826 zoekresultaten voor “recognition role” in de Publieke website
Disrupting the transcriptional machinery to combat triple-negative breast cancer
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a subtype of breast cancer characterized by limited treatment options and unfavorable clinical outcomes. Therefore, the research described in this thesis focused on the exploration of novel targeted therapies for TNBC.
Potential interference of fungal endophytes in Vanilla planifolia on vanilla flavor compounds biosynthesis
Natural vanilla flavor is one of the most important in the world. However, the cost of this flavor is expensive. Production of this flavor by alternative methods, could reduce the cost.
Cell-autonomous and host-dependent CXCR4 signaling in cancer metastasis: insights from a zebrafish xenograft model
Promotor: A.H. Meijer, Co-promotor: B.E. Snaar-Jagalska
Liposome-based vaccines for immune modulation: from antigen selection to nanoparticle design
Nanoparticles can be used as delivery systems for both small molecules and macromolecules such as proteins, peptides or oligonucleotides. This thesis focuses on the use of liposomes, nanometric vesicles formed by a lipid bilayer enclosing an aqueous core. Liposomes are highly versatile delivery syst…
Reflect react and interact
The roles of shame, guilt and social access in adolescent aggression
Synthesis of Ribitol Phosphate based Wall Teichoic acids
Antibiotic resistance, caused by widespread use of antibiotics, leads to bacterial infections that are difficult, if not impossible, to treat and is a major worldwide health concern.
Metabolomic characterization of plant exudates and their correlation with plant defense systems
Plant exudates appeared long time ago in the history line of life in the early Devonian. They are typical saps produced by specialized cells.
Multi-omics studies of the control of growth and antibiotic production of Streptomyces
Actinobacteria are Gram-positive bacteria that have a complex multicellular life cycle and are well known for their ability to produce a wide range of bioactive natural products (NPs).
Innovation and stasis
The name ‘Jambi flora’ refers to fossil plants found as part of a rock formation from the Early Permian (296 million years old), located in the Jambi Province of Sumatra, Indonesia.
Monitoring Alzheimer's disease in transgenic mice with ultra high field magnetic resonance imaging
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J.M de Groot, Co-Promotor: A. Alia
Probing the properties of dark matter particles with astrophysical observations
It is an established fact that the Standard Model has to be extended to explain the so-called Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) phenomena: dark matter, matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe and neutrino flavour oscillations.
The structure of a working catalyst: from flat surfaces to nanoparticles
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.W.M. Frenken
The electrochemical reduction of dioxygen and hydrogen peroxide by molecular copper catalysts
The electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is an essential half-reaction for the utilization of hydrogen as a sustainable fuel, via the conversion of hydrogen to electrons and protons facilitated by the ORR. In the most common fuel cells, the ORR is requires high loadings of non-abundant platinum…
Development of kinase inhibitors and activity-based probes
Promotor: H.S. Overkleeft, J. Neefjes, Co-promotor: M. van der Stelt
De effecten van stress en angst op nocebo hyperalgesie
Welke rol spelen stress en angst bij de vorming van nocebo hyperalgesie?
Autophagy and Lc3-associated phagocytosis in host defense against Salmonella
Control of infectious diseases poses continuous challenges for human health.
Regulation of the arabidopsis AGC kinase PINOID by PDK1 and the microtubule cytoskeleton
Plants, are sessile organisms, have developed strategies to adapt to changes in their environment, in part by altering their growth and development.
Probing molecular layers with low-energy electrons
Molecular materials have been a subject of interest in fundamental research and applications for decades, and have been studied as bulk crystals, (thin) films and as individual molecules, due to the large variety in their properties. This dissertation explores pentacene crystals near the two-dimensional…
Mining the kinematics of discs to hunt for planets in formation
Detecting planets during their formation stages is crucial for understanding the history and diversity of fully developed planetary systems like our own. However, observing young planets directly is challenging because they are often deeply embedded within their host protoplanetary discs, rich in gas…
Instituut Bestuurskunde
Het Instituut Bestuurskunde van de Universiteit Leiden is gevestigd in het bestuurlijke hart van Nederland, in Den Haag. Vanuit deze centrale locatie verbindt het instituut wetenschappelijk onderzoek met de praktijk om actuele vraagstukken uit binnen- en buitenland aan te pakken.
In vitro investigation of the photoprotection mechanism of Light Harvesting Complex II
Solar energy is used by photosynthetic organisms to drive energy required cellular processes. Is absorbed by two groups of pigments, located in the LHCs.
Hydrodynamics and the quantum butterfly effect in Black Holes and large N quantum field theories
Why do black holes emit thermal radiation? And how does a closed quantum system thermalize?
Data-Driven Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Networks
Leiden University and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management are involved in a collaboration in the form of a research project titled 'Data-Driven Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Networks'
Inhibitor Selectivity: Profiling and Prediction
Less than 1 in 10 drug candidates that enter phase 1 clinical trials actually gets approved for human use.
The impact of climate variability on the ecology of a lion (Panthera leo Linnaeus 1758) population and lion livestock conflicts in the Amboseli
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. G.A. Persoon, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh
More JAZ in the orchestration of jasmonate-mediated plant defense
Prof.dr. J. Memelink
Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction toward liquid fuels : on heterogeneous electrocatalysts and heterogenized molecular catalysts
With the energy transition toward a renewable energy supply and a CO2-neutral economy, electrification of the energy system is rising in importance, which leads to the challenge of long-term storage of renewable electricity.
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Miros Zohrehvand
Tracing the journey of the sun and the solar siblings through the Milky Way
Supervisor: S.F. Portegies Zwart Co-Supervisor: A.G.A. Brown
Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures
This article 'Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures: an assessment of the EU High Representatives’ political leadership' assesses the role, influence and core aspects of the EU High Representatives’ (HR/VPs) “political leadership” in the context…
Pharmaceutical Aspects of Subvisible Particles in Protein Formulations
Promotor: W. Jiskoot, Co-promotor: A. Hawe
Biophysical feedbacks between seagrasses and hydrodynamics in relation to grazing, water quality and spatial heterogeneity
Consequences for sediment stability and seston trapping
The noisy underwater world: the effect of sound on behaviour of captive zebrafish
Promotor: Carel J. ten Cate, Co-Promotor: Hans W. Slabbekoorn
Taking control of charge transfer: strategic design for solar cells
Promotor: Huub J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Using insertional mutagenesis to identify breast cancer drivers and therapy resistance genes in mice
In this thesis, we used genetically engineered mouse models to identify genes and pathways that are involved in ILC formation and in the development of resistance to FGFR-targeted therapy.
Resolving a bioindicator diatom species complex using genomic approaches for freshwater biomonitoring
This thesis pioneers diatom molecular identification and quantification through genome-scale methods, with four key aims: (i) reviewing DNA/RNA sequencing methods in aquatic biomonitoring to highlight their strengths and limitations;
Religious Studies at Leiden University allows you to study a broad spectrum of religions and their manifestations.
IBL Symposium 2025
Dynamic organization of bacterial chromatin by DNA bridging proteins
Bacteria often experience external challenges, such as changes in environmental conditions or attacks by bacteriophages.
PhD Position: Interventions for Adolescents' Susceptibility to Misinformation (1.0 FTE, 4 years)
Sociale Wetenschappen, Psychologie
PhD Design and synthesis of Wall Teichoic Acid biosynthesis enzyme inhibitors
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leids Instituut voor Chemisch Onderzoek (LIC)
Lezing: Hoe sociale banden cruciaal zijn tijdens crises
Join this lecture from professor Daniel Aldrich at the Spanish Steps in Wijnhaven on Wednesday 3 November. Dr. Sanneke Kuipers, associate professor in Crisis Governance, will be the moderator of the lecture and she and professor Aldrich give us a preview of the event.
Prijsuitreiking WCC: Onderscheidingen voor topwetenschappers
De Universiteit Leiden organiseert dit jaar de 34ste Award Ceremony van de World Cultural Council (WCC). Wie vallen dit jaar in de prijzen?
Juridische oordeelsvorming in het aansprakelijkheidsrecht en financieel toezicht
Het vertrekpunt van dit onderzoek is de bevinding dat het menselijk brein vatbaar is voor allerlei denkfouten en vooringenomenheden (biases), die onze percepties kleuren en onze redenaties beïnvloeden, zonder dat we dit bewust doorhebben. Integendeel, mensen hebben veelal het gevoel dat zij slechts…
Development of life cycle assessment for residue-based bioenergy
Wat zijn de belangrijkste thema's in het uitvoeren van systemen voor bio-energie ?
De onderzoeksgroep Terrorism and Political Violence van de Universiteit Leiden bestudeert de oorzaken van radicalisering, de tactieken van extremistische groeperingen, en de effectiviteit van anti-terrorismebeleid. We onderzoeken ook de rol van media en de invloed van postkoloniale erfenissen in de…
CONSENT (Consumer sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content services in the digital economy) is a research project funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme. The question central to this research is whether recent changes to consumer and commercial practices developed…
Development of a consistent methodology for assessment of the combined effects of metal-based chemicals to lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
Hoe kan de methode om de gecombineerde effecten van metaal-gebaseerde chemische stoffetn te bepalen worden verbeterd?
Political discourses and the securitization of democracy in post-1991 Ethiopia
This thesis attempts to interrogate post-1991-2015 political development in Ethiopia, focusing on the political discourses espoused by the government and opposition, using the discourse analysis method and securitization theory.
Musems, Collections and Society | Yearbook 2020
In this Yearbook you will find some fascinating examples of what was done in 2021, not only by ourselves, but also by our international colleagues.