1,310 zoekresultaten voor “muller politics en been” in de Publieke website
Revealing the nature of new low-frequency radio source populations
It has now been well established that shocks and turbulent motions in the intra-cluster medium (ICM) generated through cluster mergers can produce large-scale synchrotron emission.
The Demographics of Protoplanetary Disks: from Lupus to Orion
The work presented in this thesis is based on ALMA surveys of protoplanetary disks in three star-forming regions: Lupus, OMC-2, and NGC 2024.
Inhibitors and probes targeting mannanases
This thesis describes the synthesis and biochemical evaluation of a variety of cyclophellitol based activity-based probes and inhibitors targeting various endo- and exo-acting retaining glycosidases. In the last two decades a variety of probes and inhibitors for (hemi)cellulose degrading enzymes have…
Ab initio molecular dynamics calculations on reactions of molecules with metal surfaces
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.J. Kroes
Young suns and infant planets: Probing the origins of solar systems
Even though more than 4000 extra-solar planets are known today, only a small fraction of these has been captured in an image. To better understand the planet formation mechanisms in solar-like environments we started the Young Suns Exoplanet Survey (YSES).
Novel pharmacometric techniques to quantify the pharmacodynamics of analgesics
The overarching clinical aim of this thesis was to improve pharmacological pain management by characterizing the pharmacodynamics of analgesics. This promotion has been awarded the predicate cum laude.
Role of non-homologous end-joining in T-DNA integration in Arabidopsis thaliana
Promotor: P. J. J. Hooykaas Co-promotor: B. S de Pater
Redox Interconversion between Metal Thiolate and Disulfide Compounds
In the last decade, the redox interconversion between metal thiolate and disulfide compounds has been extensively investigated for copper, but not for other transition metal ions.
Sustaining Ethical Aquatic Trade (SEAT)
Creating a framework to assess the sustainability of fish farms which will set sustainability standards and give consumers information about the the sustainability and safety of their seafood.
The chlorine chain study
A substance flow analysis, covering about 99 % of the flows of chlorinated substances in the Netherlands.
Sound Investigation: Effects of noise on marine animals across trophic levels
Anthropogenic noise has been shown to affect marine animals in various ways, this may have fitness consequences at individual and population level. This thesis aims to increase insight into the quantification of sound-induced behavioural responses that are relevant to fitness, and into factors that…
Cyclophellitol analogues for profiling of exo- and endo-glycosidases
To this day, all cyclophellitol-based inhibitors and ABPs have been close analogues of their natural substrate counterparts. As a result, these probes showed high selectivity towards their target glycosidases.
Microfluidic 3D cell culture for high throughput screening
There is an urgent need for more physiologically relevant cell culture methods to guide compound selection in pre-clinical stages of the drug development pipeline.
Risks to Health and the Environment Related to the Use of Lead in Products
The aim of this project was to estimate emissions from lead products-in-use for the past, the present and the future and assess the development of toxicological risks associated with these products.
Enlightening the Primordial Dark Ages
This thesis is dedicated to the exploration of the primordial dark ages: unknown physics during the earliest stages of the Universe’s expansion that have not yet been directly probed by observations. Cosmic inflation is a burst of exponential expansion of space after the “Big Bang”.
Engineering of antigen-saving dissolving microneedles for intradermal vaccine delivery
The intradermal administration route is attractive for vaccine delivery, because of the highly populated antigen-presenting cells in the skin. However, the skin’s main physical barrier, the stratum corneum, prevents vaccines from entering the skin.
Synthetic Methodology Towards ADP-Ribosylation Related Molecular Tools
Phosphorylation affects all four major biomolecules – proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids – and plays a pivotal role in the most fundamental cellular functions.
Unsprayed field margins: effects on environment, biodiversity and agricultural practice
A management strategy has been developed for field margins to reduce pesticide drift to non-target areas and to promote biodiversity on arable land. To this end, 3 and 6 m wide strips along the edges of winter wheat, sugar beet and potato crops have been left unsprayed with herbicides and insecticides…
Cholesterol metabolism in mouse models of atherosclerosis and adrenal steroidogenesis
Cholesterol influences many pathways, including serving as precursor for adrenal steroidogenesis. Imbalance of cholesterol levels has been implicated in several diseases including cardiovascular diseases and its underlying pathology, atherosclerosis.
Abiotic depletion in LCIA
Possible improvements for the assessment of abiotic depletion in LCA.
Novel factors modulating AGC kinase signaling-controlled polar auxin transport
The PID-directed shift in PIN polarity has been broadly accepted as one of the essential mechanisms for the regulation of auxin transport polarity.
De in de introductie geschetste ontwikkelingen leiden ertoe dat huishoudens meer verantwoordelijk gaan dragen voor sociale risico’s, meer zelf moeten plannen, over een langere periode en onder meer onzekerheid.Dit geldt niet alleen in Nederland, maar ook in andere westerse landen. Dit leidt tot de onderstaande…
Systems diagnosis of chronic diseases, explored by metabolomics and ultra-weak photon emission
Promotor: J. van der Greef; Co-promotor: E. van Wijk, M. Wang
Measuring gold molecular gas across cosmic time
Tracing the evolution of the molecular gas content in galaxies is critical for a complete understanding of galaxy formation and evolution, as it provides the direct fuel for star formation. Studies of high-redshift (z>1) molecular gas reservoirs, most commonly traced by carbon monoxide (CO), have seen…
- Summer School: "Manuscript Studies: Codicology and Digital Techniques" (5 ECTS)
Sara Polak: ‘We hebben een mislukte poging tot revolutie gezien’
Een stroom aan nieuwsberichten, pushmeldingen en zelfs extra nieuwsuitzendingen: de wereld werd woensdag opgeschrikt door de bestorming van het Capitool in Washington. Amerikanist Sara Polak reflecteert op de gebeurtenissen.
Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Crisis Management
Het onderzoekscluster ‘Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Crisis Management’ maakt deel uit van het onderzoeksprogramma ‘Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviour’. De betrokken onderzoekers bestuderen hoe politieke conflicten ontstaan en welke typen crises we kunnen onderscheiden. Hoe hanteren…
Overzicht van de vacatures bij de afdeling Economie.
Political Science (MSc)
In de politiek draait alles om het maken van keuzes. Oorlog of vrede, links of rechts, vrijheid of veiligheid, soevereiniteit of integraties, conflict of samenwerking—keuzes doen ertoe. Kiezen is ook een essentieel onderdeel van jouw opleiding. Kies je voor een master’s in de Politieke Wetenschap aan…
Charlotte de Roon wint prijs voor beste Belgisch-Nederlandse politicologische proefschrift
De Els Witte Prijs Jaarprijs Politicologie 2023 gaat naar Charlotte de Roon. Als ‘buitenpromovendus’ aan de Universiteit Leiden schreef zij een proefschrift over politieke jongerenorganisaties in Nederland. Daarmee leverde zij een ‘indrukwekkende bijdrage aan het onderzoeksveld, zowel op analytisch,…
Maurits Berger in EW over islam-uitspraken Mona Keijzer: ‘Beetje Wilderiaans’
Kamerlid Mona Keijzer zei op 17 mei in televisieprogramma ‘Sophie & Jeroen’ dat ‘antisemitisme bijna onderdeel is van de islamitische cultuur’. In EW reageert hoogleraar Maurits Berger op haar uitspraak.
- Geluidsversterking, liften
Towards the development of synthetic vaccines against tuberculosis
The research described in this Thesis was aimed at designing and synthesizing nature-inspired compounds as part of TB vaccine discovery.
Learning class-imbalanced problems from the perspective of data intrinsic characteristics
The class-imbalance problem is a challenging classification task and is frequently encountered in real-world applications. Various techniques have been developed to improve the imbalanced classification performance theoretically and practically.
SFA of Chlorine in Europe: A MacTempo Case-Study
An overview is given of the flows of chlorine and chlorinated hydrocarbons through the Europian Union.
- Master International Relations and Diplomacy
Single-molecule microscopy in zebrafish embryos
Single-Molecule Microscopy (SMM) techniques constitute a group of powerful imaging tools that enable researchers to study the dynamic behavior of individual molecules.
SFA of PVC in Sweden
In this study the flows of PVC and its additives through the Swedish Society were followed from the cradle to the grave (from production to waste treatment).
ICA Top Student Award voor Lotte Melenhorst
Lotte Melenhorst, promovenda aan het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap van de Universiteit Leiden, heeft voor haar paper over de rol van de media in het wetgevingsproces een Top Student Award gekregen van het Political Communication Panel van de International Communication Association (ICA). Dit werd in…
Examining the sustainability aspects of biotechnology, especially those related to the production of ethanol from biomass.
Pesticides Atlas, Pilot Study
Description of Atlas of the surfacewater concentrations of pesticides in the Netherlands, a pilotstudy.
Terrorisme. Studies over terrorisme en terrorismebestrijding
Terrorisme en terrorismebestrijding staat doorlopend hoog op de internationale agenda. Dit handboek beschrijft de laatste stand van zaken in terrorisme en terrorismebestrijding. Een veelomvattend en actueel overzicht van relevante wetenschappelijke studies, praktijkinzichten en ontwikkelingen op nationaal…
Kijken, luisteren, lezen en ontdekken
Een overzicht van blogs, video's, podcasts, boeken, artikelen en activiteiten waarmee u zich verder kunt verdiepen in het koloniale en slavernijverleden.
Afscheid nemen van de politiek, hoe doe je dat?
Nieuwe ministers, nieuwe staatssecretarissen en nieuwe Kamerleden. Rond de verkiezingen gaat het vaak over de nieuwe gezichten, maar er zijn ook veel politici die in deze periode (noodgedwongen) vertrekken. Hoe neem je afscheid van een politieke carrière? Hoogleraar Nederlandse geschiedenis Henk te…
ReCNTR Talk: Shadow IT/The Politics of Digital Tools in Research and Teaching
20th century changes in the Dutch flora
Description of 20th century changes in the Dutch flora: Description and interpretation (1999 - 2005)
Development of life cycle assessment for residue-based bioenergy
Wat zijn de belangrijkste thema's in het uitvoeren van systemen voor bio-energie ?
Inkomen verdeeld, trends 1977-2019
Op 14 oktober 2021 is het publieksboek uitgekomen. Sindsdien kunnen alle bestanden en links via deze website geraadpleegd worden.
Marlou Schrover in de Volkskrant over de opvang van Oekraïense vluchtelingen
Oekraïense vluchtelingen worden warm onthaald in Nederland, maar hoe groot is de kans dat deze gastvrijheid blijft bestaan? In de Volkskrant geeft onder meer hoogleraar Marlou Schrover antwoord op deze vraag.
Rethinking adat strategies: The politics of state recognition of customary land rights in Indonesia