850 zoekresultaten voor “networks” in de Publieke website
Den Hollander
LGBT+ Network
Het LGBT+ Network biedt een platform aan alle lesbische, homoseksuele, biseksuele, transgender, intersekse en queer medewerkers en studenten van de Universiteit Leiden.
Transnational networks and domestic agencies
Doordat markten in toenemende mate zijn geïnternationaliseerd, zijn (sub-)nationale toezichthouders ook steeds vaker internationaal actief. Binnen vormen van internationale netwerksamenwerking wisselen deze toezichthouders onderling informatie uit en onderhandelen ze over internationale standaarden…
Exploration on and of Networks
This dissertation consists of two parts, with the common theme
Bayes and Networks
Promotor: A.W. van der Vaart
Breaking of ensemble equivalence for complex networks
For many system in statistical physics the microcanonical and canonical ensemble are equivalent in the thermodynamic limit, but not for all.
Leiden Jewish Studies Network
Sinds haar oprichting is Universiteit Leiden de thuisbasis van geleerden met een brede en diverse expertise in de geschiedenis, talen, literatuur en materiële culturen die relevant zijn voor de studie van Joden en het Jodendom vanaf de oudheid tot de moderne tijd.
Canonical Cultures network
Religion, Philosophy, and the Pre-modern World
- Quantum Networks and Sensing
How Jihadist Networks Operate
De recente terroristische aanslagen in Europa zijn vermoedelijk niet alleen acties van individuen, maar acties gefaciliteerd door grotere jihadistische netwerken. Maar hoe opereren dit soort netwerken? Door inzicht te krijgen in hun modus operandi kunnen terroristische dreigingen worden voorkomen.
On metrics and models for multiplex networks
In this thesis, we extend the concept of null models as canonical ensembles of multi-graphs with given constraints and present new metrics able to characterize real-world layered systems based on their correlation patterns.
Network flow algorithms for discrete tomography
Promotor: R. Tijdeman, Co-promotor: H.J.J. te Riele
Many objective optimization and complex network analysis
This thesis seeks to combine two different research topics; Multi-Objective Optimization and Complex Network Analysis.
Resource allocation in networks via coalitional games
Promotor: F. Arbab, R. De Nicola, Co-Promotor: M. Tribastone
Network analysis methods for smart inspection in the transport domain
Transport inspectorates are looking for novel methods to identify dangerous behavior, ultimately to reduce risks associated to the movements of people and goods. We explore a data-driven approach to arrive at smart inspections of vehicles.
Data-Driven Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Networks
Leiden University and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management are involved in a collaboration in the form of a research project titled 'Data-Driven Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Networks'
Population-Scale Network Analysis (POPNET)
Een infrastructuur voor onderzoeksdata in computationele sociale wetenschappen
Real-time foresight: preparedness for dynamic innovation networks
Promotor: H.J. van den Herik, B.R. Katzy, Co-promotor: K. Sailer
Design and application of dextran based cross-linked networks
This thesis describes the design, characterization and application of dextran based crosslinked network.
Estimation and Optimization of the Performance of Polyhedral Process Networks
Promotor: Prof.dr.ir. E. Deprettere
Social network and radical innovation: evidence from the U.S. pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry
Innovation plays an essential role in firms' competitiveness and long-term success. It varies from different types, ranging from run-of-the-mill innovation that brings incremental changes to existing technologies to radical innovation that breaks from existing trajectories.
Wireless Random-Access Networks and Spectra of Random Graph
This thesis is divided into two parts. In Part I we study metastability properties of queue-based random-access protocols for wireless networks. The network is modeledas a bipartite graph whose edges represent interference constraints. In Part II we study spectra of inhomogeneous Erdős-Rényi random…
PUPOL Netwerk: Academic Network Public and Political Leadership
Onderzoekers aangesloten bij het Leiden Leadership Centre zijn actieve leden van het PUPOL netwerk. PUPOL is een internationaal academisch netwerk voor publiek en politiek leiderschap. Dit netwerk stimuleert de uitwisseling van ideeën en bevordert gezamenlijk onderzoek tussen wetenschappers gericht…
Solution for Critical Raw Materials - an European Export Network (SCRREEN)
Where and how are critical materials currently used and how can this information be used to develop scenarios about their future demand.
information and variational Bayes in high dimensional statistical network inference
This thesis develops statistical methods for the analysis of high dimensional data: high dimensional networks reconstruction (Chapters 1-4), incorporation of prior information in networks reconstruction (Chapters 2-4), incorporation of prior knowledge in genetic association studies (Chapter 3).
Chainet - European network on chain analysis for environmental decision support
Analytical tools for environmental design and management in a systems perspective. The combined use of analytical tools.
Semi-partitioned Scheduling and Task Migration in Dataflow Networks
Promotor: Ed F. Deprettere, Co-promotor: Todor P. Stefanov
stability of delay differential equations with applications to neural networks
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-Promotor: O.W. van Gaans
Efficient Brain Computer Interface Character Speller: Convolutional Neural Network based Methods
A P300-based Brain Computer Interface character speller, also known as P300 speller, has been an important communication pathway, under extensive research, for people who lose motor ability, such as patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or spinal-cord injury because a P300 speller allows human-beings…
Visual Relation extraction Based on Deep Cross-media Transfer Network
Building a Deep Cross-media Transfer Network to extract visual relations that relieve the problem of insufficient training data for visual tasks.
Flow: A study of electron transport through networks of interconnected nanoparticles
This thesis describes a study from both a theoreticaL and an experimental point of view.
Development of an in vitro vascular network using zebrafish embryonic cells
One of the major limitations in culturing complex tissues or organs is the lack of vascularization in the cultured tissue. Development of a functional capillary bed could overcome this problem.
Moved by the tears of others: emotion networking in the heritage sphere
There is no heritage without emotional sharing and clashing. This article explores the involvement of divergent emotions in heritage making by discussing the debate series of Imagine IC and the Reinwardt Academy and zooming in on the commemoration of slavery and imagery of ‘Black Pete’ in the Netherlands.…
Information Diffusion Analysis in Online Social Networks based on Deep Representation Learning
With the emergence of online social networks (OSNs), the way people create and share information has changed, which becomes faster and broader than traditional social media.
Navigating Networks through Scholarly Correspondence: Epistolary Exchange of Knowledge on Early Medieval English
In een tijdperk vóór GoogleDocs en LinkedIn vertrouwden 19e-eeuwse wetenschappers op het schrijven van brieven voor samenwerking, peer-feedback en het opbouwen en onderhouden van academische netwerken. Brieven waren een snelle, efficiënte manier om inzichten, gegevens en ontdekkingen te delen. Correspondentie…
The Regional Network on the Synergy between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification
Description of The Regional Network on the Synergy between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.
Functional characterization and unraveling the Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) of HD-Zip transcription factor HB40 (and HB22) in Arabidopsis
In this Ph.D. thesis, we characterized two novel upstream regulators of JUB1, HB40, and HB22, in Arabidopsis thaliana. In Chapter 2, we described functions of HB40 in modulating growth and development via the regulation of JUB1 and GA inactivation genes GA2OXs.
Change: How has Women’s Political Mobilization Restructured Political Networks and Changed Local Governance?
Gaat de toenemende deelname van vrouwen aan verkiezingen in ruraal India het bestuur verbeteren?
Digital warfare in the Sahel: popular networks of war and Cultural Violence
This interdisciplinary study focuses on (trans)national ethnic and popular networks, combining historical-ethnographic and computational methods to understand the ‘workings’ of networked conflict interfering in the increasingly violent conflict in the Sahel (Africa) and beyond. The project focuses on…
Leiden Complex Networks Network day on 23 September
On Friday 23 September 2016 the Leiden Complex Networks Network day, the LCN2 day, will take place in Leiden.
Gene networks-based mechanistic assessment of drug-induced organ toxicity: a focus on liver and kidney
Drug induced organ toxicity is the main problem of the drug development and drug usage in the clinic. The liver and kidneys are the most sensitive organs towards drug induced toxicity.
Alberto Ceria-
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
a.ceria@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Call for Papers - Networks of Manuscripts, Networks of Texts (Amsterdam, deadline: 30 April 2020)
This two-day international conference organised by the 'Innovating Knowledge' Project aims to bring together researchers applying network analysis to premodern manuscripts and manuscript texts.
Leiden University Buddhist Studies Network opgericht
Sinds kort bestaat het Leiden University Buddhist Studies Network, opgericht bij het LIAS, het Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.
Linking the gene regulatory network with the functional physical structure of whole-genome engineered Arabidopsis mutants : an HR-MAS NMR-based
Climate change is a challenge for both current and future generations. New biological resources have to be developed in order to meet the demand for energy as well as the demand for food.
LGBT+ Network: een platform voor gelijkgestemden
De Universiteit Leiden is een platform rijker. Vicerector Hester Bijl gaf op 19 september het officiële startschot voor de oprichting van het LGBT+ Network.
Metabolomics Implementation Network gelanceerd voor eerlijke data
Op 10 maart 2017 verwelkomde Professor Karel Luyben (TU Delft) het Metabolomics GO FAIR Implementation Network als community initiatief om de Europese Open Science Cloud te starten. Het netwerk richt zich op het implementeren van de FAIR data principes binnen metabolomics in Europa.
Risk bounds for deep learning
In this thesis, deep learning is studied from a statistical perspective. Convergence rates for the worst case risk bounds of neural network estimators are obtained in the classification, density estimation and linear regression model.
System-level design for efficient execution of CNNs at the edge
A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a biologically inspired algorithm, highly capable at processing images and videos.
Frank Takes
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
f.w.takes@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7143