2,211 zoekresultaten voor “group and plants studies” in de Publieke website
gekozen tot lid van het coördinerende comité van de ESIL ‘Interest Group on the International Law of Culture’
In oktober werd Sophie Starrenburg gekozen tot lid van het coördinerende comité van de ESIL ‘Interest Group on the International Law of Culture’. Ze zal hierin samenwerken met Giovanni Carlo Bruno (Italian National Research Council), Andrzej Jakubowski (Polish Academy of Sciences) en Lucas Lixinski…
Class invariants for tame Galois algebras
Promotores: B. Erez, P. Stevenhagen, Co-Promotor: B. de Smit
Photothermal circular dichroism studies of single nanoparticles
In this work, we investigate the minute circular dichroism effects of single nanoparticles.To this aim, we apply photothermal imaging with a polarization-modulated heating beam.
Laboratory studies of Water Ice in Space
Astronomical observations of cold regions in the universe show a rich inventory of ices. Part of these ices may end up on planets like our own, but in that journey they will be exposed to considerable amounts of radiation.
Professor Matthias Haentjens benoemd in Expert Group van de Europese Commissie
Hoogleraar Financieel Recht Matthias Haentjens is recent benoemd tot lid van een Expert Group van de Europese Commissie over een Europees stelsel van conflictregels ten aanzien van effecten en vorderingen. Deze deskundigengroep heeft tot doel het bijstaan van de Commissie in haar werk om te komen tot…
Terrorism and Political Violence
Begrijpen van het evoluerende landschap van extremisme in de 21e eeuw.
Elizabeth Rodriguez Estrada
Faculteit Archeologie
e.e.rodriguez.estrada@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Simone van der Hof toegetreden tot Special Group on Code of Conduct for age-appropriate design
Simone van der Hof, hoogleraar Recht en Digitale Technologie bij eLaw, is als expert toegetreden tot de EU Special Group on Code of Conduct for age-appropriate design.
Citizenship, Migration and Global Transformations
Europese burgers worden geconfronteerd met uitdagingen op het gebied van globalisering, migratie, technologische ontwikkelingen en klimaatverandering. Deze uitdagingen vergen het uiterste van onderlinge internationale en intergenerationele solidariteit, wat rechtstreeks betrekking heeft op de grondslagen…
Cryo Electron Tomography Studies On Bacterial Chemosensory Arrays
Bacterial chemosensory arrays are protein assemblies that are the key structural and functional component for motile bacteria to sense their internal or environmental chemical signals.
Bereid je voor op je studie aan de Universiteit Leiden
Gefeliciteerd, je hebt alle stappen doorlopen en bent nu student aan de Universiteit Leiden! Hieronder vind je alvast wat tips om optimaal voorbereid te zijn.
Jie Hu
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
j.hu@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Daan Scheepers
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
scheepersdt@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3642
A composite indicator for evaluating safety and sustainability by design and circularity in emerging technologies
De eerste index om de veiligheid, duurzaamheid en circulariteit van producten te meten, waarmee ze het EU-kader (SSbD) operationaliseren.
Control of early plant development by light quality
This thesis describes how different colours of light affect various aspects of the growth and development of Arabidopsis and tomato plants.
Control of Western flower thrips through jasmonate-triggered plant immunity
We showed that constitutive and inducible chemical and morphological defenses against Western flower thrips differ between tomato and chrysanthemum plants.
Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies: Comparing Theory and Practice
Professor Edwin Bakker, directeur van het Centrum voor Terrorisme & Contraterrorisme heeft zijn nieuwe boek getiteld 'Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies: Comparing Theory and Practice' bij Leiden University Press uitgebracht.
Andries Hiskes
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
a.r.hiskes@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Manon van der Heijden
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
m.p.c.van.der.heijden@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2670
Leids Universitair Centrum voor de studie van Islam en Samenleving
Het Leids Universitair Centrum voor de studie van Islam en Samenleving (LUCIS) is een interfacultair kenniscentrum dat een multidisciplinaire en vergelijkende benadering van islam en moslimsamenlevingen bevordert.
Antibiotic Discovery: From mechanistic studies to target ID
The investigations described in this thesis lay out strategies aimed at advancing antibiotic research and development. The examples presented revolve around two main approaches: understanding drug-target interactions and target identification.
Systematic, phylogenetic and pollination studies of Specklinia (Orchidaceae)
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. Smets. Co-promotores: B. Gravendeel, F. Pupulin
Beyond random and forbidden interactions : how optimizing energy gain results in morphological matching among subalpine Asteraceae and their flower-visitors
Plants and their pollinators form complex interaction networks. Within these networks, species differ widely in the number of species they interact with.
Green defense against thrips- Exploring natural products for early management of western flower thrips
As a contribution to the changing legislation and evolving societal attitudes concerning environmental issues, this project aims to enhance and manipulate the plants’ own natural defense mechanisms against western flower thrips (WFT).
Impact of plant hormones on growth and development of actinobacteria
Plants are colonized by an astounding number of microorganisms that can provide different life-support functions, including nutrient acquisition and protection against (a)biotic stresses like drought or pathogen attack.
Strategies for the improvement of genome editing in Arabidopsis thaliana
Increasing the efficiency of gene targeting (GT) as a genome editing tool in plants has been an important goal in plant biotechnology.
Fate, accumulation and impact of metallic nanomaterials in the terrestrial environment
The rapidly increasing commercial application of metallic nanoparticles within products will inevitably enhance the amount of NPs being released into soil.
Impact of insect herbivory and microbial inoculants on the rhizosphere microbiome and volatilome
This thesis aims to investigate the effect of tripartite interaction between microbial inoculants, the plant, and herbivore insects on the rhizosphere microbiome and volatilome. We investigated the rhizosphere microbiome and volatilome of tomato plants exposed to insect herbivory and/or inoculated with…
study of Vernonia guineensis Benth. (Asteraceae): bioactivity, safety, and phytochemical analysis
Promotor: Prof.dr. R. Verpoorte, Co-Promotor: Dr. Young Hae Choi
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Studies (MSc)
Deze opleiding biedt de mogelijkheid om top onderzoek te combineren met kennis over ondernemerschap en ervaring in het bedrijfsleven.
Bart Roep
Faculteit Geneeskunde
b.o.roep@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 3869
- Summer School: "Manuscript Studies: Codicology and Digital Techniques" (5 ECTS)
Counting problems for number rings
Promotor: H.W. Lenstra
NMR structural studies of protein-small molecule interactions
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Ubbink, Co-promotor: G. Siegal
Euraziatische Rijken. Integratieprocessen en identiteitsvorming
What holds people together and what makes them willing to fit within larger political structures? Our project examines this question in the practices of dynastic rulership in Eurasia ca. 1300-1800.
Studies on molecular basics of metabolic syndrome in zebrafish
The research described in this thesis has, using the zebrafish as a model system, shed new light on the intricate relationship between TB and DM2, in particular on the role of leptin, SHP-1 and glucocorticoids.
Chemical biology of sphingolipids: fundamental studies and clinical applications
Overkleeft Aerts
Read the new ELS Bulletin and the Midterm Report of Empirical Legal Studies
Recently, a new edition of the ELS bulletin was sent out. Furthermore, we are thrilled to share the Midterm Report of the ELS lab @Leiden with you!
Economic value of non-timber forest products among Paser Indigenous People of East Kalimantan
Promotor: G.A. Persoon, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh
Ice and Gas in Protostellar Clouds and Planet-forming Disks
This thesis takes steps toward understanding the interaction between gas-phase and solid-state molecules in star- and planet-forming regions.
- Hoe kies ik een studie die bij mij past?
Studies on the Pathogenesis of Chronic Kidney Disease
In this thesis, two potential therapeutic targets for diabetic nephropathy were dentified and investigated. First, we show that glomerular clusterin is upregulated in diabetic nephropathy and demonstrated that recombinant clusterin protein can protect the podocytes against oxidative stress in vitro.…
Fungi of the greening Arctic: compositional and functional shifts in response to climatic changes
Promotor: E.F. Smets Co-promotor: J. Geml
Understanding the role of mycorrhizas in global carbon cycle processes
How the global distribution of vegetation stands dominated by arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal plants relate to principle aspects of belowground carbon accumulation processes?
A study on PsbS and its role as a pH sensor
Solar energy harnessed by plants and algae has great potential to be converted into biofuels for future generations.
Global distribution patterns of mycorrhizal associations
Mycorrhizas are symbiotic associations between soil fungi and most plant species.
Towards in-cell structural study of light-harvesting complexes : an investigation with MAS-NMR
Light-Harvesting Complex II (LHCII) is responsible for light absorption and excitation energy transfer in plants and photosynthetic algae, while in high light it undergoes conformational changes by which it quenches excitations to prevent photodamage.
Molecular engineering of plant development using Agrobacterium-mediated protein translocation
Supervisor: P.J.J. Hooykaas Co-Supervisor: R. Offringa
Involvement of host and bacterial factors in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a gram-negative plant pathogen belonging to the family Rhizobiaceae, is the causative agent of crown gall disease, which can affect many plant species including agronomically important ones.
BRASILIAE. Indigenous Knowledge in the Making of Science: Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648).
Investigating the intercultural connections that shaped practices of knowledge production in colonial Dutch Brazil.