key discussions within the realm of environmental history among scholars from…
Het scriptiearchief dat te vinden was op de website van het Mathematisch Instituut wordt momenteel overgezet naar het Leids Repositorium. Binnenkort kunnen daar de theses vanaf 2008 worden geraadpleegd.
Applied Mathematics (MSc)
Deze opleiding is gericht op zowel computationele als fundamentele aspecten van de wiskunde zoals dynamische systemen, differentiaalvergelijkingen, kansrekening en stochastiek en de toepassing van wiskunde in de life sciences.
Research in Physics, theoretical (MSc)
Deze master specialisatie behandelt een breed scala aan wetenschappelijke onderwerpen, waaronder High Energy Physics and Particle Cosmology, Theoretical Physics of Life Processes en Condensed Matter Theory.
Evolutionary Biology (MSc)
In deze opleiding identificeer je evolutionaire veranderingen over de tijd en bestudeer je de oorsprong en het behoud van biologische variatie in de Tree of Life.
A cycle of life of T cell activation
Grassroots Alliances in Natural Resource Governance: Shaping Territories of Life
Nascholingsdag World Teachers Programme 2024
World Teachers Festival 2024 - Celebrating and exploring language, culture, diversity and criticality in teaching and learning
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Governance of Crisis
Leefklimaat in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen
Binnen de Life in Custody Study wordt grootschalig onderzoek gedaan naar het leefklimaat in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen (PI’s).
SAILS Lunch Time-seminars
Laat je inspireren door Leidse AI-experts uit verschillende vakgebieden. Het universiteitsbrede netwerk SAILS (Society Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences) organiseert tweewekelijks een interessante lezing. SAILS is een initiatief van zeven faculteiten: Rechten, Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen,…
Leidse Impact
Bezuinigen en beboeten: dat is wat het nieuwe kabinet voorstelt. Dat het desastreuze gevolgen gaat hebben vereist geen academisch onderzoek. Het belang van ons onderzoek, en de essentiele bijdragen die Leiden al eeuwen levert aan de Nederlandse samenleving verdienen een spotlight in de politieke waan…
Cardiometabolic determinants of cognitive function in later life
Genetics and Life Course Epidemiology of Cardiometabolic Disease
The circadian system throughout the seasons of life
The field of science communication is very broad. Below is a list of organisations where SCS students can fulfill internships or where alumni have found jobs.
- Aankomende studenten
Fundamental research in the ALgebra, Geometry And Number Theory
Política, Cuerpo e Identidad
This book aims to be a point of reflection and debate for journalists, academics and students to recognize a fundamental task in the duty of the communications professional, which is to influence through their daily work and their routines in order to achieve a more inclusive and plural society, through…
Leren om onderzoek te doen is een goede voorbereiding op wetenschappelijk onderwijs. De Universiteit Leiden helpt je daarom graag op weg om profielwerkstuk te schrijven waar je trots op kunt zijn.
Towards High Performance and Efficient Brain Computer Interface Character Speller: Convolutional Neural Network based Methods
A P300-based Brain Computer Interface character speller, also known as P300 speller, has been an important communication pathway, under extensive research, for people who lose motor ability, such as patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or spinal-cord injury because a P300 speller allows human-beings…
Impact of plant hormones on growth and development of actinobacteria
Plants are colonized by an astounding number of microorganisms that can provide different life-support functions, including nutrient acquisition and protection against (a)biotic stresses like drought or pathogen attack.
Semi-empirical approach to the simulation of molecule-surface reaction dynamics
Catalysis is of extreme relevance in the production of everyday materials and plays a central role in many aspects of our life.
Another Brick in the Wall: The role of the actinobacterial cell wall in antibiotic resistance, phylogeny and development
Streptomyces are multicellular, Gram-positive bacteria in the phylum of actinobacteria which produce a high amount of bioactive natural products of which the expression is tightly coordinated with the life cycle.
Novel role of the AT-HOOK MOTIF NUCLEAR LOCALIZED 15 gene in Arabidopsis meristem activity and longevity
Plant architecture has distinct forms in different plant species, but also within a species the finalarchitecture of a plant is determined by its gradual development and changes therein induced by environmental conditions during the plant’s life cycle.
Unraveling temporal processes using probabilistic graphical models
Real-life processes are characterized by dynamics involving time. Examples are walking, sleeping, disease progress in medical treatment, and events in a workflow.
Metabolomic characterization of plant exudates and their correlation with plant defense systems
Plant exudates appeared long time ago in the history line of life in the early Devonian. They are typical saps produced by specialized cells.
Multi-omics studies of the control of growth and antibiotic production of Streptomyces
Actinobacteria are Gram-positive bacteria that have a complex multicellular life cycle and are well known for their ability to produce a wide range of bioactive natural products (NPs).
LCA of Printed and E-paper Documents
Comparing the global warming potential (GWP) of the service provided by an iRex Digital Reader to the same service provided by an office printer using a scanning LCA.
Aquatic eDNA: Beyond Species Presence
As a non-invasive genetic method, eDNA based approaches have become an important component of ecologists' and environmental managers' toolkits for biomonitoring in conservation and an increasingly important source of ecological knowledge.
Laborinth II : denken als experiment : 472 'meditaties' over de noodzaak van het creatief denken en experimenteren in het uitvoeren van complexe
Dit proefschrift onderzoekt de noodzaak van het creatief denken en experimenteren in het uitvoeren van complexe muziek in de late twintigste- en vroege eenentwintigste eeuw.