1,549 zoekresultaten voor “level cycle analysis” in de Publieke website
Computational electrocatalysis
This dissertation focused on computational methods based on first principles calculations using the Density Functional Theory (DFT) framework. Emphasis was laid on affordable methods that can provide a tradeoff between computational expense and accuracy.
Fungi of the greening Arctic: compositional and functional shifts in response to climatic changes
Promotor: E.F. Smets Co-promotor: J. Geml
Signalling pathways that control development and antibiotic production in streptomyces
Bacteria are highly complex and diverse organisms that have adapted to survive in ecological niches ranging from the most extreme to the most heterogeneous environments.
Zeta-values of arithmetic schemes at negative integers and Weil-étale cohomology
This work is dedicated to interpreting in cohomological terms the special values of zeta functions of arithmetic schemes.
Zebrafish embryos and larvae as a complementary model for behavioural research
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.K. Richardson
Identification and characterization of developmental genes in streptomyces
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.P. van Wezel
Quantitative uncertainty in LCI
Overall dispersion in LCA as result of inherent uncertainties, spread and unrepresentativeness.
Unraveling the mechanism of multicopper oxidases: from ensemble to single molecule
Promotores: Prof.dr. G.W. Canters, Prof.dr. T.J. Aartsma
Rituals of Birth, Circumcision, Marriage, and Death among Muslims in the Netherlands
Migration imposes special pressures on the meaning, experience and organization of lifecycle rituals. These pressures are felt most strongly by Muslim migrants to Western Europe. In this innovative study, Nathal M. Dessing examines the effects of migration on the life cycle rituals of Moroccan, Turkish…
Herkenning van kinderen met en at risk voor angststoornissen in de huisartsenpraktijk
Herkennen huisartsen kinderen die (een verhoogd risico voor) angststoornissen hebben en is er een patroon dat kan helpen om kinderen met en zonder angststoornissen te onderscheiden in de huisartsenpraktijk?
Platinum surface instabilities and their impact in electrochemistry
Hydrogen fuel cells are expected to be pivotal in the energetic transition towards renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. However, their industrial scalability is severely hindered by the high cost and degradation rate of platinum catalysts, one of their key components. Addressing this…
Rene Kleijn
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
kleijn@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1498
Duurzame Energie
In 2050 moet de overstap naar nieuwe, duurzame energiebronnen zijn voltooid. Wetenschappers van de Universiteit Leiden verrichten vanuit diverse disciplines uniek onderzoek dat bijdraagt aan deze transitie en de reductie van CO2.
Online Course EU Policy & Implementation: Making Europe Work!
In this top-rated course, you will learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities. It discusses the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure and the main causes of policy failure or…
Sea level rise and a Florida mortuary pond
The diagnostic value of plasma thrombopoietin levels and platelet autoantibodies
Dit schrijven de media over Nederlandse primeur in dampkring exoplaneet
Woensdag 14 juli publiceerden Nederlandse astronomen een primeur in vakblad Nature. Het was hen als eersten ter wereld gelukt om isotopen te ontwaren in de damkring van een exoplaneet. Een ontdekking die ons meer kan leren over het ontstaan van planeten. Verschillende media schreven over de bijzondere…
Peter Burger en Suzan Verberne in de Volkskrant over QAnon en taalkunde
Twee teams met taalwetenschappers deden onafhankelijk van elkaar onderzoek naar de identiteit van ‘Q’, de persoon van wie wordt verondersteld dat die de complottheorie heeft verspreid. Beide studies lijken te wijzen naar hetzelfde duo.
- English Language Assessment for BA and MA students
Novel Immune Cell-Based Therapies for Atherosclerosis
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kuiper
The Interactions of Human Mobility and Farming Systems and Impacts on Biodiversity and Soil Quality in the Western Highlands of Cameroon
Promotors: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. G.A. Persoon, Prof.dr.ir. H.H. de Iongh
The heart of oxygenic photosynthesis illuminated
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J.M de Groot, Co-Promotor: A. Alia
Refined tautological relations on moduli spaces of curves
The key purpose of this project is to study tautological relations on the level of closed differential forms or even integral cochains (i.e. we don't take classes in cohomology).
Cholesterol metabolism in mouse models of atherosclerosis and adrenal steroidogenesis
Cholesterol influences many pathways, including serving as precursor for adrenal steroidogenesis. Imbalance of cholesterol levels has been implicated in several diseases including cardiovascular diseases and its underlying pathology, atherosclerosis.
Fire and grazers in the West African savanna
Promotores: H.A. Udo de Haes, H.H.T. Prins, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh
Heme biosynthesis and regulation in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger
Promotors: Prof.dr. P.J. Punt, Prof.dr. C.A.M.J.J. van den Hondel
The Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Warfare in Streptomyces
The soil-dwelling, filamentous bacteria of the genus Streptomyces are renowned for their production of useful secondary metabolites including antibiotics. The work described in this thesis provides new insights on the role and regulation of antibiotic production and resistance in these bacteria.
Strategies for Mechanical Metamaterial Design
On a structural level, the properties featured by a majority of mechanical metamaterials can be ascribed to the finite number of soft internal degrees-of freedom allowing for low-energy deformations.
Semi-empirical approach to the simulation of molecule-surface reaction dynamics
Catalysis is of extreme relevance in the production of everyday materials and plays a central role in many aspects of our life.
Synthetic, Physical and Computational Chemistry of Propeller-shaped Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
This thesis systematically studies the physicochemical properties of non-planar, propeller-shaped, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The synthesis of several so-called propellerenes is described on a gram scale, using optimized procedures aimed at using less hazardous reagents and reducing the amount…
Abstract Behavioral Specification: unifying modeling and programming
We strive to address the challenge of constructing a modeling language to write software which can take advantage of recent hardware developments (multicore, cloud) without compromising in its abstraction levels.
Photoinduced processes in dye-sensitized photoanodes under the spotlight: a multiscale in silico investigation
With increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and their detrimental effect on the global climate, modern society needs to push for more renewable energy sources. Storing widely accessible and abundant solar energy in chemical bonds in the form of molecular fuel via artificial photosynthesis…
Controlling growth and morphogenesis of the industrial enzyme producer Streptomyces lividans
Promotor: G.P. van Wezel, Co-Promotor: E. Vijgenboom
'We overspoelen Aziatische landen met ons plasticafval'
Hoewel veel Nederlanders inmiddels netjes hun plasticafval scheiden, belandt nog steeds een beduidend deel uiteindelijk in de oceaan, aldus ecoloog Arnold Tukker. In een interview met de New Scientist vertelt hij waar het mis gaat.
Nederland en China samen aan de slag met beter afvalwatermanagement
Nederland en China kunnen van elkaar leren slimmer om te gaan met afvalwater uit huishoudens en veeteelt. Leidse, Wageningse en Chinese wetenschappers gaan samen met betrokkenen werken aan haalbare oplossingen die milieu, gezondheid en economie vooruit helpen.
molecular mechanisms of ubiquitin-like signal transduction in cell cycle progression
Soil and Crop Management Options to Improve N Cycling on Dairy Farms on Peat Soil
ALL-IN meta-analysis
Voordrachten in het kader van het onderzoeksproject Zelfredzaamheid en sociale bescherming over de levenscyclus (aug. 2017 – dec. 2023).
Alastair Reed over het voorkomen van gewelddadig extremisme bij herstel na belegering
Alastair Reed, universitair docent bij het Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), is geïnterviewd door Devex, het mediaplatform voor de wereldwijde ontwikkelingsgemeenschap.
Biotic ligand models
Description of Biotic ligand models: making an inventory of available models & assessment of the variability of the predicted HC5 using the BLMs in different Dutch water types (2005 - 2007)
René Kleijn op radio en tv over koolstofarme energie
Hoe gaan we in de toekomst energie opwekken zonder nog meer bij te dragen aan de opwarming van de aarde? Industrieel ecoloog René Kleijn spreekt over koolstofarme energie op radio en tv voor het programma Focus, en vertelt erover in de VPRO-gids.
Some case studies of random walks in dynamic random environments
Promotor: Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander, Co-promotor: V. Sidoravicius.
General plant strategies and functions in wetlands: Global trait-based analyses
Wetland plants are distinguished from plants of other terrestrial ecosystems by their adaptations to specific habitat stresses, including waterlogged and flooding and the subsequent abundance of phytotoxic compounds.
The evolution of chemical diversity in plants : pyrrolizidine alkaloids and cytochrome P450s in Jacobaea
Plants produce an astonishing variety of secondary metabolites (SMs) which are thought to play vital roles in the fitness of plants through ecological interactions.
X-ray spectroscopy of merging galaxy clusters
This thesis focuses on the X-ray spectral analysis of merging galaxy clusters and the plasma code development for future high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy observations.
Pharmacology based toxicity assessment: towards quantitative risk prediction in humans
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof
The structure of the dusty cores of active galactic nuclei
Promotor: W. Jaffe, Co-promotor: K. Meisenheimer
Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy
Promotor: T. Schmidt
Figuring rural development: concepts and cases of land use, sustainability and integrative indicators
Promotores: Prof. dr. G.R. (Geert) de Snoo, Dr. E. (Ester) van der Voet